chapter 6 outline part II

6.3 pg 122
II. Accessory Organs of the Skin
A. Hair Follicles
1. Hair is present ________________________ except _____________________
2. A hair follicle is __________________________________________________
3. A follicle extends from _____________________ into ___________________
4. the epidermal cells at the base of the hair follicle are nourished from
5. As epidermal cells divide and grow, older cells are _________________________
7. A hair is composed of _____________________________________________
9. Genes determine _______________________ by directing ________________
10. Dark hair has more __________________________________ than blond hair.
11. White hair of albinos lack _________________________________________
12. Red hair contains ________________________________________________
13. Hairs appear gray from a mix of ____________________________________
14. An arrector pili muscle is ______________________ and attaches to _______
15. Goose bumps are produced when ___________________________________
B. Nails
1. Nails are ________________________________________________________
2. Each nail consists of a ________________ that overlies a surface of skin called
3. The lunula of a nail is______________________________________________
C. Skin Glands
1. Sebaceous glands contain __________________________________________
and are associated with _______________________________________________
2. Sebaceous glands are ______________________ glands and their cells produce
3. Sebum is ________________________________________________________
4. Sebum is secreted into _____________________________________________
and helps __________________________________________________________
7. Sweat glands are also called __________________________________ glands.
8. Each sweat gland consists of ________________________________________
in _______________________________ or ______________________________
9. The most numerous sweat glands are _________________________________
10. Eccrine glands respond to _________________________________________
11. Eccrine glands are common on _____________________________________
12. A pore is _______________________________________________________
13. Sweat contains __________________________________________________
14. Apocrine glands becomes active ____________________________________
15. They can wet certain areas of skin when a person is _____________________
16. Apocrine glands are most numerous in _______________________________
17. Ceruminous glands of the _____________________ secrete ______________
18. Mammary glands secrete __________________________________________
III. Regulation of Body Temperature
A. Introduction
1. Regulation of body temperature is important because _____________________
2. A normal temperature of deeper body parts remains close to _______________
B. Heat Production and Loss
1. Heat is a product of _______________________________________________
2. When body temperature rises above the set point, nerve impulses stimulate ___
3. During physical activity, ________________________________ release heat,
which the _______________________________________________ carries away.
4. When warmed blood reaches _______________________________________ ,
muscles in the walls of __________________________________________ relax.
5. As dermal blood vessels dilate, ______________________________________
escapes to _________________________________________________________
6. Skin reddens because ______________________________________________
7. The primary means of body heat loss is________________________________
11. Evaporation is __________________________________________________
12. When sweat evaporates, it carries ___________________________________
13. When body temperature falls below the set point, muscles of dermal blood
vessels _________________________ which decreases _____________________
14. When body temperature falls, sweat glands ___________________________
15. When body temperature continues to fall, small groups of muscles _________
IV. Skin Color (pg 119)
A. Genetic Factors
1. Regardless of racial origin, all people have about the same number of _______
_______________________________________________________ in their skin.
2. Differences in skin color result from __________________________________
3. The more ______________________________________ , the darker the skin.
4. The ___________________________ and _____________________________
of pigment granules within melanocytes also influence skin color.
B. Environmental Factors
1. Environmental factors such as _______________________________________
and _________________________________________________ affect skin color.
2. These factors stimulate ____________________________________________
C. Physiological Factors
1. When blood is well oxygenated, the blood pigment hemoglobin is __________
________________________________ and the skin of light-complexioned people
appears ___________________________________________________________
2. When blood oxygen concentration is low, hemoglobin is __________________
___________________ and the skin appears ______________________________
3. If dermal blood vessels are dilated, ____________________ blood enters skin
and skin appears ____________________________________________________
4. If dermal blood vessels are constricted, _________________ blood enters skin
and skin appears ____________________________________________________
5. Carotene is ______________________________________________________
6. Carotene can give skin a ______________________________________ color.
V. Healing of Wounds and Burns (pg. 125)
A. Introduction
1. Inflammation is a normal response to _________________________________
2. During inflammation, blood vessels __________________________________
and become ________________________________________________________
3. Inflamed skin may become _________________________________________
and _______________________________________________________________
4. The dilated blood vessels provide ___________________________________ ,
which aids _________________________________________________________
5. The specific events of healing depend on ______________________________
and _______________________________________________________________
B. Cuts
1. If a break in the skin is shallow, epithelial cells _________________________
2. If a cut extends into the dermis or subcutaneous layer, ____________________
break and the escaping __________________ forms a ______________________
3. A clot consists mainly of ___________________________________________
4. A scab is ________________________________________________________
5. Fibroblasts migrate into _____________________________ and begin forming
___________________________ that bind _______________________________
7. As healing continues, blood vessels___________________________________
8. __________________________________ remove dead cells and other debris.
9. A scar results when _______________________________________________
10. A granulation consists of __________________________________________
C. Burns
1. A first degree burn is ______________________________________________
2. A second degree burn is ____________________________________________
3. ______________________________________ appear in second degree burns.
4. The healing of second degree burns depends on _________________________
5. A third degree burn is _____________________________________________
6. In a third degree burn, the skin becomes _______________________________
7. If a third degree burn is extensive, treatment may involve _________________
8. An autograft is ___________________________________________________
9. A homograft is ___________________________________________________