Helping Your Community Comply With the NJ Stormwater Rules

Getting In Step: Helping Your Community Comply With the NJ Stormwater Rules
Feburary 17, 2005 8:00 am to 12:45 pm
Jamesburg Holiday Inn, 390 Forsgate Drive, Jamesburg NJ 0883
In January 2004 NJ Department of Environmental Protection adopted two new stormwater rules
that required all municipalities in New Jersey to preserve and improve water quality. During
March and April 2004 every town submitted a Request for Authorization (RFA) application which
allowed municipalities to discharge stormwater into the state’s streams via a “General Permit for
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System”. These General Permits have requirements that
municipalities must start to implement by APRIL 2005!!!
This workshop will clarify the complex municipal requirements that communities are grappling
with. Leading experts from throughout the state and region as well as community
representatives will share their experiences on ways to start to address such areas as:
Stormwater Mitigation Planning- what options should your community consider and what
are the technical requirements for the plans?
Evaluating long-term maintenance and costs when selecting new stormwater
management practices.
How to organize a Stormwater Task Force: roles and relationships among municipal
volunteers, consultants and county reviewing agencies.
Developing and financing stormwater management and maintenance programs in your
Who should attend this workshop?
The workshop is geared for municipal board members and administrative staff as well as the
engineering and planning professionals who will assist communities in planning and
administering the new stormwater rules.
Sponsored by the Municipal Land Use Center at The College of New Jersey
Co-Sponsored by: County of Mercer,Hunterdon County Planning Department,Mercer Cty Soil
County Soil Conservation District, Monmouth County Planning Board, NJ Chapter American
Planning Association, NJ Section American Water Resources Association, NJ Department of
Environmental Protection, NJ Society of Municipal Engineers, NJ Water Supply Authority, Soil &
Water Conservation Society-Firman E Bear Chapter, South Branch Watershed Association, and
Stony Brook Millstone Watershed Association
Workshop Schedule
8:00—8:30 am: Registration and Full Breakfast
8:30—8:40 am: Workshop Purpose & Overview, Martin Bierbaum, Municipal Land Use Center
at The College of New Jersey
8:40—9:15 am: Stormwater Management Rules—Overview, George Hawkins, New Jersey
9:15—9:45 am: Meeting the Challenge for Stormwater Planning, Ray Zabihach, Morris
County Planning
9:45—10:15 am: Lambertville Stormwater Task Force, John Miller, Lambertville Stormwater
10:15—10:30 am: BREAK
10:30 am—12:45 pm: Concurrent Administrative and Technical Sessions
Planning & Administering Stormwater Programs
Moderator- Carlos Rodrigues, American Planning Association NJ Chapter
10:30—11:15 am: Selecting Stormwater Practices: review of structural and nonstructural
design options, what’s best for your community, Joseph Skupien, Storm Water
Management Consulting
11:15—11:45 am: Mitigation Plans:Options to Consider, Steve Souza, Princeton Hydro
11:45 am—12:15 pm: Tailoring Model Ordinances and Outreach Programs to Your
Community, Angela Clerico, Stony Brook Millstone Watershed Association
12:15—12:30 pm: Questions and Wrap Up, Don Einhorn, South Branch Watershed
Technical Sessions
Moderator– Richard Moralle NJ Society of Municipal Engineers
10:30—11:15 am: How to Perform a Build-Out and Pollutant Loading Analysis, James
Cosgrove, TRC Omni Environmental
11:15—11:45 am: Elements of a Mitigation Plan, Michael Bennett, Chatham Township
11:45 am—12:30 pm: Developing and Financing Stormwater Management and
Maintenance Programs, Elizabeth Treadway, AMEC
12:30—12:45 pm: Questions and Wrap Up, Tony McCracken NJ Section, American Water
Resources Association
Registration Information
Getting in Step: Helping Your Community Comply with the NJ Stormwater Rules
Thursday, February 17, 2005, 8 am to 12:45 pm
Jamesburg Holiday Inn, 390 Forsgate Drive, Jamesburg NJ 08831
$65.00 registration fee made payable to “The College of New Jersey”
Complete conference brochure and registration form is available at
Or call 609-771-2831 for more information.