13750_2015_47_MOESM3_ESM - Springer Static Content Server

Additional files
Additional file 3: Data extraction
Study Description
Count: running number of data entry
ID: unique identifier links to the study on the data table. Multiple entries for the same
paper will have an additional letter as an unique identifier (e.g. 64a, 64b, etc.).
Ref: reference of paper entered into the database, name of author and date of
Study Type: refers to the type of study, experimental study or comparative study (as
opposed to an experimental manipulation)
Management measure typology (MmT): to see the “Intervention list” (Table II. a)
Objectives/Targets of MPA where available
Activities permitted: Describe and list any activities permitted
Enforcement measures where available: describe or list any known measures
Treatment (trt): type of management measure encountered or used in the experimental
studies i.e. different area of protection inside to an Marine Protected Area, comparison
between fish population in a fishing ground and in a nursery area.
Smin (Scale min m): minimum dimension of management measures extension
Smax ( Scale max m): maximum dimension of the protected area
Sampling Techniques: sampling techniques used by studies to determine biological
changes e.g. video survey, camera survey, Van Veen grab, otter trawl
Year: year of establishment
Country: country where study was located
Sub Basin (SuB): in term of location inside the Mediterranean basin (Western basin,
Central basin, Eastern basin)
Latitude (Lat)
Longitude (Long)
tid (int_subtidal): study carried out in the subtidal or intertidal
Dmax (Depth min m): minimum depth at which study was undertaken
Dmin (Depth max m): maximum depth at which study was undertaken
Habitat: habitat description as reported in the study e.g. gravely sand, mud, cobbles.
hab (General Habitat): general Habitat reclassified using the NATURA 2000 code to
ensure the standardised categorization within the database.
Physical: physical data available Yes/No.
Fauna: fauna analysed e.g. vertebrate, invertebrate, fish, algae.
Outcomes: species (Sp) – population level (Pop) – diversity indices (Di)
plot (No of Replicates): replicate sites or plots sampled by study.
rep (No of Samples per Replicate): number of samples collected within a replicate site
or plot.
Trec (Time Recovery): maximum number of recovery days monitored by the study
Spreadsheet Data: raw data available in form of spreadsheets yes/no
Notes: notes to point out specific features of a study which might be helpful for future
analysis or for clarification of methodology
Study Data
Count: running number of data entry
ID: unique identifier links to the study on the data table.
tresp (Response Type): response data type e.g. fauna; physical parameters, indices
resp (Response): parameter whose response to trawling etc has been measured, e.g. a
species, taxon, order, diversity index, sediment characteristic.
Phylum: taxonomic classification
Class: taxonomic classification
Order: taxonomic classification
Biomass: type of raw data - biomass data yes/no
Time days rep: reported time in days sampled
Raw units: units as reported by the study
Units in m2: units standardized to m²
Background management control: background management of control site if known
when used in comparative studies.
Raw control: raw data for control plots as extracted from the study
varC (Variance control): variance of raw control data
sampC (Number of samples in control): number of samples taken at control site/plot
Background treatment: background management of treatment site
Raw treatment: raw data treatment as extracted from the study
varT (Variance treatment): variance of raw treatment
sampT (Number of samples in treatment): number of samples taken at treatment
Pdiff (% diff): calculated percentage difference between control and treatment