Writing Sample Requirements for AP Application

Writing Sample Requirements for AP Application
AP Cambridge Capstone – Seminar Course (For rising juniors only)
Read as much as you can about the Cambridge Capstone program. Write an essay about how you feel that
you will grow through participating in the program as well as what you feel you personally will be able to
contribute. Include details about AP courses you have taken as well as courses you plan to take and how your
participation in the program and corresponding courses will connect your learning. Include local, national, or
global issues, concerns, questions, or problems that are of interest to you. You might consider searching the
web for “AP Capstone” or “AP Cambridge Capstone” for even more information. Reference:
AP Language/Composition III and AP Literature/Composition IV
AP Language (11th grade) applicants will complete writing samples on Tuesday, March 4th after
school in the cafeteria from 2:30 - 3:30.
AP Literature (12th grade) applicants will complete writing samples on Thursday, March 6th after
school in the cafeteria from 2:30 - 3:30.
AP Foreign Language – Spanish, French, Latin, German
On-line assessment will be administered for Spanish, French, and German. Dates will be announced. There will
be no on-line exam or writing test/assignment for Latin.
AP World History, European History, US History and Human Geography
Type your response to 1 of these questions. Place your name and the name of the AP course at the top
of the page. Submit two copies: one to the main office and one within your AP application folder.
In a cogent essay response choose an issue of global, national, or local concern. Your response needs to
include the following information:
1. A brief historical overview of the issue.
2. How it is impacting society (remember this can be a global, national, or local issue)
3. Your thoughts on potential solutions
Your essay should be scholarly, typed-double spaced and size 12 font. Remember that your potential future
teachers will be looking at these responses.
AP Microeconomics
Write a 250-300 word essay describing a decision you made (Not the decision to apply for AP Economics).
Submit two copies of your essay: one copy directly to Mr. Edelman by March 7, 2014, 2:30pm and one copy
within your application folder. Please Include answers to these questions: What were your alternatives? How did
you decide? What did you learn?
AP Mathematics Classes, AP Science Classes, AP Psychology, and AP Computer
No writing test/assignment required. Teacher approval is required for AP Computer course. In addition, the
applications for AP Computer can be picked up from Mrs. Agee.
AP Studio Art
Portfolio of at least 10 works based on “Direct Observation”. This can include still life, figurative and landscape.
Submit to Mr. Berlin for review by March 7, 2014, 2:30pm. No writing test/assignment required. Teacher
approval is required.
AP Music Theory
Placement exams will be administered March 20, 2014 at 2:15 pm in the Bandroom.
Pre-AP English 10
The prompt will be distributed on Monday, March 3, through the teachers of freshman English, or they may be
picked in Mr. Harrison's room (E208) before 2:30 pm. The typed essay must be returned directly to Mr. Harrison
by 2:30 pm. on Wednesday, March 5.
AP Art History
Directed Writing Sample will be administered on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at 2:15 pm in room 225.