on Intelligent Transportation

The first call for paper
2015 International Conference
on Intelligent Transportation
Nov.25th-27th, 2015, Chengdu, CHINA
SPONSOR: The Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE)
Steering Committee
The ministry of industry and information technology
China association for science and technology
Chinese Institute of Electronics
IET China branch
China Instrument and Control Society
China association of transportation
Program Committee:
Chair of PC: Prof. Qian Qingquan,
Southwest Jiaotong University
Academician of The Chinese Academy of Engineering
Organizing Committee: CIE-CEESC
Chengdu Institute of Elec.
Chengdu Association of Elec. Industries
The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation(ICIT2015) will be held in
Chengdu, Sichuan Provence in China on Nov.25-27, 2015. It will include sessions on all aspects of
theory, design and applications of signal processing. Prospective authors are invited to propose
papers in any of the following areas, but not limited to:
A:Intelligent transportation
1. Rail transit system
2. Vehicle control system
3. The Internet of things in Transportation
4. High resolution earth observation system
5. Navigation system application in transportation
6. The highway communication network
7. Display terminal window design
B: Intelligent traffic management:
1. The vehicle intelligent management
2. Intelligent parking system
3. The road traffic signal acquisition and control
4. Intelligent dealing with the traffic accident
5. Intelligent Traffic Card
6. Traffic dispatching command
7. Intelligent detection and warning for transport infrastructure
8. Management and research of Traffic big data
C: Intelligent transportation tools:
1. The vehicle, machine and application
2. Important components and systems
3. The energy storage technology
4. Industrial development forecast
5. vehicular networking technology
D: Planning, research and application for ITS
1. Intelligent transportation development planning
2. The roads, traffic simulation element
3. The dynamic perception
4. Active management
5. Cooperating driver, vehicle and way simulation with design
Requirements for IET and EI papers:
1. Format
a. Individual article PDFs
b. All PDFs to be set to PDF version 1.7 (Acrobat 8)
c. All fonts within the PDFs need to be 'embedded subset'— word
d. Author list (Inc Name\Company\Email\Phone etc)
e. Each author’s COPYRIGHT should be a single PDF file.
2. Your paper must be no longer than four pages. The paper submitted over four pages will be
charged US$ 50 per extra page. Otherwise the paper will not be printed.
3. To be included in the Proceedings, your paper must be in the following format:
a. Single-spaced.
b. In two columns,
c. Printed in BLACK ink,
d. No smaller than nine point type throughout the paper, including figure captions. In nine point
type, capital letters are 2 mm high.
4. Print the paper on 210mm×297mm(A4) or 8.5”×11”(letter Size) white paper. Any text or
other material outside the following margins WILL NOT BE PRINTED—NO EXCEPTIONS:
a. All txt figure must be contained in a 175mm×226mm(6.9”×8.9”
)image area.
b. The left margin is to be 19mm (0.75”).
c. The top margin is to be 25mm (1”).
d. Text should appear in two columns, each 83mm wide with 9mm space between columns.
e. On the first page, the top 50mm (2”) of both columns is reserved for the title, author(s),
affiliation(s), mailing address(es) and email address(es). These items should be centered across
both columns.
The abstract should appear at the top of the left-hand column of text, about 12mm (0.5”) below
the title area and no more than 80mm (3-1/8”) in length.
f. Leave 12mm (0.5”) space between the end of the abstract and the beginning of the main text.
g.On the second and subsequent pages, the text or illustrations begin at the top of the page.
Your paper must be received before Friday, Sep. 25, 2015.
Send one camera-ready copy of your paper to:
icit2015@cis-pic.org.cn or icit2015@gongcheng365.cn
paper issue:
See the ICIT2015 template here
C.W. Hesse1, C.J. James[name]1
Signal Processing and Control Group, ISVR, University of Southampton,
Southampton, United Kingdom[department]
c.w.hesse@soton.ac.uk, c.james@soton.ac.uk[email]
Keywords: Please specify up to five keywords, separated by commas and terminated by full stop,
and place them before the abstract.
This document provides instructions for preparing papers for the ICSSC2013 conference
proceedings (IET format), which are intended to guide the authors in preparing camera-ready and
electronic versions of their manuscripts. Only papers prepared according to these instructions will
be published. This should be informative and suitable for direct inclusion in abstracting services
as a self-contained article. It should not exceed 200 words. It should indicate the general scope
and also state the main results obtained, methods used, the value of the work and the
conclusions drawn. No figure numbers, table numbers, references or displayed mathematical
expressions should be included.
1 Introduction
These are the instructions for preparing papers for the ICSSC2013 conference proceedings.
Papers must be written in English and submitted in camera-ready format. To ensure uniformity of
style, authors must strictly adhere to the layout and typesetting instructions.
Papers should be structured as follows: title, author(s), affiliation(s), keywords, abstract,
introduction, methodology, results, conclusion, acknowledgement, references. Type the main text,
figure captions and table headings using a 10pt size, single spaced, Roman typeface (e.g. Times,
Times New Roman). Please use Microsoft Word to prepare manuscripts according to the
template file. Please submit your manuscript in electronic camera-ready format (both word and
2 Manuscript Presentation
Authors are requested to submit a word and PDF file of their papers for inclusion in the
Conference Proceedings. All PDFs should be set to PDF version 1.4 (Acrobat 5), and all fonts
within the PDF need to be 'embedded subset'. The maximum allowed length of the full paper is 8
A4 pages. Leave 24mm margins at the top and bottom of the page, and 20mm margins on the left
and right sides. The pages must not be numbered.
Text including equations must be typed single spaced in any of the following font types: Times,
Times Roman, Times New Roman or Symbol. Use 10 pt for the text, 12 pt for the headings and 11
pt for subheadings, and 18 pt for the title. The title should be typed in capital letters and centred.
The text should be set in two columns that are 8.8 cm wide and justified, and separated by a
margin of 0.4 cm.
3 Detailed Format
3.1 Author Affiliations
These should immediately follow the title. For multiple-authored articles, list the names of all the
authors, followed by the full postal and email addresses, using identifiers to link an author with
an address where necessary.
3.2 Title
The title and author information at the top of the first page are also in 10pt font, and span both
columns. Use bold typeface and capital letters for the title, and ensure that the title does not
exceed 2 lines. Leave one blank line between the title and the list of authors. Indicate the
affiliation of each author using superscript numbers. Leave one blank line after list of authors,
and then list each institution with name and address on one line, and authors' email addresses a
separate line using a "typewriter" typeface. Leave two blank lines between the title section and
the abstract.
3.3 Figures
Each figure should be explicitly referred to in numerical order and should be embedded within
the text at the appropriate point. Each figure should have a caption underneath. Position figures
in the text as close as possible to where they are first referred to. Single column figures must not
exceed 80mm in width, and double column figures must be no wider than 170mm. Number
figures in order of appearance, and place them either at top or bottom of a column (page). Each
figure must be accompanied by a brief but informative caption, placed below the figure and not
exceeding its width, as shown in the example Figure 1. Ensure that graphs are sensibly scaled,
with clearly labelled axes.
Figure 1. This is the figure caption for an example figure showing a blank box.
3.4 Tables
Tables should be referred to in numerical order in the text and should be embedded within the
text at the appropriate point. Each table should have a caption underneath. Place tables in the
text as close as possible to where they are first referred to. Tables must be accompanied by a
brief but informative caption placed below the table as in the example Table 1. Ensure that tables
are clearly labelled and self-contained.
Table 1. This is the table caption for an example table.
A (units/category)
1.0 (only numbers)
3.5 Mathematics and equations
When writing mathematics, avoid confusion between characters that could be mistaken for one
another, e.g. the letter 'l' and the figure one. Equations must fit into a two-column print format.
Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the text and referred to in numerical
order. Vectors and matrices should be in bold italic and variables in italic. If your paper contains
superscripts or subscripts, take special care to ensure that the positioning of the characters is
unambiguous. Exponential expressions should be written using superscript notation, i.e. 5x103
not 5E03. A multiplication sign should be used, not a dot.
Refer to equations using round brackets, e.g. (1).
3.6 Instructions for References and Acknowledgements
The IET uses the Vancouver (numerical) system for references. You should number your
references sequentially through the text, and each reference should be individually numbered
and enclosed in square brackets (e.g. [1]).
Please ensure that all references in the Reference list are cited in the text and vice versa. Please
also ensure that you provide as much information as possible to allow the reader to locate the
article concerned. This is particularly important for articles appearing in conferences, workshops
and books that may not appear in journal databases. Do not include references for papers that
have been submitted and not accepted for publication. Papers that have been accepted for
publication are allowed as long as all information is provided. Please provide all author name(s)
and initials, title of the paper, date published, title of the journal or book, volume number, editors
(if any), and finally the page range. For books and conferences, the town of publication and
publisher (in parentheses) should also be given. A numerical list of references should be provided
at the end of the paper, and we provide examples of reference formats for books, conference
proceedings and journal articles. The numerical order of references is determined by order in
which the papers are cited for the first time. Use only square brackets when citing a reference
such as [1] and [2, 3].
Any acknowledgments should be written in a separate section between the main text and the
reference (or appendix) section. Grants, financial aid and other special assistance may be
described in an ‘Acknowledgements’ section following the conclusion.
3.7 Equations
Number equations consecutively using Arabic numbers in parentheses placed at the right column
margin, such as
i 1
Ensure that equation 1 is followed by a comma or full stop as appropriate, and explain all terms in
preceding and/or following text.
Write any acknowledgments here (e.g. thanks to individuals, funding organisations).
Smith, T., and Jones, M., “The title of the journal paper”, IET Syst. Biol., 2007, 1, (2), pp. 1–7.
Jones, L., and Brown, D., “The title of the conference paper”. Proc. Int. Conf. Systems Biology,
Stockholm, Sweden, May 2006, pp. 1–7.
Hodges, A., and Smith, N., “The title of the book chapter”, in Brown, S. (Ed.): ‘Handbook of
Systems Biology’ (IEE Press, 2004, 1st edn.), pp. 1–7.
Harrison, E.A., and Abbott, C., “The title of the book” (XYZ Press, 2005, 2nd edn. 2006).
Brown, F., “The title of the patent (if available)”. British Patent 123456, July 2004.
Smith, D., and Hodges, J., British Patent Application 98765, 1925.
Abbott, N.L., “The title of the thesis”. PhD thesis, XYZ University, 2005.
BS1234, “The title of the standard”, 2006. http://www.theiet.org, accessed April 2006.