Supplemental Digital Content Figure 1: Clinical and pathologic

Supplemental Digital Content 4
Figure 1: Clinical and pathologic course of patients with 3 or more pancreas allograft biopsies. X-axis denotes post operative
time (days). Horizontal line represents the post-transplant course of one patient. Each pancreas allograft biopsy is indicated with a
triangular symbol; percentage fibrosis is indicated by number inside triangle. Banff acute rejection classification is indicated by color
code: No fill=no evidence of rejection, Purple=Indeterminate for rejection, Blue=Grade 1 rejection, Green =Grade 2 rejection, Gold
=Grade 3 rejection. Number above is post operative day (POD). Amylase (A=) and Lipase (L=) values are listed at each biopsy time
point, and at most recent follow-up in U/L (broken line indicates non-linear time). Red square indicates graft failure. Post biopsy
treatments are abbreviated as follows (also see Methods section for dosages): thymo-thymoglobulin, MMF-mycophenolate mofetil,
IVIg-intravenous immunoglobulin. Patient #23 had evidence of BK viral nephropathy on concurrent POD 144 kidney biopsy; patient
#26 received steroids after last biopsy for ongoing renal rejection with functioning renal allograft (Table 1).