Chapter 14 Test Review

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Chapter 14 Test Review
1. The French wars of religion were largely caused by which two groups? Catholics and
2. Who were the Huguenots? French Calvinist Protestants
3. What percentage of the French people were considered Huguenots? 7% Population
40-50% Nobility
4. What area in France was ruled by the House of Bourbon? Navarre
5. Phillip II was known as what? “The Most Catholic King”
6. What did the Edict of Nantes do? Recognized Catholicism as the official religion of
France, and recognized the rights of the Huguenots to worship and participate in
7. Which major European power was not involved in the Thirty Years War? England
8. What were the effects of the Thirty Years War? 4 million died, Germany crushed and
broken up. Ended the idea of a Catholic empire and made birth of modern states
9. Which country was most affected by the Thirty Years War? Germany
10. What is the divine right of kings? Belief that the King is only answerable to God
11. What was the “Glorious Revolution”? Parliament offered the crown to James II’s
daughter and her husband William of Orange and Mary- termed bloodless, but it
wasn’t really
12. Why is the Habeas Corpus Act important? It was a safeguard against absolute rule, any
unjustly imprisoned person could obtain a writ of habeas corpus compelling the
government to explain the reason why he had lost his liberty.
13. Why is the Bill of Rights of 1689 significant? Foundation for the US Bill of Rights. It
provided protections against an authoritarian state, formed a base for the expansion of
civil liberties in the 18th and 19th centuries. Laid the foundation for a constitutional
14. What did the Toleration Act of 1689 do? Granted all protestants the freedom to
worship, but not Catholics
15. What were the provisions of the Petition of Right? “Stuart Magna Carta” The
monarchy could not: (a) imprison subjects without due cause (b) force loans or levy
taxes without consent of Parliament (c) house soldiers in private homes without the
owner’s consent (d) impose martial law in peacetime
16. Who were the Puritans? English Calvinist Protestant group
17. Who was Oliver Cromwell and what did he do? A Parliamentarian (Roundhead) that
eventually became “Lord Protector” of England. He declared England a commonwealth
(Republic), established a military dictatorship, and disperses the “Rump Parliament”
18. What was the “Rump Parliament”? Meaning “remnant”, the “Rump Parliament was
what remained after the Parliament was purged of Royalists and those that did not
support Cromwell.
19. How did Cardinal Richelieu strengthen the power of the monarchy? Removed
Huguenot political and military rights and executing conspirators
20. What did Louis XIV call himself and why? The Sun King
21.How old was Louis XIV when he became king? At what age did he truly take power?
4 took power at 23.
22. How did Louis XIV maintain complete authority? He distracted the nobles with court
life at Versailles to keep them out of public office
23. For what was the royal court at Versailles used? The King’s home, the center for state
offices, to have powerful subjects visit to seek favors.
24. Why did French styles become the standard for Europe? 1. The length of Louis XIV’s
rule 2. France became the dominate power of Europe because of the effects of the 30
years war. 3. France became such a dominate force in Europe people began to speak
French, and copy the cooking, etiquette, and landscaping of the French people. 4.
The palace at Versailles contributed to other countries wanting to hold such grand
25. What is absolutism? A system of government in which a ruler holds total power.
26. What did Peter the Great and Louis the XIV have in common? Both absolute
monarchs who believed in the divine right of kings.
27. What are natural rights? The rights to which humans are born including life, liberty,
and property
28.Who followed the principle of mercantilism in order to increase the wealth and power
of France? Jean Baptiste Colbert
29. What is a czar? The title of the king of Russia. Russian word for caesar
30. Who are the boyars? Russian nobility
31. Peter the Great forced Russians to accept social reforms that would make their culture
more like that of whom? The West, specifically French
32. Why was William Shakespeare called “the complete man of theater”? writer, actor,
33. What is significant about the artist Gentileschi? At the age of 23, the first woman to
be elected to the Academy of Design, famous for portraits about heroines from the
Old Testament
34. What is the artist El Greco known for? Mannerist art – the emphasis of showing
feeling and emotion over realism.
35. What work of art if Bernini famous for? Completing St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome
36. What are the characteristics of the baroque art form? Dramatic effects to arouse
emotion, reflected a search for power, and classic ideals of Renaissance art were
combined with spiritual feelings of the 16th century religious revival
37. Who is Lope de Vega? Spanish playwright that wrote over 1500 plays.
38. What famous work did Miguel de Cervantes write? Don Quixote
39. Summarize John Locke’s political ideas. Believed people were good, everyone
deserved to have their natural rights (life, liberty, and property), supported the idea of
a constitutional government
40. Summarize Thomas Hobbes political ideas. Believed people were selfish. Supported
an absolute sovereign, did not feel people had rights.
41. Why did European rulers encouraged ocean exploration? To find new trade routes
42. Who took over control of the spice trade from the Portuguese? The Dutch
43. What did Vasco da Gama’s discovery of a route to India by sea proved to be? Very
profitable, since da Gama returned with a cargo of spices and made a profit of severl
thousand percent
44. What was the name of the set of principles that dominated economic thought in the
seventeenth century? Mercantilism
45. Who were the first European settlers of the Hudson River valley? The Dutch
46. Who explored the New England coastline of the Americas for England? John Cabot
47. According to mercantilists, the prosperity of a nation depended on what? A favorable
trade balance, which means greater exports than imports.