
Позакласний захід з англійської мови
"Love makes the world go round"
Мета заходу: розвиток пізнавальних навичок учнів, мотивація для подальшого вивчення і
удосконалення англійської мови і максимально можливе розкриття творчого потенціалу
Характеристика заходу:
Колективний (група учнів з 8-го по 11-й клас)
Міжпредметний: англійска мова, література, музика, образотворче мистецтво.
Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор, відео-презентації, обладнання для презентації
піском, реквізит для театральних вистав.
Хід заходу
Зал оформлений у відповідності до теми заходу: серця, квіти, кульки, Купідони, на сцені
на столі підсвічник з свічками.
Поки збираються глядачі, транслюються музичні презентаціі.
Звук фанфарів
Ведуча: Dear guests! Today we have gathered here to speak about LOVE. Our world is very
complicated. It’s full of passion. Everybody expresses his feelings in different ways. Composers
express their thoughts into music, ( виконання ученицею 9 класу Реквієму В.А.Моцарта
(піаніно), dancers show their emotions with the help of the dance routines ( Вальс у виконанні
учнів 8 класу Allessandro Olivato “Mia Bello Amore”)
Ведуча: Poets are a special category of people who put their feelings and emotions into verses.
Poetic words have tremendous power. They can make people riot and struggle filling their hearts
with courage and determination. They can make people laugh and cry, filling their hearts with
gentleness and compassion.
Why I Love You
( Учень 9 класу у супроводі музики декламує вірш )
You give to me hope And help me to cope
When life pulls me down You bring me around
You teach me to care And help me to share
You make me honest With kindness the best
From you I learned love With grace from above
It's for you I live And I want to give
You are the reason That fills each season
When I hear love I think of you You are my world and best friend too
I love you because you are so kind, thoughtful and caring
I love you because you are so pleasant, lovely and sharing
Музичний супровід
Девушка: LOVE! Only four letters in the word! But what strength!
Юноша: What is LOVE? Can people live without love?
Девушка: Does love change you?
Юноша: Why do we lose love?
Девушка: At least once a life every person tries to find answers to these questions.
Юноша: And every time, answering these questions, we are amused to realize how many
different meanings this small word has. But what strength and power it possesses!
Девушка:Listen, do you hear?
Вместе Only love is spoken here! Happy Valentine’s day!!!
Виконання пісні учнями 10 класу.
Adele “Someone like you”
I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you.
Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.
Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"
You know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
We were born and raised
In a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I'd hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.
Демонстрування відеозапису щодо історії святкування Дня Святого Валентина.
Голос з-за завіси: ( Муз.супровід саундтрек з фільму “Gladiator”)
There are several stories about the origin of the day. According to one legend Valentine was a
Christian priest in the Roman Empire 300 after the death of Jesus Christ.
When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers for his army, he made a special law
against marrying because he was sure that getting married made men want to stay at home
instead of fighting wars. But at that time there lived a priest called Valentine. He couldn’t agree
with the emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married
them secretly.
Св. Валентин виходить на сцену, у нього в руках свічка, він повільно проходить і запалює
свічки на столі. Подходячи до столу з глибини залу, він говоре: (Муз. Супровід Enya “As
Angels call it heaven's paradise,
Devils - hell's torture.
But people call it LOVE.
Love is a great treasure.
I believe that love will never die.
I want to bless love and loving people.
I believe in love.
Scene 1
На сцені з’являються юнак та дівчина, які одягнені у одяг часів Римської імперії.
Він: Oh, please! Marry us! We love each other truly! We can’t live without each other.
Вона: I’ll die, if you don’t marry us. Please, please. Help us! (вони падають на коліна)
Священик: I see how much you love each other. I will help you. My daughter! My son! I
declare you husband and wife! Live long and be happy!
(вриваються вартові, вони хватають священика)
Вартовий 1: Priest, you have been discovered and condemned to death!
Вартовий 2: How dare you break the law? To prison! To prison!
Він и вона: Farewell, Father!
Scene 2
Священик у в’язниці. Звучить сумна мелодія, виконується повільний танок. Входить
наглядач с дочкою. ( Enya “As Baile”)
Священик: What a beautiful girl!
Наглядач: This is my daughter. She is so unhappy. She is blind. She will never enjoy the light
of the sun! She will never see the blue sky! She will never see the trees! (плаче)
Священик: I will help you. Come up to me, poor child! Don’t be afraid!
(через деякий час дочка наглядача показує, що до неї вернувся зір,, вона щаслива)
Дівчина: You’ve worked a miracle! Thank you! You are so kind. Even here, in prison, you
show your love for everyone. I’m so grateful to you! May I come to visit you every day?
Священик: Unfortunately, tomorrow, on February 14, I am to die. But I’m not scared and I
want to tell everybody on earth, “I love you. I’m your Valentine”. ( роздає у зал валентинки )
Голос з-за куліс: Just before his death, on February 14, Valentine sent the girl a farewell
message which he signed ”From your Valentine”. Муз. супровід Rufus “Winwright Hallelujah”
На сцену знову виходять ведучі
Юнак: Now I think everybody understands why this day is observed in many countries of the
world. It’s a good time to show your love.
Дівчина: Love to your mother, granny, to your sister or brother, to your relatives and friends.
Юнак: So much is told about LOVE … and so little.
Дівчина: Because while there is life, there is love.
Учениця 11 класу декламує вірш “A toothbrush and a tire”
Танок у виконанні учениці 9 класу та її партнера ( Dj Maksy Vs Skylar Grey “Love the Way
You Lie” (Rumba)
Юнак: If you know and feel true love, you are happy.
Дівчина: There are so many stories about love. Some are sad and thrilling, others are happy and
beautiful. We are going to tell you some of them. And maybe they will help you to understand
what the true love is and what is love at the first sight? Does it exist?
Сценарій сказки HAPPY WEDDING
Діючі особи:
King - король Англії
Queen - його жінка королева
Diana - їх старша дочка
Ann - молодша дочка
Queen from Holland - королева Голландії
Alexander - принц Голландії
Servant - слуга
Музучний супровід Додаток 9
На сцені королівська сім’я за столом - король у кріслі, королева і кріслі, дві дочки на
King: My dear daughters, you have already become adult. You, elder daughter, Diana, are so
beautiful and no one is more beautiful than you! You are already eighteen. Your mother and I
have thought of getting you married. One Dutch Prince is arriving in England from Holland. He
is looking for his future wife in England!
Queen: Diana, your father is totally right. You are so smart and only the Prince is suitable for
you. All people know him because he is very handsome.
Ann: Dear sister, Diana, you have to obey our parents, you know, we have to. Then, after you, I
will marry. People say the Prince is so nice!
Diana: My dear father, Your Majesty, Mummy and sister! I don’t want to marry. Then, I will
leave you for Holland but I will miss you there. Please, don’t persuade me!
King: You must obey! (владно стучить посохом по підлозі) You are the eldest daughter of
mine, you are already 18!
Diana: Father, be gracious to me, please!
Діана починає плакати. Опускає обличчя на руки, і все сильніше лунають її схлипи.
Роздратований батько кричить слузі подати чай, каву, фрукти до столу.
King: Servant, servant!
На сцену вибігає слуга.
Servant: Yes, Your Majesty?
Король владно стучить посохом по підлозі.
King: You, bring us tea, coffee, fruit. We want to drink tea and eat some fruit!
Слуга кланяється і біжить за фруктами та напоями. В цей час король, королева та їх две
дочки сидять за столом та продовжують вмовляти Діану вийти заміж. Молодша сестра
Анна втішає старшу, гладить рукою по голові. Всі тихо размовляють, размахуючи руками
(особливо король).
Входе слугаз підносом з фруктами, чаєм та кофе. кладе все на стіл і швидко, але
одночасно елегантно і угідливо наливає у чашки напої і подає їх кожному.
Вся сем’я їсть і п’є, тихо між собою перемовляючись.
На сцену вибігає слуга, він сповіщає короля та королеву про те, що королева Голландії та
її син принц Александр прибули до них у палац.
Servant: Your Majesty! Mother Queen from Holland and her son Prince Alexander have just
Король, королева дуже зраділи повідомленню. Встають з-за столу, відходять від нього,
проходять на зустріч гостям і протягують руки королеві Голландії та її сину зі словами
вітання. Король при цьому гордовито вскидує голову.
King: You are welcome, dear guests! Nice to meet you! We are so happy and proud you are
Всі вітаються, король цілує руку королеви Голландії, принц - цілує руки королеви Англії
та дочок короля.
У цей же час принц з великою зацікавленістю дивиться на старшу дочку Діану, яка
схилилася в поклоні перед королевою Голландії, і посміхається їй. Діана також піднімає
обличчя і дивитться на принца. І видно, що він їй вже встиг сподобатись!
Королева Голландії говорить про те, що вони із сином чули, що король збирається видати
свою старшу дочку заміж. Король підтверджує ці слова. Тоді королева Голландії пояснює
королеві, що її синові його старша дочка дуже подобається, і він буде дуже радий
одружитися з нею. Також і те, що вона просто зводить її сина з розуму своєю красою.
Queen from Holland: Your Majesty! We have heard about your elder daughter Diana. You are
going to get her married her, aren’t you?
King: (поважно киваючи головою) Yes, I am...
Queen from Holland: (continues) That’s why we are here. My Son Alexander, Prince of Holland
is looking for a wife, an English Princess and he likes your daughter very much! She made him
fall in love.
King: (задоволений і звертається до дочки Діани ) My dear daughter, have a look, please,
what a nice Prince has come to us. I want you to marry him!
Alexander: (підходе до короля, стає на коліно, цілує йому руку) I am asking you for her hand
- I want to marry your daughter Diana!
Король, посміхаючись, оглядаючись на Діану, підкликає її рукою. Вона підходить до
нього весела, киває й посміхається зі словами.
Diana: Dear Father, I like the Prince very much!
Принц цілує їй руку, стає на коліно перед Діаною. Лунає музика, все роблять декілька
танцювальних рухів.
King: Happy Wedding!
Усі учасники спектаклю беруться за руки і говорять усім Happy Wedding! ( Муз супровід
Hedwig’s theme Harry Potter)
Ведучий What do you think about love? Why do we love somebody?
Ведуча Love – is the greatest mystery of all time. Love is one of the best feeling on earth. Love
makes our life better.Love is not a reason to cry love is just a reason to fly.
Ведучий I am sure love doesn’t need reasons, its just our feeling.
Пісочна анімація у виконанні учениці 9 класу “Love”
Дівчина: Look, that boy over there is annoying me.
Юнак: Which boy? Where?
Дівчина: Over there, in the corner.
Юнак: But he isn’t even looking at you!
Дівчина: I know, that’s what’s annoying me!
Танок у виконанні учнів 9 класу
Ведучий: I want those two people to make a date.
Ведуча: Oh! A first meeting is always so exciting!
Сценка у виконанні учениці та учня 9 класу.
Let’s make a date.
– OK! Are you busy tomorrow?
– Certainly not.
– How about three?
– That’s fine with me.
– What about two?
– That’s up to you.
– How about eight?
– Won’t it be late?
– Not at all. The later the better.
– So. What about nine?
– Nine is fine.
– What ever you say, will be OK.
– Let’s meet at nine.
– Settled! Where?
– At the metro station.
– You’ll really come?
– Oh, I’m so happy!
– See you at nine.
– Oh! My God!
– Oh, be careful!
– That isn’t a door!
– It’s a window!
– Oh, yes… So-o-ory!
– I was too late!
– We’ll meet at the hospital, then I guess…
Юнак: How can one make St. Valentine’s Day special?
Дівчина: This is the question that thousands of people have to find the answer to.
Юнак: You may have a bubbly foam bath.
Дівчина: You may fly a hot-air ballon!
Юнак: You may listen to romantic music.
Виконання власної музичної композиції на електрогітарах.
Юнак: Poems sound so sweet because they are about love and friendship. Now I suggest your
watching the play about the princess and you will know what the most precious thing is: the
Love or the Gold.
The Princess and the Four Gifts
Her Cousin
Prince of Spades
Prince of Clubs
Prince of Hearts
Prince of Diamonds
Story-teller: Once upon a time, in a far country, there lived a king whose daughter was the
prettiest princess in the world. Her eyes were like water in a deep lake, her hair was softer then
silk, and her skin was whiter then snow. Since childhood the princess had been surrounded only
by the things of beauty.
One day the king decided to give his daughter’s hand in marriage to one of the princes of the
four neighboring kingdoms. He sent a message there. The message said: “My daughter will
marry the prince who brings the gift she likes the most.” (A room in the King’s palace. King,
Princess and Cousin are sitting at one end of a long table.)
Scene 1
Princess: What do you think of it, dear?
Cousin: If you ask me, I think that a gift is not everything. If you really want to choose a good
man, Watch his manners and how he expresses his feelings.
Princess: Oh, you’re wise.
(Enter Herald)
Herald: The Prince of spades.
(Enter the Prince of spades with a sword and a massive alarm clock under his arm. He bows,
comes up to the table and stands in attention.)
Prince of Spades: Oh, most beautiful princess! I’ve won many battles and I’ve come here to
fight for you. Let me offer you my heart and sword and also this alarm clock as gift of my love.
Whenever you’re in danger, only press this button here, and my soldiers will come to help you.
(He clicks his heels, salutes and leaves)
Princess: Oh, father, I’m afraid of this man. He spoke of battles and dangers and fighting!
King: Come, child, there is no danger. The prince is a brave man, the commander of a big army.
You’ll be very safe with him.
Cousin:( with a shrug) It’s funny but you won’t use it, I’m afraid, because it is made of plastic
and metal.
Princess: I see, I see.
Herald: The Prince of clubs.
(Enter the Prince of Clubs, an absent-minded looking man wearing spectacles, dressed a bit out
of date, with a thick old book. He bows clumsily, puts the book on the table, fumbles in his
pockets, produces a scroll of paper and begins to read.)
Prince of clubs: My dearest and beloved lady! I can address you only in verse!
My love is strengthened though more weak in seeming
I love not less, though less the show appear
That love is merchandised whose rich esteeming
The owner’s tongue doth publish everywhere.
And here is the ancient Book of Wisdom, my humble present.( Bows low and leaves)
Princess: What a strange man! But he is so polite, and I like his poem. He must be a great poet.
Cousin: Not he! Shakespeare is!
Princess: Oh!
King: Yes, the prince is a very learned man. With him you’ll know everything.
Princess: Do you think, father, that to know everything is necessary for wives?
Herald: The Prince of diamonds.
(Enter the Prince of diamonds, an elegant man, exquisitely dressed, very businesslike and selfassured, with a huge golden box in his hands. He comes straight to the far end of the table and
nods slightly.)
Prince of Diamonds: How do you do ladies and gentlemen. I’ve come here to tell you, Sire(to
King), that I agree to marry that charming daughter of yours.(To Princess) Here is the gift you
asked for.(Puts the box in front of her) It’s for keeping things in. Very useful. Pure gold. Made in
my kingdom. High quality. No doubt, you’ll like it. As for the details, we’ll discuss financial
questions with your father. See you soon. (Bows to King, blows a kiss to Princess and leaves).
Cousin: That’s fantastic!
Princess: Yes, it’s a wonderful box!
Cousin: No, I mean his manners. Of course, you cannot expect much here. He is too rich.
King: Right. The richest in the world. With him you’ll have anything you like.
Princess: Do you really think so, father?
King: Yes, my dear.
Herald: The Prince of hearts.
(Enter the Prince of Hearts, a man poorly dressed, a guitar on his back and a bunch of field
flowers in his hand. He puts the flowers on the table, bows low and falls on one knee).
Prince of Hearts: Oh, heavenly lady, the princess of my dreams!
The skies so blue may soon turn grey,
And rose in bloom decays next day.
But love of mine will never fade
For you will shine my prettiest maid.
Princess: What lovely flowers? I’ve never seen anything like them here in the palace.
King: Of course not, because they grow only in the fields. Poor boy! Once his father was rich
and there were gold mines in his lands. Now there is nothing left there except flowers. Such a
pity. No more precious stones, no gold.
Cousin: But he’s got a heart of gold!
Princess (pensively): And what shall I do with this gift? Gold lasts forever.
Cousin: His love does. And his gift shows the depth of his feelings. Just take it as a sign of his
Princess: do you think it’s enough?
King (getting to his feet to Herald): Herald, tell the princes to wait for my daughter’s decision.
(Herald leaves).
Princess (to her cousin): First, I’d like to here what you think.
Cousin: I think the Prince of hearts is the best choice. He is so gentle and handsome and his
manners are noble. Life in his beautiful kingdom could be very romantic. If I were you…
Princess (interrupting her): Fortunately, you are not. If you want always to diet, I’ll try to
persuade the Prince of Hearts to marry you.
King: Oh, dear…
Princess: As for me, I’m not so silly to live in poverty, without all the beautiful things I am used
to. I’ve chosen this. (She stands up and takes the golden box from the table.) It is a very large
and expensive box, and when I’m married, I’ll get many gifts-rings, bracelets, precious stones-to
fill it to the top. So it is the most useful present and I like it the best.
Story-teller: If you think that was a happy end, you make a mistake. The king’s daughter
married the Prince of Diamonds but her husband turned out to be a gambler. By and by he lost
all his money, his kingdom was ruined and they ended their days in poverty. The cousin married
the Prince of Hearts and went to live with him. And it so happened that soon much gold was
found in the mines in his kingdom. The Prince of Hearts built a comfortable palace where they
lived happily ever after. And here ends the story of the princess and four gifts.
Do you like the play? I’m sure you do. The Princess made a mistake and became un happy. She
didn’t make the right choice and ended her days in poverty.
Юнак: Love seems forever, Love never ends.
Дівчина: And you can not only love. You can also be friends!
ФІНАЛЬНА ПІСНЯ Lfo “Life Is Good” ( Відео-презентація )
Life is good
life is great
life is unbelievable
life is hard, life is cruel
life is so beautiful
ooh yeah ooh yeah
la life is unbelievable
oh yeah oh yeah
la life is unbelievable
somewhere in life and yet on my way to anywhere
a woman named Betris serves me coffee
and she smiled as if she cares
it reminds me of this painting
that I think I've often seen
the kings behind the counter
serving coffee to James dean
On my way to garden city
On my way to anywhere
A guy named Patrick gives me directions
and he smiles as if he cares
it reminds me of this movie
that I think I've often seen
pretty much this situation
except I'd still be Steve McQween
So what would you do if you wake tomorrow
no more sorrows, your dreams came true
so knock on wood and cross your fingers
and count your blessings
it might be you
So what would you do if you wake tomorrow
All your gray sky's turned blue
how many days do you think your given
so get on livin it's up to you
The end
Захід підготовано та проведено вчителями англійської мови: Дембіцькою З.В. та Ославською З.Я.