Nursing Care for Miscellaneous Pediatric Neurological Condit

Nursing Care for Miscellaneous Pediatric Neurological Conditions
Study Guide
References: Foundations of Nursing, 4th Edition, ISBN 0-323-01727-4
Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric Nursing, 4th Edition,
ISBN 0-7216-9334-2
Student Study Assignment: Chapter 23, pages 548-565, Introduction to Maternity
and Pediatric Nursing, 4th Edition, Leifer and Chapter 30, pages 869-871, Foundations
of Nursing, 4th Edition, Christensen.
Terminal Learning Objective: Given a scenario of a pediatric patient with a
neurological condition, provide safe and effective care IAW Leifer and Christensen.
Enabling Learning Objective:
A: Describe the pathophysiology, manifestations, medical treatment and nursing
care for a child with a brain tumor.
B: Describe the pathophysiology, manifestations, types and treatment of seizure
C: Determine appropriate nursing care for a child with a seizure disorder.
D: Describe the pathophysiology, manifestations, treatment and nursing care for
a child with cerebral palsy.
E: Determine appropriate nursing goals and parent education for a mentally
retarded child.
F: Describe the pathophysiology and manifestations of a child with a head injury.
G: Determine appropriate nursing care for a child with a head injury.
H: Examine the incidence and priorities of care related to near drowning.
I. Brain Tumors
1. The majority of brain tumors in children are located in the _______________
2. The manifestations of a brain tumor are directly related to the ____________
3. Most brain tumors create:
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
Nursing Care for Miscellaneous Pediatric Neurological Conditions
Study Guide
e. __________________________________________________________
II. Seizure Disorders
1. Febrile seizures occur in response to a _____________________________
2. What information should the nurse observe and record after a seizure?
a. ______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________________
f. ______________________________________________________
g. ______________________________________________________
3. Match each classification of seizure with its description (a-d).
_____ generalized tonic-clonic
a. temporary loss of awareness
b. can be manifested by motor
activities, sensory signs, or
psychomotor activity
c. repetitive muscle contractions
d. has three phases: aura,
seizure, and postictal period
_____ absence seizure
_____ partial seizure
_____ myoclonic seizure
4. What is the term meaning a series of convulsions rapidly following one
another? ________________________________________________
III. Cerebral Palsy
1. List four common causes of cerebral palsy.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________
Nursing Care for Miscellaneous Pediatric Neurological Conditions
Study Guide
d. _____________________________________________________
2. List three clinical manifestations that might indicate a child has cerebral palsy.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________
IV. Mental Retardation
1. List two approaches that parents of mentally retarded children can take to
enhance their child’s abilities.
a. ________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________
V. Head Injury
1. Four components of a neurological check are:
a. ________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________
2. List three questions you might ask a 4-year-old child to help determine his or
her level of consciousness.
a. ________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________
Nursing Care for Miscellaneous Pediatric Neurological Conditions
Study Guide
3. Name three things you could observe to test the motor ability of a child with a
head injury.
a. ________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________
4. What special observations should be made of an infant with a head injury?
a. ________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________
VI. Near Drowning
1. Using the following scenario, identify three nursing diagnosis for a child with
altered level of consciousness.
A 4 year-old child fell into a pool while playing, hitting his head on the pool
deck. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation reestablished a heartbeat and
spontaneous respirations. The child is admitted with signs of increased
intracranial pressure, including a decreased level of consciousness and an
absence of the gag reflex.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________