Connections to “We Wear the Mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar 2nd

Connections to “We Wear the Mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar
2nd period
Some people hide things, “masks”
Smile even though we’re sad to reassure
People are sad inside but have to fake a smile
We’re not always happy
Put on a brave face so people don’t think
they’re getting to you
Hide true identity, change personality to fit in
4th period
Me/Life –
Actors like acting because they can be
someone else and hide true feelings
Shows how people can be fake
Shows that mask of apathy is the easy way out
Celebrities are conflicted deep down inside,
but put a face on outside because so many
people look up to them and judging them
Mask is already made for people, have to put it
on whether they want to or not
People are evil; the world is our audience
Their love for each other was hidden from
families, he felt like he had to hide it from
Act like they had no connections
Writing style, poetic form
Met at a masquerade ball
6th period
Masks hide their feelings
Masks can make you look happy when you
really are not
Everyone has their own problems but they try
to hide them but really don't have to
Hiding yourself from the society
Reflection of the modern society- hide their
feelings inside
Sometimes people think that they are happier
than they actually are by using “masks”
Some people act differently
Hiding the greed and masks are used as a
social norm
People act differently based on their situation
Longer you wear it, harder to take off – Be
Romeo and Juliet “mask” is hiding how
people feel
Rhythm are both poetry Iambic poetry
Romeo and Juliet are being denied happiness
by others
Romeo and Juliet are wearing masks
R & JHad to hide feelings for each other
Two lovers wished to be together but had to
hide it because people objected
Relationship was built on a lie