
Trousdale County Schools Weekly Lesson Plan
Teacher: Miss Walczyk
Pacing Guide Week #: 12
Dates: October 28-November 1
Subject: RLA
Common Core Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)
RL.8.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn
from the text.
RL.8.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship
to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
W.8.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and
SL.8.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on
grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
L.8.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
L.8.1a Explain the function of verbals (gerunds, participles, infinitives) in general and their function in particular sentences.
SPI(s) to be taught: (Write the entire SPI)
0801.1.2 Identify the correct use of verbs (i.e., action/linking, regular/irregular, agreement, perfect tenses, verb phrases) within
0801.1.9 Identify the appropriate use of gerund and participial phrases.
0801.1.10 Identify the correct use of appositives/appositive phrases and infinitive/ infinitive phrases within context
0801.8.5 Analyze the development of similar themes across two or more literary texts.
0801.8.11 Identify and analyze a literary character’s moral dilemma.
Daily practice activity for citing text based evidence in conversation and/or writing:
 We will be having accountable talks at least once a week after reading a short story, an excerpt, a poem, etc. Students will
be required to answer the discussion questions on paper first (in order to get their thoughts in order), then they will turn to a
partner and have a mini discussion. After the partner discussion, we will come together as a class and have a discussion.
Students will be required to back up their reasoning with evidence from the text.
I Can Statements :
Student Agenda:
 I can write with correct subject-verb agreement.
 Posted daily but NOT included in Lesson Plan
 I can identify gerunds and participles in a sentence.
 I can identify appositives and appositive phrases in a
 I can identify infinitives and infinitive phrases in a
 I can identify similar themes in different texts.
 I can identify and analyze a literary character’s moral
Assessment Strategies (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): Assessment used to determine mastery daily: If a quiz or test is given,
include in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan Notebook.
Instructional Materials (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): All instructional materials are to be included in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan
Instruction: In outline form, describe each day of instruction.
Day 1
 Bell Ringer- Students will have 5-10 minutes to write to the bell ringer
 Have students make a graphic organizer for their 4-H speeches
 “Thank You, Ma’am”
1. Reader’s theatre
2. Fill out Roger’s chart
3. Accountable Talk over theme and moral dilemma
 Review nouns, pronouns, and verbs
1. Student examples
2. Practice problems
Formative Assessment:
Accountable Talk
Roger’s chart
Toss the ball
Practice problems
Day 2
 Bell Ringer- Students will have 5-10 minutes to write to the bell ringer
 “Thank You, Ma’am”
1. Postcard activity
 Lesson on appositives
1. Definition
2. Examples
3. Student examples
4. Practice problems
 Class time to work on 4-H speeches/get advice from peers or teacher
Day 3
 Bell Ringer- Students will have 5-10 minutes to write to the bell ringer
 “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse”
1. Reader’s theatre
2. Fill out Mourad’s chart
3. Accountable Talk over theme and moral dilemma
 Lesson on expository essays
1. Students start writing “Three Boys” essay
Postcard activity
Practice appositive problems
Word Splat
Day 4
 Bell Ringer- Students will have 5-10 minutes to write to the bell ringer
 “The Raven”
1. Read
2. Separate students into small groups, giving each a stanza or two to
rewrite in modern language, simplifying the vocabulary
i. Come back together as a class to reread the poem in modern
3. Watch “The Simpsons” version of “The Raven”
 Class time to work on “Three Boys” essay or 4-H speeches
Day 5
 Bell Ringer- Students will have 5-10 minutes to write to the bell ringer
 Lesson on adjectives
1. Definition
2. Examples
3. Student examples
4. Practice problems
 Inform students that “Three Boys” essays are due Monday
 Class time to work on “Three Boys” essay or 4-H speeches
“The Raven” group work
Accountable Talk
Practice problems
Word Splat
Alternate Instructional Interventions: Provide a specific plan for alternate instructional interventions, or re-teaching.
 We will be discussing the themes of different stories throughout the year, providing me with ample opportunities to re-teach.
Instructional technologies to enhance learning: List how each will enhance the effectiveness of the lesson.
 Mobi- I will be able to walk around the room as students take notes instead of standing at the board. This will allow me to
more effectively monitor student behaviour.