Detection Algorithm for Night

Detection Algorithm for Night
Algorithm Overview
A PVC pipe with a vertical stripe of LEDs is installed. The LEDs are positioned directly
towards the camera. With a high signal noise ratio, the nighttime water level detection
algorithm is quite simple. We define a region of interest (ROI) to speed up the process
and avoid false positives. Figure 1 is the flow diagram of the algorithm. The output
contains a processed image, the length of the ON pixels (which will be converted to a
normalized water level in the driving perl script), and the confidence value – the line
fitting error. Figure 2 shows a sample image taken at the dawn be processed.
Image + ROI
Binarized the image
Image cleaning
dilation and erosion)
Input Image with ROI superimposed
Compute the length
of ON pixels
Fit a line to the ON pixels
Compute the line fitting error
+ Raw LED length
Image + Confidence Value
Figure 1: Block Diagram for
nighttime water level Detection
ROI being processed
Figure 2: A sample image being processed
Implementation Details
We use an image IO utility (OpenIL) to load and save images. It is freely from the web at The nighttime detection module is a standalone C program. Its
source contains three files, filter.C, filter.h, and night.C. night.C is the driver program
that calls image processing functions that are implemented in filter.c. In filter.C, the
following image processing functions are implemented.
void dilation(int w, int h, unsigned char * src, unsigned
char * des) ;
Description: Perform image dilation using a 3x3 kernel;
Prerequisite: a) the image must be a binary image; each pixel can only have two
valid values, either zero or one. B) The src and des pointers cannot be the same.
Parameters: w – image width
h – image height
src – pointer to the source image;
des – pointer to the destination image
void erosion(int w, int h, unsigned char * src, unsigned
char * des) ;
Description: Perform image erosion using a 3x3 kernel;
Prerequisite: a) the image must be a binary image, each pixel can only have two
valid values, either zero or one. B) The src and des pointers cannot be the same.
Parameters: w – image width
H – image height
Src – pointer to the source image
Des – pointer to the destination image.
void binarize(int w, int h, unsigned char * src, unsigned
char * des, float threshold) ;
Description: convert a gray scale image to a binary image;
Prerequisite: a) the source image must be a gray scale image;
Parameters: w – image width
H – image height
Src – pointer to the source image;
Des – pointer to the destination image
Threshold – the threshold value, normalized between 0 and 1
void imfeature(int w, int h, unsigned char * src, FEATURES
*fea) ;
Description: compute some image features. Right now, one only the length of the
feature and feature size (in pixels) are computed;
Prerequisite: NONE
Parameters: w – image width
H – image height
Src – a pointer to the source image;
fea – a pointer to the FEATURES structure (defined below). Only the
m_top, m_bottom and m_pixCnt will be filled by this function.
struct FEATURES{
int m_top, m_bottom;
int m_pixCnt;
float m_line[4];
float m_fitError;
float m_lineDir;
// to be expanded as needed;
void crop(int w, int h, unsigned char * src,
int startx, int starty, int newW, int newH,
unsigned char * des);
Description: crop the image.
Prerequisite: 0 < startx < w, 0< starty < h; b) the image must be a single channel
image, i.e. one byte per pixel.
Parameters: w – image width
H – image height
Src – pointer to the source image;
Startx, starty – the upper left corner of the cropped image
NewW, newh – the dimension of the cropped image
Des – pointer to the cropped image
void fill(int w, int h, unsigned char * src,
int startx, int starty, int newW, int newH,
unsigned char * des);
Description: update a potion of the image with.
Prerequisite: 0 < startx < w, 0< starty < h; b) the image must be a single channel
image, i.e. one byte per pixel.
Parameters: w – original image width
H – original image height
Src – pointer to the image that will be replaced;
Startx, starty – the upper left corner of the update region
NewW, newh – the dimension of the update region;
Des – pointer to the pixel array that will replace the region in the original
void MNCC(int w, int h, unsigned char * src,
int pw, int ph, unsigned char * pattern, float *
Description: Perform normalized correlation using a custom-provided template.
Prerequisite: the template must have odd sizes in both dimensions; b) the image
must be a single channel image, i.e. one byte per pixel;
Parameters: w – original image width
H – original image height
Src – pointer to the image;
Pw, ph – the size of the template
pattern – pointer to the template’s array of pixels
result – pointer to a float array where the correlation score will be stored.
The correlation score is computed as
r 
[n IM  ( I ) M ]
[n I 2  ( I ) 2 ][ n M 2  ( M ) 2 ]
where n is the number of pixels in the template, and I is the image
and M is the template (model)
float * fitLine(int w, int h, unsigned char * src,
float * line) ;
Description: Fit the ON pixels to a line;
Prerequisite: a) the image must be a binary image, each pixel can only have two
valid values, either zero or one. B) line must be an array that can at least hold four
Parameters: w – image width
H – image height
Src – pointer to the source image
line – pointer to the array that will hold the line parameters. The line is
 x  t * line[0]  line[2]
expressed in a parametric form. 
, where t is a
 y  t * line[1]  line[3]
float calDist(int w, int h, unsigned char * src,
float * line) ;
Description: Fit the ON pixels to a line;
Prerequisite: a) the image must be a binary image, each pixel can only have two
valid values, either zero or one.
Parameters: w – image width
H – image height
Src – pointer to the source image
Line – pointer to the array that holds the line parameters, in the same
format as in function fitLine.
Algorithm Tuning
The only user-defined values are the ROI and the threshold for binarize the image. While
the ROI is supplied as a command line parameter, the threshold can only be changed at
compile time. It is defined as a constant number in night.C. Usually, the default value
(0.72) works fine. The binarization algorithm uses the threshold as a relative number to
adjust to various lighting conditions. It is not recommended to change that value.
COMP 145 – Project #6
Flood Warning System
Team Report
April 26, 2001
Kevin Berry
Ashes Ganguly
Alex Giouzenis
Ruigang Yang
The goal of this project is to develop a Flood Warning System that will be deployed near
Little Creek, Chapel Hill. The upstream tributaries of Little Creek flood regularly and
frequently damage Eastgate Shopping Center and Camelot Village apartments. Our client
is Stephen Tell, who already has a camera setup at Little Creek near his house. A picture
from that camera is shown below.
We develop image analysis software to
detect the water level, both in day and night.
A web-based archive and report system is
also implemented. System administrator can
customize various parameters of the
detection algorithms, as well as the warning
actions when a dangerous water level is
detected. It is our belief that we have
reached our primary goal – providing a
working system that is robust, easy to use,
and highly customizable.
Technical Lessons Learned
Image Analysis
The core of the system is the water level detection algorithm. Our client is responsible for
the hardware setup; we have to come up with our own detection algorithm. It contains
two separate modules for daytime and nighttime respectively. Alex and Ruigang are
responsible for the design and implementation of these modules.
Stephen installed a piece of plywood, painted with alternating black and white stripes, as
you can see in the above picture, high-lighted in the right. The stripes are slanted to
prevent ambiguity from reflections (a great idea!). Basically, we will have to solve a
pattern-matching problem – detect the slanted stripes from the image. We tested two
methods, one is based on statistics of the stripes, such as the slant angle, blob size, etc.
The other is based on template matching. It turned out that the first method is quite
susceptible to noise and variation in lightings. On the other hand, the template matching
method is quite robust. It can detect the stripes even when more than 80% of the plywood
is under water. It behaved better than expected when we rotated the image to simulate the
rotation of camera. It is able to detect with up to +/-10 degrees of rotations. While
template matching is a great method, cares must be taken to select the template. Our
experiment shows that a real template cropped from real images behaves much better
than a hand-drawn template. In the production code, we use a 13x21 template shown in
the right. Reflection was one of our major concerns during the design phase. The stream
was flooded once so we actually have some real pictures in which the fiducicals were
actually submerged. It turned out that reflections rarely exist.
The nighttime detection module is simpler compared to the daytime one. Stephen
installed a vertical stripe of LEDs on a PVC pipe (highlighted in the left in the creek
picture). The LEDs are pointing directly to the camera. They are the only things visible at
night. We convert the image into a binary image and count the number of on pixels. Our
only concern is the light refracted under water. It has not been tested because the water
level remains lower than the LEDs since the pipe was installed. However, we notice that
the water is very muddy during normal time, thus we expect it be even less transparent
when flood occurs. (Can some one generate a ray-tracing physical-based muddy water
picture for testing? )
In both modules, we use a user-defined region of interest (ROI) to speed up the
computation and avoid false positives. The ROI can be quite relaxed to reduce the
frequency of “calibration”.
The biggest pity for the detection algorithm is the lack of high accuracy, especially in the
daytime. The current code sometime misses the lowest block in the plywood, which
results to a 5-10 cm fluctuation of water levels. It is a quite difficult task to accurately
detect every block given that each block shows up in the camera no bigger than a 10 x 10
pixel blob. Prof. Welch suggested us to use a zoom camera for larger targets. According
to our client, it is quite difficult to find a weather-resistant camera with a zoom lens. So
we have to make the best use of the existing hardware. We hope the 5-10 cm resolution is
good enough for a warning system. The system’s accuracy can certainly be improved by
using a bigger target pattern. This is difficult to do because the force of flooding water is
quite big. During the semester, the target pattern has to be salvaged several times. A big
pattern makes it even more difficult to withstand water.
Our client wants to have a confidence measure about the water level reported. We spend
quite sometime thinking and discussing what kind of confidence metrics we should use.
The metrics we come up are based on some heuristics. We wish we could have some
more scientific measures.
System Integration
System integration was quite tedious. Ashes did a great job binding every piece together
into a working system. The use of Perl script is a smart choice. System configurations are
all in human-readable plain text. We believe our client will like this all console-based
One of the challenges for system integration is to make the output from daytime and
nighttime modules consistent. Right now, it is still up to the user to decide a bias and a
scale to normalize both outputs. If we had time, we could make it automatic by
examining the two outputs in more detail.
Lessons Learned from Team work
We enjoy a very high level of “democracy” in our group. Typically, we divide a task into
several sub tasks, and everyone picks his own task based on preference and capabilities.
Thus, every one in the team contributes to the task and learns something from it. Usually
it worked quite well. Our final product is truly a group product. Since everyone sticks to a
relatively simple and well-defined interface, our system actually worked in the first time
we put every piece together. The downside is that some time the finished product or
documents lack consistency. Our presentation in class was less than perfect primarily
because of that. We have assigned roles for everyone, but they are not carried out quite
efficiently. If we were going to do this again, we would probably encourage everyone to
pursue his management role more aggressively.
It also seems inevitable that a project takes as long as the deadline is not coming.
Fortunately, our project reached our goal on time, though everyone must remember the
last few hectic days.
Overall, we believe we have a successful project and a friendly and united team.
Everyone learned something from it, both from a technical standpoint and a teamwork
standpoint. We enjoyed a high level of “democracy” and discussed outstanding issues
openly and frankly. We believe our final product will be used in the real environment.
Of course, there are still places for improvement; a number of them are mentioned in
previous sections. As a project in general, there are two things we would do differently
next time. First, we probably would use some quick prototyping tools such as matlab to
first experiment with different detection algorithms, instead of starting from scratch in C.
Secondly, we also wish the final hardware setup could be in place earlier to give us more
real pictures to test with. It is hard to simulate refractions and reflections in pictures.