What were the goals/decisions of the Second Continental Congress?
Why was the first year of the war one of inconsistency?
What were the consequences of the Battle of Bunker Hill?
 British lost large numbers of troops to colonial sharpshooter – but won the battle
 The king declared the colonies in a state of rebellion
 The king hire Hessian soldiers
 October, 1775 the British burned Falmouth, Maine
 January, 1776 burned Norfolk, Va
Why did the colonists continue to deny their intention of independence?
 Loyalty to empire engrained
 Considered themselves part of the British empire
 Colonial unity poor
 Open rebellion dangerous
What was Thomas Paines’ message in Common Sense?
What was Paines’ concept of republicanism?
Among the Patriots, what was a reservation about republicanism?
How did Jefferson organize the Declaration of Independence?
 Explanation of why it was necessary to sever ties with Great Britain
List of grievances
o Imposing taxes without consent
o Dispensing with trial by jury
o Abolishing valued laws
o Establishing a military dictatorship
o Maintaining standing armies in peacetime
o Cutting off trade
o Burning towns
o Hiring mercenaries
o Inciting hostility among Indians
o Inciting slave rebellion
What was the significance of the Declaration of Independence?
How was the Revolution a “war within a war”?
Loyalists – Tories
Patriots – Whigs
What was Burgoyne’s goal in his campaign leading to the Battle of Saratoga?
What is the significance of the Battle of Saratoga?
Why did France aid the American colonies in their fight for independence?
How did this war expand?
How was the war fought:
In the South?
In the West?
At sea?
Why did Cornwallis lose at Yorktown?
Why did the British give the Americans such generous terms in the Treaty of Paris of 1783?
Why should the Americans have been wary of their French allies?