Graduation Speech

Graduation Speech.
Welcome family, friends, staff and the graduating class of 2007. Thank you for
joining us on this special day. I started working towards my diploma five long
years ago. I’m graduating in the year that would’ve been my 20th High School
reunion. Most, if not all, of my friends graduated back in the 80’s and went on to
college or university. Many enjoy successful careers now. I’ve always felt lacking
or less of a finished human being because I never graduated.
It struck me moments after handing in my final assignment that I had achieved a
very important personal goal. The only other time I’d felt this sort of bursting pride
was after the birth of my son. I stood there in the PALC parking lot fighting back
tears. Pride is not something I’m familiar with and I found it disconcerting, to say
the least.
I know if it weren’t for the wonderful and diverse people I attended class with, I
wouldn’t have gotten through as well as I did. I walked into Writing 12, last
September, one of two English as a first language students. I was intimidated. I
felt sure I wouldn’t be accepted and would remain a stranger among these
people. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I met people from Taiwan, Mainland
China, Korea, India, Moldova and Japan. All were welcoming, friendly, open,
honest, comedic and sincere. A warmer group of people I have never known.
Finishing my final credit among these fabulous people became fun. I looked
forward to class each week and was frustrated when for one reason or another I
couldn’t attend. The Pearson Adult Learning Center is the most richly multicultural society I’ve ever known.
We have a large graduating class this year. This is due in no small part to the
amazing faculty. Brad Hyde was our Writing 12 teacher and he’s great. Brad’s the
kind of teacher you always hope you’ll get. He’s quick to help, unafraid of telling
you the truth, even when it hurts, always encouraging and funny to boot. The
teachers of the PALC share a profound philosophy; “I’ll guide you in your
direction, but you’ll have to walk on your own two feet.” The educators here are
one of a kind. They do a wonderful job of making the learning center a welcoming
and friendly place. Every single staff member here is quick to help and you get the
sincere feeling that they really do want to see you do well and succeed.
I remember how I felt when I first started this long trek towards graduation. I’m
sure all of us felt daunted and it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Some of us walked through these doors new Canadians. Some of us were not
able to communicate as well as we would’ve liked and that made it seem
impossible to get to where we’re standing today. We did it though, together. We
had each other. I’m honored to be graduating with you. You’ve inspired me time
and time again and I’m so proud to know all of you. Congratulations class of 2007.