
Choice oviposition.JMP

Oviposition preference of B and Q females was determined using four plant choice combinations (WT/OXMYB29 , WT/OXMYB76 ,

WT/OXMYB34 and WT/OXMYB51 ). The data columns include:

Species – B or Q.

Plant a genotype – The WT plant.

Plant b genotype – The genotype of the OX-MYB plant (29, 76, 34, 51).

Eggs/female/day cauline abaxial a - Daily oviposited eggs on the abaxial surface of the cauline leaves of WT plants (eggs oer female per day).

Eggs/female/day cauline abaxial b - Daily oviposited eggs on the abaxial surface of the cauline leaves of OX-MYB plants (eggs oer female per day).

Prop on WT – The relative proportion of daily oviposited eggs on WT plant (eggs on

WT/(eggs on WT+eggs on OX-MYB plant)).

Arcsin prop on WT - arcsine-square root transformation of the previous column.

No choice oviposition B.JMP -

the daily number of eggs per emerged female on five plant genotypes (WT, OXMYB29 , OXMYB76 , OXMYB34 , or OXMYB51 ) in non-choice setting. The data columns include:

Species – B.

Plant genotype – WT, 29, 76, 34, 51.

Eggs per female per day abaxial cauline - Daily oviposited eggs on the abaxial surface of the cauline leaves of the plants (eggs per female per day).

Log eggs per female per day abaxial cauline – Log 10 transformation of the previous column.

No choice oviposition Q.JMP -

the daily number of eggs per emerged female on five plant genotypes (WT, OXMYB29 , OXMYB76 , OXMYB34 , or OXMYB51 ) in non-choice setting. The data columns include:

Species – Q.

Plant genotype – WT, 29, 76, 34, 51.

Eggs per female per day abaxial cauline - Daily oviposited eggs on the abaxial surface of the cauline leaves of the plants (eggs per female per day).

Log eggs per female per day abaxial cauline – Log 10 transformation of the previous column.

Survival on sinigrin.JMP -

Survival assays on 10% sucrose solution containing

0.4% sinigrin (Sigma) with or without 0.025 U myrosinase. Control adults were fed

10% sucrose solution lacking any additives. 120 newly emerged adults were placed in each plastic tube. Surviving individuals were collected and counted at the end of the feeding period. The data columns include:

Treatment – One of three treatments: sucrose only (sucrose), sucrose with sinigrin

(sinigrin), sucrose with sinigrin and myrosinase (Sin+Myr).

Survivors – Number of survivors after 72 h feeding period.

Development B.JMP -

The total number of progeny, their developmental stages

(unhatched eggs, first through fourth nymphs, empty exuvia indicating emergence), and viability status (live/dead), were recorded after 21 days. Developmental progression was estimated by calculating the proportion of late fourth nymphs (redeye yellow 4th nymph) and empty exuvia on each plant genotype (WT, OXMYB29 ,

OXMYB51 ). The data columns include:

Species – B.

Plant genotype – WT, 29, 51.

Prop late 4th nymphs and above - The proportion of late fourth nymphs (red-eye yellow 4th nymph) and empty exuvia from the total live progeny.

Arcsin prop late 4th nymphs and above - arcsine-square root transformation of the previous column.

Development Q.JMP -

The total number of progeny, their developmental stages

(unhatched eggs, first through fourth nymphs, empty exuvia indicating emergence), and viability status (live/dead), were recorded after 21 days. Developmental progression was estimated by calculating the proportion of late fourth nymphs (redeye yellow 4th nymph) and empty exuvia on each plant genotype (WT, OXMYB29 ,

OXMYB51 ). The data columns include:

Species – Q.

Plant genotype – WT, 29, 51.

Prop late 4th nymphs and above - The proportion of late fourth nymphs (red-eye yellow 4th nymph) and empty exuvia from the total live progeny.

Arcsin prop late 4th nymphs and above - arcsine-square root transformation of the previous column.

Egg and nymph survival B.JMP -

Egg mortality ratio was estimated as the proportion of dead eggs from the total progeny oviposited on each plant. Nymph mortality ratio was estimated as the proportion of dead nymphs from the total non-egg progeny on each plant genotype (WT, OXMYB29 , OXMYB51 ). The data columns include:

Species – B.

Plant genotype – WT, 29, 51.

Proportion of unhatched eggs – Proportion of dead eggs from the total progeny oviposited on each plant.

Arcsin proportion of unhatched eggs – arcsine-square root transformation of the previous column.

Proportion of dead nymphs – Proportion of dead nymphs from the total non-egg progeny on each plant.

Arcsin proportion of dead nymphs - arcsine-square root transformation of the previous column.

Egg and nymph survival Q.JMP -

Egg mortality ratio was estimated as the proportion of dead eggs from the total progeny oviposited on each plant. Nymph mortality ratio was estimated as the proportion of dead nymphs from the total non-egg progeny on each plant genotype (WT, OXMYB29 , OXMYB51 ). The data columns include:

Species – Q.

Plant genotype – WT, 29, 51.

Proportion of unhatched eggs – Proportion of dead eggs from the total progeny oviposited on each plant.

Arcsin proportion of unhatched eggs – arcsine-square root transformation of the previous column.

Proportion of dead nymphs – Proportion of dead nymphs from the total non-egg progeny on each plant.

Arcsin proportion of dead nymphs - arcsine-square root transformation of the previous column.
