Kingwood Middle School Thursday Late Arrival

Kingwood Middle School Thursday Late Arrival
Here are a few helpful reminders about Thursday mornings:
 Classes begin on Thursday’s only at 10:15AM (The only exceptions
thus far are during Final Exams on 12/20/12 & 6/6/13 when we will
start normal time at 8:35AM).
 The building will be opened at 7:45AM until 8:30AM for those who
need to drop your students off each Thursday morning
 Students are not allowed to leave the building if they are dropped off
early. This becomes a safety issue and will be treated as a disciplinary
 Transportation will not run the early route (to get them here by
8:30AM) but will run to get them here by 10AM or shortly thereafter
each Thursday
 The link for bus transportation is It will allow you to input
your address and let you know your bus route and bus stop
announcement for the 2012-2013 school year
 Breakfast will be served from 8-8:30AM each Thursday for those that
arrive early
 For those that arrive early, we will have supervision for students in the
cafeteria with tables set out for them to work
 We will not allow students in the hallways or into other parts of the
building since we will have teachers busy with planning
 We will reopen the building at 9:45AM for students that are arriving
for school. We will ask that students stay in the cafeteria and snack
bar area. We will not allow them to their locker areas until we release
at 10:05AM for them to go to 1st period
 Students will go to all 7 classes on Thursday. The classes will be 40
minutes in duration versus the normal 55 minutes on all other days of
the week
 Students that arrive early on Thursdays (7:45-8:30AM) will be allowed
to listen to music devices but we caution you that they must bring at
their own risk and must have them locked up the remainder of the day