Sarah Robinson

Sarah Malburg
(Street address)
(Town, State, Zip)
XYZ School District
District Administration Building Address
Town, State, Zip
To Whom It May Concern (or Hiring Committee Chair):
The Instrumental Music position that is currently available in your district has
been recently brought to my attention. As an XYZ alumnus, I am indeed excited about
the news of this opening and it is for this reason that I am writing this letter of intent to
I am a recent graduate of SUNY at Fredonia with a degree in Music Education
(K-12) and I have recently received my NYS Provisional Teaching Certification. Along
with these credentials and my passion for children of all ages and for music of all types, I
hope to be one of the most outstanding educators in the profession.
I have had a multitude of experiences within my student teaching as I had the
opportunity to work with students of all economic, social, and ethnic varieties as well as
those at varying grade and academic levels, including those in elementary through high
school. My experience also includes working in the musical theater realm and with
music technology of which I intend to focus my Master’s on as well.
I feel that I could be an asset for your district as I am quite familiar with the
Music Department and program being a graduate myself, and I would love the
opportunity to discuss with you how I can enhance this program even further.
Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
(Your signature)
Sarah Malburg