2 Planning for Chemical Site Preparation

Ministry of Forests
Forest Practices Branch
1 Background
Chemical site preparation, which involves the application of herbicides, controls
competing vegetation before planting or natural regeneration and during the early
stages of seedling establishment. In general, herbicides are effective in suppressing
most undesirable vegetation and are well suited for use on many sites. Herbicides,
when properly applied, also have little site impact. Proper application implies
application according to label instructions. With their minimal site impact, herbicides
can offer certain environmental advantages over other site preparation treatments.
However, in some areas, application of herbicides are of particular concern to other
resource users and members of the public.
1.1 Suitability of Herbicides for Site Preparation
Chapter 13 of Regenerating British Columbia’s Forests, by J. Otchere-Boateng and
L. Herring [1990] suggests that for effective site preparation by chemical methods
alone, the site must have the following characteristics:
1. Live vegetation species that are susceptible to the available registered herbicides.
2. Low density of logging residues and other debris.
3. Forest floor litter that is thin enough to permit seeding, where natural
regeneration is planned, or screefing if artificial reforestation is needed.
If these criteria are met, then chemical site preparation may be an appropriate option
for achieving regeneration objectives. Examples of situations favoring chemical site
preparation include:
Where mechanical site preparation is inappropriate due to steep slope and/or
sensitive soil.
Where non-chemical methods provide poor control of sprouting species, or where
stored seed might be stimulated to germinate following burning or mechanical
Where soil moisture stress is a problem.
Where burning can lead to loss of nutrients, unacceptable levels of smoke, or
inappropriate risk.
Where site preparation is to be done in poorly accessible and scattered locations in
portions of plantations and natural stands which are understocked.
Several drawbacks to chemical site preparation must also be considered. Not all
undesirable vegetation in forest communities can be controlled with the available
registered herbicides. Herbicide operations can cause shifts in competing vegetation
creating situations where minor herbicide-resistant species can develop into a major
competition problem after a treatment. In most cases, herbicide application must wait
until shrubs and hardwoods have sprouted to ensure maximum uptake and
Revised: December 1993
Ministry of Forests
Forest Practices Branch
translocation. This can delay reforestation efforts. In some areas, early seral
vegetation provides a nurse crop that protects seedlings from frost. A herbicide
application that removes this vegetation may increase the incidence of frost damage
on newly planted seedlings.
Herbicides are regulated and not allowed to be applied on all sites. For example, sites
close to sensitive areas, such as potable water sources and fish-bearing streams.
Finally, there is growing public concern over the use of chemicals in the
environment. This continues to impact the use of herbicides for site preparation.
1.2 Using Herbicides with Other Site Preparation Methods
Where the objective of site preparation is not vegetation suppression alone, but
includes, for instance, removal of flammable logging residues or mineral seedbed
preparation, herbicides may be used in combination with mechanical and burning
methods (i.e., ‘brown and burn’). For example, on a harvested area invaded by
herbaceous and brush species, the green (live) vegetation does not burn readily, and
tends to shade logging residues. Shaded residue dries more slowly and may remain
too wet to burn. A pre-burn herbicide application to desiccate, defoliate, or kill
vegetation can allow the slash to warm and dry, thus allowing a good burn. However,
the logistics of combining an effective herbicide treatment with a timely burn may be
Where brush species on the site are susceptible to herbicide treatments, but removal
of the standing dead vegetation and/or logging debris is also required (e.g., for
planter access), chemical treatment may best be combined with burning or with
mechanical site preparation.
Note that combining herbicides with other site preparation treatments may result in a
different and occasionally less diverse vegetation complex than would have been
created had either of the treatments been used in isolation.
Herbicide applicators attached to mechanical site preparation implements
(e.g., Bräcke patch scarifier or powered disc trencher) are available but are not
commonly used in British Columbia.
Otchere-Boateng and Herring [in Lavender et al., 1990] review the possible
combinations of treatment that include herbicides for site preparation.
Revised: December 1993
Ministry of Forests
Forest Practices Branch
2 Planning for Chemical Site Preparation
Planning for chemical site preparation begins with problem identification or
assessment of potential vegetation problems at the pre- and post-harvest stages. This
is followed by selection of a treatment method. Selection considerations will include:
treatment cost; effect of the method on workers, bystanders, crop trees, and the
environment (water, fish and wildlife resources); and the potential for obtaining the
necessary permits. Planning must include on site monitoring, post-treatment
assessment, and prescription evaluation. The evaluation should assess whether
reforestation objectives were met. For detailed explanations on each of these steps,
see Otchere-Boateng and Herring [in Lavender, et al., 1990] and Herbicide Field
Handbook, FRDA Handbook 006 by Otchere-Boateng [1990].
Revised: December 1993
Ministry of Forests
Forest Practices Branch
3 Site Preparation Chemicals
3.1 Pesticide Laws and Regulations
The use of herbicides for site preparation, like all other pesticide use, is controlled by
federal and provincial laws and regulations. These laws and regulations may be found
in various manuals and publications, however, for up-to-date information, see
Handbook for Pesticide Applicators and Dispensers: Forestry Supplement [MOF
1991], and the chapter of this manual entitled “Vegetation Management.”
All pesticides are required to be registered by Agriculture Canada and must carry a
manufacturer’s label and be used according to the specific instructions on that label.
It is illegal to use pesticides in a manner other than that specified on the label.
A provincial pesticide use permit is required for any pesticide to be applied in the
forests of British Columbia. Any person applying a pesticide must have special
training in pesticide application and be certified by the B.C. Ministry of
Environment, Lands and Parks, (Pesticide Management Branch), or be supervised
closely by a certified applicator. Project managers must adhere to the laws and
regulations governing pesticide handling, storage, and application. See the chapter of
this manual entitled “Vegetation Management” or see the Handbook for Pesticide
Applicators and Dispensers: Forestry Supplement, [MOF 1991] for more
3.2 Herbicides Registered for Site Preparation
The chapter “Vegetation Management” lists the herbicides and examples of their
formulations that are registered for forest site preparation. Only glyphosate
(Vision®), 2,4-D amine, 2,4-D ester, triclopyr (Release®), and hexazinone (Velpar,
Pronone) have forestry registration. The herbicide used most widely in British
Columbia forests is glyphosate.
Requirements and Characteristics of Herbicides
A site preparation herbicide must not show extended residual activity in soil, as this
could damage crop trees planted in the future. The waiting periods needed for conifer
establishment following site preparation using a herbicide treatment are presented in
Table 13.4 in Otchere-Boateng and Herring [1990]. Where there is no need for saving
residuals or naturals, treatment windows can be wider than for release operations.
The characteristics of the herbicides registered for site preparation are listed in the
Herbicide Field Handbook, FRDA Handbook 006 by Otchere-Boateng [1990].
Revised: December 1993
Ministry of Forests
Forest Practices Branch
4 Application of Herbicides
For vegetation control through chemical means to be effective, the herbicides must be
absorbed into plants (via leaves, stems, twigs, or roots) and subsequently translocated
(in the case of systemic herbicides) to the site of action in appropriate form and
quantity. Herbicide absorption is influenced by several factors:
herbicide formulation,
carrier and orientation,
chemical composition of plant surfaces, and
weather conditions (particularly temperature and relative humidity).
Translocation is controlled by two sets of factors:
the inherent properties of the herbicide; and
plant phenology and condition (e.g., plant vigor, water or drought stress, and
damaged plant parts).
Effective vegetation control requires appropriate selection of the following:
herbicide formulation,
application rate and spray volume,
application season and local weather conditions,
application method,
and supervision.
Otchere-Boateng and Herring [in Lavender et al., 1990] briefly discuss each factor.
Detailed information is available in the Handbook for Pesticide Applicators and
Dispensers: Forestry Supplement [MOF 1991] and FRDA Handbooks 005 and 006.
Revised: December 1993
Ministry of Forests
Forest Practices Branch
5 Contracting for Chemical Site Preparation
Detailed procedures for planning, carrying out and evaluating site preparation
contracts are discussed in “Project Management.”
Revised: December 1993