97.CD100 - Fife Direct

24th April, 1996
11.00 a.m. - 12.45 p.m.
Councillors D.C. Leslie (Chair), W. Aitken, D.J. Alexander, G.A. Allan,
W. Brand, J.M. Ferguson, F. Grant, P. Grant, W. Kay, C. Latto, A. Paterson,
W.J. Rodger, A. Smith, J.R. Urquhart and A.M. Watters.
Area Planning Manager, Solicitor (Mr. A. McKie), Team Leader
(Administration), Principal Planner (Mr. J. McNairney), Planner (Miss P.
Henderson) and Committee Administrator (Miss E. Cowan).
Councillors C.S. Gardner and E.B. Henderson.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J. Cameron,
D.S. Campbell, W. Coull, J.B. Farmer, A. Keddie, M. Livingstone,
A.F. McCallum, J.W. MacDougall, R.J. Taylor, A.M. Thomson, H.M. Weierter
and M. Woods.
DEVELOPMENTS CONTRARY TO DEVELOPMENT PLAN - HEARINGS A site visit took place prior to the hearings.
Reconsideration of Conditions 4 (timescale) and 36 (final contours) of Consent 92/G/1250
(extension of period for tipping waste materials) at Balbie Tip, by Kirkcaldy - Paragraph 25
of 96.C.F.A.D.C.7 refers. - There was submitted report by the Area Planning manager
(Report No. 66) together with objections lodged against the foregoing application (Report
No. 67).
The Committee heard:(1)
Mr. Walker, Montgomery Forgan Associates, speak in support of the application
to extend the timescale for tipping at Balbie Tip and
Mrs. Clark, adjoining resident and Mr. Williams, Baird & Co., on behalf of
objectors, submitting representations against the proposals contained within the
Following questions put by members and answers thereto, Councillor D.C. Leslie
(Chairman) thanked the speakers for their representations and advised that the
application would be considered, with a view to determination, at the Meeting of the Area
Development Committee to be held on 9th May.
Change of use from Dwellinghouse to Office at Parkdale (former staff home), Park Drive,
Leven - Paragraph 25 of 96.C.F.A.D.C.7 refers. - There was submitted report by the Area
Planning manager (Report No. 28) together with representations lodged against the
foregoing application (Report No. 68).
The Committee heard:(1)
(2) /
Mrs. Sclater, Levenmouth Drug and Alcohol Project, speak in support of the
application for change of use from a dwellinghouse to office at Parkdale (former
staff home), Park Drive, Leven and
Mr. and Mrs. Walker and Mr. Green, adjoining residents, Mr. Mears, on behalf of
St. Agatha’s School Board, Mr. Duncan, adjoining resident and Councillor Gardner, Local
Member, on behalf of objectors, submitting representations against the proposals
contained within the application.
Following questions put by members and answers thereto, Councillor D.C. Leslie
(Chairman) thanked the speakers for their representations and advised that the
application would be considered, with a view to determination, at the Meeting of the Area
Development Committee to be held on 9th May.