
A Practical Guide:
What, How and Why
Improving energy efficiency saves money
Did you know: The energy bill for most buildings can be reduced by 10-20 % by sensible
energy efficiency improvements that produce quick financial returns. The Carbon Trust
estimates that UK schools spend £350 million on energy bills each year and could save in the
region of £20m a year through improved energy efficiency. This was before the latest wave
of energy price increases. The schools’ energy efficiency improvement programme can help
you fund energy efficiency improvements with an interest-free loan that you can repay from
the savings you make – so you have no upfront costs.
Energy efficiency also has additional benefits:
Improving environmental performance
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted to the atmosphere from the school boilers and from
power stations whilst generating the school’s electricity. So saving energy reduces
emissions of CO2, and reduces acid rain and air pollution associated with power
Improving comfort
Saving energy can often improve working conditions in the school for staff and pupils
i.e. the elimination of draughts or overheating. Providing improved comfort levels can
improve morale and performance.
Reducing other costs
Saving energy often reduces maintenance costs, and by operating energy-using
equipment efficiently, it lasts longer and capital replacement costs are deferred.
Education opportunities
Schools provide an excellent opportunity for pupils to be practically involved in
responsible stewardship of energy as a valuable resource, helping them to understand
how everyday actions impact on the environment. It also brings to life important
elements of the curriculum and gives insights into the goals of sustainable
At a glance
basic guide to the energy saving fund
save energy?
By reducing your energy
use your school can save
money and the
environment at the same
Any work undertaken to
save energy in your
school could be
incorporated into the
curriculum and used as a
teaching tool.
If your school is working
towards EcoSchool status
this fund may be able to
support you in this work.
is the loan fund?
it works?
A ring-fenced, invest-to-save,
interest-free loan fund.
is the loan fund for?
To help you reduce your energy
consumption and limit your
school’s environmental impact.
The loan pays
for the cost of
energy saving
Loan repaid
from the
savings made
from reduced
utility bills
Energy use
falls & utility
bills reduce
Initially an energy
consultation and/or an
energy audit will take
place to help identify any
energy saving
opportunities in your
school which will then be
The energy team, through
consultation with your
school, will manage the
full life-cycle of each
energy saving project;
from getting competitive
quotes to the successful
delivery and
implementation of the
energy saving measures.
keeps all
savings after
the loan has
been repaid
What sort of projects can the fund be used for?
The funding can be used for energy saving projects such as: energy efficient lighting, lighting
controls, loft insulation, improved boiler controls, thermostatic radiator valves, swimming
pool covers.
What is the invest-to-save fund?
The invest-to-save fund is a ring-fenced, interest-free loan fund available to schools
to help you reduce your energy consumption and limit your environmental impact.
The fund is available to cover the capital cost of energy saving measures. The loan is
repaid from the estimated financial savings your school will make from the reduction
in energy bills. Once the loan is repaid your school keeps the on-going savings. For
example installing cavity wall insulation, which will normally payback well within five
years, will keep delivering financial and energy savings to your school for an expected
twenty plus years.
Why is the Local Authority providing the project funding?
School carbon emissions are included as part of the Local Authority’s overall carbon footprint
measurements for the local area. The Local Authority is able to dedicate the necessary skills
and resources to implement energy efficiency improvements in school buildings.
Can the fund be used to part-fund projects?
Projects may be funded for energy saving measures in new build or major refurbishment
schemes, when funding is no longer available within the original budget. However, the
fund support will only be available where such measures were included in the original
specification, but have since been cancelled and the proposals go beyond existing
relevant buildings regulations. Supporting evidence will be required.
Does my school have to contribute additional funding?
No funding is required from your school; projects will simply be repaid from the savings made
from your energy bills.
Under what circumstances would we be refused?
Projects cannot be funded if the funding criteria are not met for payback periods and the
lifetime cost of carbon saved. The fund cannot be used for those projects that would happen
otherwise, i.e. those things that have to be done or have already got their funding agreed.
We would also take into consideration future plans for the school buildings and would not
fund energy efficiency improvements if, for instance, the school building was likely to change
hands or be demolished before the project had fully paid for itself and delivered value.
What kind of Projects and Improvements are suitable?
Energy saving projects can range from lighting upgrades to boiler replacements. These are
just some examples of Salix funded energy saving measures which have already made
substantial energy and cost savings for over 60 Local Authorities:
Automatic Lighting Controls: Installation of these controls, which use Passive Infra
Red or daylight sensors, means that lights automatically switch off in halls and
classrooms when they are either unoccupied or daylight levels are high. Research
shows that adequate lighting improves staff productivity and children’s learning
Cavity Wall/Roof/Heating/Pipe work Insulation: Cavity wall, roof or heating pipe
work insulation is a simple and cost-effective solution. Good insulation ensures that
heat is retained and fuel consumption reduced.
Zoning of Heat Controls: A school or college which lets out its hall for after school
activities does not want the expense of heating the whole school. Heating zones,
where each building is separately controlled by a computerised building management
system, allow you to heat only those areas which are in use.
Contact Details
To find out more and register your interest in receiving energy advice and or Salix Loans, contact
your Carbon Reduction officer below.
Fran Bullock
Torbay Council
Tor Hill House
Union Street
01803 208988
This programme is run by your Local Authority with joint funding from Salix Finance, a not for
profit company limited by guarantee, which provides interest-free invest-to-save loans to the
public sector for investments in energy efficiency and carbon reduction projects.
To help you identify easy-win, no-cost actions to reduce energy use you may be interested in a
number of Carbon Trust publications:
‘A whole school approach’ (management guide CTV037)
‘Assessing the energy use in your building’ (CTL003)
‘Schools - Learning to improve energy efficiency’ (CTV019)
These are available by visiting