North Carolina River Basin WebQuest

North Carolina River Basin WebQuest
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name 2 issues that led to public interest in rivers and river basins
Which lethal organism killed millions of fish i coastal areas?
Where does the water go after it falls into a river basin?
What is an estuary?
What is a river basin?
What is a watershed?
In the possible path water takes in an indivisual watershed all water runs to ...
In a watershed water travels over the land surface...
In a water shed, instead of water traveling across faorm fiels, forestland, suburban
lawns, or city streets it...
10. Water found in the cracks and pores in sand, gravel and rocks below the Earth's surface
is called….
11. Can more than one water be found in an individual river basin? Explain.
12. Do you live in a river basin?
13. What does water transfer as it moves downstream?
14. What effects downstream systems?
15. What is an aquatic ecosystem?
16. What is the largest River Basin in NC?
17. What is the smallest River Basin in NC?
18. What River Basin do we live in?
19. A porous rock layer that is a reservoir for water is called a ….
20. What does porous mean?
21. A description about your place in the world including your river basins, topography, soil,
groundwater, wetlands, biodiversity, air, climate,and energy is called your…
22. What are the 9 components of YOUR ecological address?
23. The physical features of the place or terrain (lanscape) of where you live (shape, height,
depth...) is called….
24. Where does water from a storm drain flow?
25. A low flat land that may flood is called a….
26. A dry area that goes underwater when streams overflow is called a …
27. How do wetlands help regulate water flow?
28. Where do we get our drinking water?
29. How do contaminated soils affect your drinking water?
30. What is biodiversity?
31. What is a river?
32. What is an indication that water and water quality are healthy?
33. Plants and streams surrounding a river or stream provide a …..
34. Eroded soil particles that wash or blow into rivers is called….
35. How does sediment affect water quality?
36. How has urban development reduced the lands ability to absorb runoff?
37. What established a goal of making all the nation's waters fishable and swimmable?
38. What is a non point source pollutant?
39. What is the problem with increase in nutrients? Why?
40. Surplus water from rain or melted snow is called….
41. How can the flow of storm water be controlled?
42. Four ways citizens can make a difference in the communities