Annex 1 - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Information outputs for ‘Ecophysiology and Morphology’
Project “Germination Micro-site Perception: the Role of Light Quality
and Quantity”
Daws, M.I., Burslem, D.F.R.P., Crabtree, L.M., Kirkman, P., Mullins, C.E. and Dalling,
J.W. (2002) Differences in seed germination responses may promote coexistence of
four sympatric Piper species. Functional Ecology 16: 258-267.
Daws M.I., Pearson, T.R.H., Burslem, D.F.R.P., Mullins, C.E. and Dalling, J.W. (2005)
Effects of topographic position, leaf litter and seed size on seedling demography in a
semi-deciduous tropical forest in Panama. Plant Ecology 179, 93-105.
Project “Separating Cardinal Temperatures for Seed Dormancy and
Germination in Temperate, Sub-tropical and Tropical Species”
Culshaw, C.M., Espinosa, P., Pritchard, H.W. & Engels,, J. Thermal scarification of
hard seeds by wet treatment risks accelerated ageing: evidence from five woody
taxa. Pp 34 – 39 in Tree Seeds 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Meeting of
IUFRO 2.09.00. Research Group for Seed Physiology and Technology. Thanos, C. et
al. (eds.), Univ Athens (2002).
Daws,, M.I. et al. Effects of high temperature on chalazal plug removal and
germination in Apeiba tibourbou Aubl. Seed Science & Technology (2005-6).
Steadman, K.J. & Pritchard, H.W. Germination of Aesculus hippocastanum seeds
following cold-induced dormancy loss can be described in relation to a temperaturedependent reduction in base temperature (Tb) and thermal time. New Phytologist
161: 415-425 (2004).
Yang, X.-Y., Pritchard, H.W. and Nolasco, H. Effects of temperature in seed
germination in six species of Mexican Cactaceae. Pp 575-588 in Smith, R.D., Dickie,
J.B., Linington, S.L., Pritchard, H.W. & Probert, R.J. (eds.), Seed conservation:
turning science into practice. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. (2003).
Wood, CB, Pritchard, H.W. and Amritphale, D. Desiccation-induced dormancy in
papaya (Carica papaya L.) is alleviated by heat shock. Seed Science Research 10,
135-145 (2000).