
The Age of Chivalry:
Knights and Castles
(pp. 364-367)
1. How did leather saddles and stirrups change the way warfare was conducted in Europe during the 700s?
2. What led to the development of the code of chivalry?
a. the constant, brutal fighting among nobles
b. romantic tendencies among the nobles
c. bloody joustings and tournaments
d. the queen's management of the king's knights
3. Knights most commonly traded military service for
a. land.
b. social status.
c. monetary reward.
4. According to the code of chivalry, a knight fought for all of the following EXCEPT
a. his lady.
b. his country.
c. his feudal lord.
d. his heavenly Lord.
Using the following exhibit, answer questions 5-8.
5. Where did a young page begin his education?
a. at tournaments
b. at his lord's manor
c. at another lord's castle
d. at home with his parents
6. Which of the following was a page supposed to learn?
a. to take care of horses
b. courtly manners
c. to use a battering ram
d. to shoot a rifle
7. What was the main job of a squire?
a. to serve a knight
b. to play chess well
c. to behave chivalrously
d. to fight in battle
8. Who had the authority to declare a squire a knight?
a. another knight
b. the squire's future chosen lady
c. a member of the clergy
d. the knight's lord
9. All of the following could be said about the tournaments held in the Middle Ages EXCEPT that they were
a. used to test courage.
b. free of actual bloodshed.
c. a form of spectator sport.
10. How were medieval tournaments like present-day sports competitions?
11. What functions did castles in western Europe serve?
12. Define siege:
Matching: Choose the letter of the best answer.
____ 13. What was a mock battle that served as a training exercise for young knights called?
____ 14. What siege weapon was used to propel huge rocks up to 1,300 feet to crash into castle walls?
____ 15. Which code were knights expected to follow?
____ 16. What is a siege weapon that worked like a giant slingshot to propel objects?