Write a Ballad

Write your own ballad!
Due Date: Friday, November 14th
Directions: Choose a popular/famous song (one everybody knows)
Change the words to tell one of the following stories.
Topic Choices
1. The Ballad of Beowulf – This ballad should tell the story of
Beowulf’s Epic adventures. You can limit it to just the battle with
Grendel, his mom, or even the dragon (if you want to read that
missing piece)
2. The Ballad of Embarrassment—This ballad should tell your most
embarrassing moment. Names can be changed to protect the
3. The Ballad of ______________—This ballad can be of your
choosing, but it must be considered TRAGIC.
4. The Ballad of ______________—This ballad can be of your
choosing, but it must be considered SENSATIONAL
*****Note: None of these topics are to be taken too seriously. Be
creative and entertain your audience.