Write your title here (max. 150 characters)

Write your title here (max. 150 characters)
Presenter last name, first;1 second author, first; third author, first…
Affiliations: write the affiliations of the presenter and all other authors. University, department,
address, e-mail. Write each affiliation only once.
Write your abstract here, using 12 point font, deleting these instructions first. Do not change
the size of the abstract box. If you wish to embed drawings or figures, please check that the
figure displays by printing or saving the file in PDF format.
Rename your abstract file with “your last name abstract.doc”.
Upload your completed abstract to the web site. The site will send your abstract to the
conference organizers.
We will use the abstracts to compile an abstract booklet, with two abstracts per page. Therefore,
the format needs to be followed closely.
Please use Times New Roman font (12 pt) for your abstract
Preferred presentation type (please choose one): poster ____ or talk _____
Session number (below) to which your presentation is affiliated (please choose one): ________
(Invited speakers will be automatically assigned to the session to which they were invited)
1. Role of Internal Signals in Seed Dormancy and Germination: Hormones & Cell Signaling
2. Regulatory Functions of Candidate Genes & Proteins in Seed Dormancy & Germination: DOG1
& Other Candidates
3. Role of Environmental Factors in Regulation of Seed Dormancy and Germination
4. Molecular and Epigenetic Regulation of Seed Dormancy and Germination
5. Climate Change and the Regulation of Seed Dormancy and Germination
6. Defining Networks in the Regulation of Seed Dormancy and Germination
7. Seed Coverings
8. Molecular aspects of Seed Longevity and Seedling Vigor
1) Talks will be 12 min + 3 min for questions for entries chosen from abstracts. Lecture halls have
Power Point and overhead projectors. Poster boards are 42  42’’ = 97  97 cm.
2) If the time slots for talks are full, we may need to switch some talk requests to poster format.
Should this be necessary, you will be notified by the Conference Scientific Organizing Committee.