Officer Do`s and Don`ts - NAAE Communities of Practice

Officer Do’s and Don’ts
You are a FFA Officer 24 hours a day 7 days a week
Do- Try to meet as many new people as possible. Often new people are
shy or unsure and could use encouragement and a friendly face.
Do Not- Use FFA meetings as time to catch up with your friend on the
latest gossip.
Do- Set the example. You are to be quiet when others are talking, helpful
and willing to help at all times.
Do Not- talk through speakers, interrupt others, be disrespectful or rude.
Do -offer positive solutions to problems, encourage others to join activities.
Do Not put down or make fun of members EVERDo try to encourage others to stop bad habits.
Do Not EVER discuss inappropriate topics at school (in class, between
classes, at lunch or at meetings) including drinking, alcohol, smoking,
drugs, skipping school, getting busted or caught for anything
Do get active
Do Not complain that no one will do anything especially if you are not a
member of a team or going out for a contest.
Do study and do well in school.
Do Not fail classes while an officer. You should all be making A’s in Ag!
Do plan ahead
Do Not use a test or assignment as an excuse to why you can not perform
an officer duty. You should plan and keep up.
Do attend all meetings.
Do Not miss a meeting without informing Ms Johnson 24 hrs prior to
the meeting. This will result in an unexcused absence. 2 and you are
on probation. This also extends to leaving meetings early. Prior notice
must be given.
This is a guideline and does not include all rules for the officer team.