National Tobacco Campaign


Independent Communications Committee

Report on Advertising Campaign

Ms Louise Sylvan

Chief Executive Officer

Australian National Preventive Health Agency

GPO Box 462

Canberra ACT 2601

Dear Ms Sylvan


I am writing to advise you that the Independent Communications Committee (Committee) has considered the National Tobacco campaign. The Committee undertook the review process outlined below and, based on the information provided, the Committee has concluded that the proposed campaign complies with Principles 1 to 4 of the Guidelines on Information and

Advertising Campaigns by Australian Government Departments and Agencies (Guidelines).

Agencies subject to the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 are required to comply with the Guidelines. To this end, the Committee considers proposed advertising campaigns of $250,000 or more and provides a report on each campaign to the relevant Chief

Executive in relation to its compliance with Principles 1 to 4 of the Guidelines. Those principles are:

Principle 1: Campaigns should be relevant to government responsibilities;

Principle 2: Campaign materials should be presented in an objective, fair and accessible manner and be designed to meet the objectives of the campaign;

Principle 3: Campaign materials should be objective and not directed at promoting party political interests; and

Principle 4: Campaigns should be justified and undertaken in an efficient, effective and relevant manner.

Agencies are responsible for providing their Chief Executive with a report on campaign compliance with Principle 5 of the Guidelines.

Review Process

The campaign review process is designed to enable the Committee to obtain sufficient information, clarification and justification from departments and agencies, to provide advice to you on the compliance of proposed campaign advertising activities. This letter is to assist your deliberations in certifying the campaign’s compliance with the Guidelines.

The Committee met with your officers on four occasions – 20 November, 20 December 2012,

24 January and 7 March 2013 – to consider the National Tobacco campaign during its development, and has considered the communications strategy, market research, final creative materials, the proposed media plan and strategy, and a Statement of Compliance with the


ICC Secretariat: Communications Advice Branch, Department of Finance and Deregulation,

John Gorton Building, PARKES ACT 2600 Tel: (02) 6215 2677

The Committee has reviewed the proposed material and taken into consideration advice and documentation provided by your Department, the Communications Advice Branch of the

Department of Finance and Deregulation and expert advice provided by GfK bluemoon

(market research), AJF Partnership (advertising), Cultural and Indigenous Research Centre

Australia (market research – Indigenous specialist) and Universal McCann, the

Commonwealth’s media placement agency.

Based on the review process outlined above and from the information received, the

Committee has concluded that the campaign materials for the proposed National Tobacco campaign at Attachment A comply with Principles 1 to 4 of the Guidelines.

Next Steps

Following consideration of this report and advice from within your agency on compliance with Principle 5 of the Guidelines, you determine whether you consider that the National

Tobacco campaign complies with the Guidelines, which would also include assuring yourself that the presentation, wording and imagery of the campaign materials are factually correct and verifiable. You will also need to satisfy yourself that the claims made in your Department’s

Statement of Compliance are valid and adhered to. Subject to all that, your certification should then be submitted to your Minister who may launch the campaign or approve its launch.

Your certification should be published on your agency’s website when the campaign is launched.

I take this opportunity to remind you of the need for a subsequent evaluation of the campaign to assess its overall impact and effectiveness, and whether or not the various activities meet the stated communication objectives. Any additional phases of the campaign will, of course, require separate consideration by the Committee.

The Guidelines, including the full details of the principles, can be found at:

This letter will be published on the Department of Finance and Deregulation website as soon as possible after the commencement of campaign advertising activity.

Yours sincerely


Allan Hawke


Independent Communications Committee

8 March 2013

National Tobacco Campaign (Reviewed 7 March 2013)

Attachment A

Document title

Television commercials

Buried alive (30 seconds)

Symptoms (30 seconds)

Mainstream radio advertisements

Husband quitting (call Quitline) (30 seconds)

Husband quitting (QuitBuddy app) (30 seconds)

Visiting mum (30 seconds)

Mainstream print advertisements

Buried alive (full page colour)

Symptoms (full page colour)

Out of home

Smoking takes live (image of man lying down)

Old habits (image of couple in bed)

Old habits (image of husband and wife)

Old habits (image of wife holding husbands hand)

Smoking takes lives (close up image of man)

Smoking takes lives (image of man lying down – with body copy)

Online elements

Buried alive web banners (various sizes)

Buried alive online television (30 seconds)
