Results of our Annual Environmental Review 2011

Results of our Annual Environmental Review 2011
What we are doing well
What we need to improve
The school has self closing doors, double glazing and
We need to encourage all staff and pupils to turn off
use low energy light bulbs.
lights and electrical equipment when not in use,
Sensor boxes control under floor heating and some
especially over break and lunch times.
classes are good at turning off lights/electrical
Outside litter bins are clean, well designed and big
We need more litter bins in a variety of places in the
enough for the amount of litter.
No litter bins are over flowing.
We need to improve the litter at the Spider and
Waste Minimisation/Recycling
We recycle paper, cardboard, plastic and ink
We could improve the amount of food waste we
We run the Rag Bag recycling scheme to raise money
for the school.
We could purchase more recycled products such as
We encourage the reuse of materials such as water
pencils, paper, etc.
bottles, cardboard in art and scrap paper.
School Grounds
We are good at using the school grounds for PE in the
We need to plan more outdoor learning activities all
summer term.
year round.
All school toilets are designed to reduce water loss.
We need to remind pupils to turn off taps in the toilets.
Dripping taps and other leaks are fixed quickly.
We could research the possibility of running a water
saving campaign.
The school operates a ‘Safe-Route’ to walk to school.
We need more cycle storage for users in the summer
Primary 6 are offered cycling instruction and we have
secure cycle storage.
We could look into the possibility of running more
We organise a ‘Walk to School Week’ once a year.
walking or cycling schemes each year.
Healthy Living
Healthy eating is taught through the curriculum and the
The tuck shop at break time has become quite
school has 2 health weeks each year.
unhealthy selling cakes and cookies as well as fruit.
There is a salad bar at lunch times where pupils can
We could promote healthy eating better.
eat as much as they like.
Drinking water is readily available throughout the day.
Pupils receive at least 2 hours of physical activity each
The school has good ventilation and we use
environmentally friendly cleaning products.
The school has a conservation area which is not
There are some plants in the school grounds.
functioning. We could look into the possibility of funding
The school runs a gardening club in the Summer term.
to get this area up and running.
Sustaining the World
The pupils consider issues such as human rights and
We could possibly look into Fairtrade.
conflict resolution.
Our pupils are good at recognising some global issues
More work could be undertaken to deepen children’s
and always take initiative to fundraise, e.g. Pakistan
understanding of global issues and help children to
floods, Red Nose Day, UNICEF.
understand that the things they do can directly affect
things in their local community and across the world.