Writing and critical thinking resources

Writing & Critical Thinking Resources for Honours and Coursework Masters Students
Academic Skills and Learning Centre, n.d., Companion to Honours, The Australian National University
(ANU), Canberra.
Anderson, J & Poole, M 1998, Thesis and Assignment Writing, 3rd edn John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.
Cantwell, R 2006, ‘Thinking and Writing for Your Thesis’, in C. Denholm & T. Evans (eds) Doctorates
Downunder: Keys to Successful Doctoral Study in Australia and New Zealand, Acer Press,
Camberwell, Victoria.
Cone, JD & Foster, SL 1996, Dissertations and Theses from Start to Finish, American Psychological
Association, Washington.
Davies, M 2011, Study Skills for International Postgraduates, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Graduate Research Booklets on a range of topics for Arts, Humanities and Social Science and Applied
Science students
Kamler, B & Thomson, P 2006, ‘Doctoral writing: Pedagogies for work with literatures’, Paper
presented at the AERA annual meeting, April 2006, San Francisco.
Kearns, H & Gardiner, M 2006, Time for research: time management for PhD students, Staff
Development and Training Unit Flinders University, Adelaide.
Learning Support for Higher Degree Research Students. Available from:
Manchester University Phrasebank http://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/
Murray, R 2011, How to Write a Thesis, 3rd edn Open University Press, Berkshire.
Punch, K 2005, Introduction to social research: Quantitative and qualitative approaches, 2nd edn.
Sage, London.
Thesis Whisperer http://thesiswhisperer.com/about/ Check out the archive.
Tomorrow’s Professor, sponsored by Stanford University http://cgi.stanford.edu/~deptctl/tomprof/postings.php
You may find these Critical Thinking Resources interesting and/or useful. UWA students will be able
to find the articles on the web.
Cosgrove, Ruth, 2011, Critical thinking in the Oxford tutorial: a call for an explicit and systematic
approach, Higher Education Research and Development, 30: 3, 343-356.
Cottrell, S. 2005, Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and argument, Basingstoke,
Palgrave Macmillan.
Dewey, J. 1933, How we think, (1998 rev. ed.) New York: Free Press.
Golding, Clinton, 2011, Educating for critical thinking: thought-encouraging questions in a
community of inquiry, Higher Education Research and Development, 30: 3, 357-370.
Kuhn, D. 1999, A developmental model of critical thinking, Educational Researcher, 28: 2, 16-25.
Pardales, M. & Girod, M. 2006, Community of inquiry: its past and present future, Educational
Philosophy and Theory, 38: 3 299-310.
Paul, R.W. 1994, Critical thinking, (rev 3rd ed.) Melbourne: Hawker Brownlow Education.
Cobb, J. 2011, The 10 bona fide best sites for sharpening your critical thinking skills
Haskins, G. A practical guide to critical thinking, http://skepdic.com/essays/Haskins.html