Psychotherapy Research (Manuscripts)

Please forward your orders to: Joy Ortiz
Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Tel: 203-937-3486 ext. 7402
Fax: 203-937-3869 or 203-937-3472
Training Package (Manual & Video Tape)
Quantity Ordered
1) The Technology Model: An Introduction to Psychotherapy Research
In Substance Abuse (manual only)
2) Cognitive-Behavioral Coping Skills Treatment for Cocaine Dependence (Spanish version of manual available)
3) Twelve Step Facilitation Therapy for Drug Abuse and Dependence
4) Compliance Enhancement: A Manual for the Psychopharmacotherapy
of Drug Abuse and Dependence
5) Contingency Management: Using Motivational Incentives to Improve Drug Abuse Treatment
Package (Manual & Video Tape) : $50.00 plus $9.00 (shipping & handling)
Manuals only: $15.00 plus $4.00 (shipping & handling)
1) Yale Adherence and Competence Scale (YACS) Guidelines
2) Cocaine Risk Response Test (CRRT)
(Please forward email address for delivery of Assessments)
Manuals & Monographs
Nowinski, J., Baker, S., & Carroll, K.M. (1992) Twelve-step facilitation therapy manual: A clinical research guide for therapists
treating individuals with alcohol abuse and dependence. NIAAA Project MATCH Monograph Series Volume 1, DHHS Publication
No. (ADM) 92-1893. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
Kadden, R., Carroll, K.M., Donovan, D., Cooney, N., Monti, P., Abrams, D., Litt, M., & Hester, R. (1992). Cognitive-behavioral coping
skills therapy manual: A clinical research guide for therapists treating individual with alcohol abuse and dependence. NIAAA
Project MATCH Monograph Series Volume 3, DHHS Publication No. (ADM) 92-1895. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Alcohol
and Alcoholism.
Carroll, K.M. (1998). A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach: Treating Cocaine Addiction. NIH Publication 98-4308. Rockville, MD:
National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Boren, J.J., Onken, L.S. & Carroll, K.M. (editors) (2000). Approaches to Drug Abuse Counseling. NIH Publication 00-4151.
Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Psychotherapy Research
Carroll, K.M., Rounsaville, B.J., & Nich, C. (1994). Blind man’s bluff? Effectiveness and significance of psychotherapy and
pharmacotherapy blinding procedures in a clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 276-280.
Carroll, K.M., Kadden, R., Donovan, D., Zweben, A., & Rounsaville, B.J. (1994) Implementing treatment and protecting
the validity of the independent variable in treatment matching studies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Suppl 12, 149-155.
Carroll, K.M. (1995). Methodological issues and problems in assessment of substance use. Psychological
Assessment, 7, 349-358.
Carroll, K.M. (1997). Manual guided psychosocial treatment: A new virtual requirement for pharmacotherapy trials?
Archives of General Psychiatry, 54, 923-928.
Carroll, K.M. (1997) Listening to smoke researchers: Negative affect and drug abuse treatment. Psychological Science
, 8, 190-193.
Carroll, K.M. (1997). New methods of treatment efficacy research: Bridging clinical research and clinical practice.
Alcohol Health and Research World, 21, 352-359.
Rev. 11/03
Carroll, K.M., Nich, C., McLellan, A.T., McKay, J.R. & Rounsaville, B.J. (1999). "Research" versus "real world" patients:
Representativeness of subject participating in clinical trials of treatments for cocaine dependence. Drug and Alcohol
Dependence, 54, 171-177.
Carroll, K.M. (2001) Constrained, confounded, and confused: Why we know so little about therapist effects.
Addiction 96, 203-206
Carroll, K.M.(2001). Control and comparison groups in clinical treatment outcome research. In N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes
(eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 2043-2048. Oxford,
UK:Pergamon/Elsevier Science.
10. Carroll, K.M. & Nuro, K. (2002). One size can’t fit all: A stage model for psychotherapy manual development.
Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice, 9, 396-406.
11. Carroll, K.M. & Rounsaville, B.J. (2003). Bridging the gap between research and practice in substance abuse treatment:
A hybrid model linking efficacy and effectiveness research. Psychiatric Services, 54, 333-339.
12. Nich, C., & Carroll, K.M. (1997) Now you see it, now you don't: A comparison of traditional versus random-effects
regression models in the analysis of longitudinal follow-up data from a clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 65, 252-261.
13. Nich, C., & Carroll, K.M. (2002). ‘Intention to treat’ meets ‘missing data’: Implications of alternate strategies for analyzing
clinical trials data. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 68, 121-130.
14. O’Malley, S.S. & Carroll, K.M. (1996) Psychotherapeutic considerations in pharmacologic trials. Alcoholism:
Clinical and Experimental Research, 20, 17A-2A.
15. Rounsaville, B.J., Weiss, R., & Carroll, K.M. (1999). Options for managing psychotropic medications in drug-abusing
patients participating in behavioral therapies clinical trials. The American Journal on Addictions, 8, 178-189.
16. Rounsaville, B.J., Carroll, K.M., Onken, L.S. (2001). A stage model of behavioral therapies research: Getting started
and moving on from Stage I. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 8: 133-142.
17. Rounsaville, B.J., Carroll, K.M. & Onken, L.S. (2001). Methodological diversity and theory in the stage model: Reply
to Kazdin. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 8, 152-154.
18. Rounsaville, B.J. & Carroll, K.M. (2002). Commentary on the dodo bird verdict: So why aren’t we dodos yet?
Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice 9, 17-20.
19. Rounsaville, B.J., Petry, N. M., Carroll, K.M. (2003). Single versus multiple drug focus in substance abuse clinical trials
research. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 70(2): 117-125.
20. Rounsaville, B.J., Petry, N.M., & Carroll, K.M. (2003). Single versus multiple drug targets in substance abuse clinical trials
research. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Vol. 20, Issue 2, 117-125
Treatment Descriptions
21. Ball, S.A. (1998). Manualized treatment for substance abusers with personality disorders: Dual Focus Schema Therapy.
Addictive Behaviors, 23, 883-891.
22. Easton, C., Sinha, R. (2001). Treating the addicted male batterer: Promising directions for dual-focussed programming.
In Wekerle C, & Wall AM (Eds.), The Violence and Addiction Equation: Theoretical and Clinical Issues in
Substance Abuse and Relationship Violence, New York: Brunner/Routeledge Publishers, pp. 275-292.
23. Luthar, S. S., & Suchman, N. E., (1999). Developmentally informed parenting interventions: The Relational Psychotherapy
Mothers’ Group. In D. Cicchetti & S. Toth (Eds.), Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology,
Volume 9: Developmental Approaches to Prevention and Intervention (pp. 271-309). Rochester, NY: University
of Rochester Press.
24. Luthar, S.S., & Suchman, N.E. (2000). The Relational Psychotherapy Mothers’ Group: A developmentally informed
intervention for at-risk mothers. Development and Psychopathology, 12, 235-253.
25. Luthar, S. S., Doyle, K., Suchman, N. E., & Mayes, L. (2001). Developmental themes in women’s emotional experiences
of motherhood. Development & Psychopathology, 13, 165-182.
26. Martino, S., Carroll, K., Kostas, D., Perkins, J., & Rounsaville, B. (2002). Dual diagnosis motivational interviewing for substance
-abusing patients with psychotic disorders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 23, 297-308.
27. McMahon, T. J., & Rounsaville, B. J. (2002). Substance abuse and fathering: Adding poppa to the research agenda.
Addiction, 97, 1109-1115.
28. McMahon, T. J., Winkel, J. D., Suchman, N. E., & Luthar, S. S. (2002). Drug dependence, parenting responsibilities, and
treatment history: Why doesn’t mom go for help? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 65, 105-114.
29. Petry, N.M. (2000). A comprehensive guide for the application of contingency management procedures in standard clinic
settings. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 58, 9-25.
Rev. 11/03
30. Petry, N.M., Petrakis, I., Trevisan, L., Wiredu, L., Boutros, N., Martin, B. & Kosten, T.R. (2001). Contingency management
interventions: From research to practice. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 694-702.
31. Petry, N.M., Tedford, J., & Martin, B. (2001). Reinforcing compliance with non-drug related activities. Journal of Substance
Abuse Treatment, 20, 33-44.
32. Petry, N.M. & Simcic, F. (2002). Contingency management interventions: Clinician and researcher perspectives.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 23, 81-86.
33. Potenza MN, Fiellin DA, Heninger GR, Rounsaville BJ, Mazure CM (2002) Gambling: An addictive behavior with health
and primary care implications. J Gen Int Med 17: 721-732.
34. Suchman, N.E., & Luthar, S. S. (2000). Maternal addiction, child maladjustment, and sociodemographic context: Implications
for parenting behaviors. Addiction, 95, 1417-1428.
Clinical Trials
35. Ball, S.A. & Young, J.E. (2000). Dual focus schema therapy for personality disorders and substance dependence:
Case study results. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 7, 270-281.
36. Carroll, K.M., Connors, G.J., Cooney, N.L., DiClemente, C.C., Donovan, D.M., Longabaugh, R.L., Kadden, R.M., Rounsaville,
B.J., Wirtz, P.W., & Zweben, A. (1998). Internal validity of Project MATCH treatments: Discriminability and integrity.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66, 290-303.
37. Carroll, K.M., Ball, S.A., Nich, C., O’Connor, P.G., Eagan, D., Frankforter, T.L., Triffleman, E.G., Shi, J. & Rounsaville, B.J. (2001)
Targeting behavioral therapies to enhance naltrexone treatment of opioid dependence: Efficacy of contingency management
and significant other involvement. Archives of General Psychiatry, 58, 755-761.
38. Carroll, K.M., Libby, B., Sheehan, J. & Hyland, N. (2001). Motivational interviewing to enhance treatment initiation in substance
abusers: An effectiveness study. American Journal on Addictions, 10, 335-339.
39. Carroll, K.M, Sinha, R., Nich, C., Babuscio, T. & Rounsaville, B.J. (2002). Contingency management to enhance naltrexone
treatment of opioid dependence: A randomized clinical trial of reinforcement magnitude. Experimental and Clinical
Psychopharmacology, 10, 54-63.
40. Easton, C., Swan, S., Sinha, R. (2000). Motivation to change substance use among offenders of domestic violence.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 19, 1-5.
41. Easton, C., Swan, S., Sinha, R. (2000). Prevalence of family violence in clients entering substance abuse treatment.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 18,23-28.
42. Martino, S., Carroll, K.M., O’Malley, S.S., & Rounsaville, B.J. (2000). Motivational interviewing with psychiatrically ill
substance abusing patients. American Journal on Addictions, 9, 88-91.
43. McMahon, T. J., & Luthar, S. S. (2000). Women in treatment: Within-gender differences in the clinical presentation of
opioid-dependent women. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 188, 679-687.
44. Petry, N.M., Martin, B., Cooney, J., & Kranzler, H. (2000). Give them prizes and they will come: Contingency management
for treatment of alcohol dependence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 250-257.
45. Petry, N.M. (2001). Pathological gamblers, with and without substance use disorders, discount delayed rewards at high
rates. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110, 482-487.
46. Petry, N.M., Martin, B., & Finocche, C. (2001). Contingency management for group treatment: A demonstration project in
an HIV drop-in program. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 21, 80-96.
47. Petry, N.M. & Martin, B. (2002). Lower-cost contingency management for treating cocaine-abusing methadone patients.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70, 398-405.
48. Sinha, R., Catapano, D., O'Malley, S.S. (1999). Stress-induced craving and stress responses in cocaine dependent individuals.
Psychopharmacology, 142, 343-351.
49. Sinha, R., Fuse, T., Renee-Aubin, L., O'Malley, S.S. (2000). Psychological stress, drug cues and cocaine craving.
Psychopharmacology, 152(2), 140-148.
50. Sinha, R. (2001). How does stress increase risk of drug abuse and relapse? Psychopharmacology, 158, 343-359.
51. Sinha, R., Rounsaville, B.J. (2002). Sex difference in depressed substance abusers. J of Clinical Psychiatry, 63
(July), 616-627.
52. Sinha, R., Easton, C. & Kemp, K. (in press). Substance abuse treatment characteristics of probation-referred young adults
in a community-based outpatient program. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Vol. 29, Issue 3, 585-598
53. Suchman, N.E., & Luthar, S. S. (2001). The mediating role of parenting stress in methadone-maintained mothers’ parenting.
Parenting: Science and Practice, 1, 285-315.
Rev. 11/03
54. Carroll, K.M., Nich, C., & Rounsaville, B.J. (1997). Contribution of the therapeutic alliance to outcome in active versus control
psychotherapies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 510-514.
55. Carroll, K.M., Nich, C., & Rounsaville, B.J., (1998). Utility of therapist session checklists to monitory delivery of coping skills
treatment for cocaine abusers. Psychotherapy Research, 8, 307-320.
56. Carroll, K.M., Nich, C., Frankforter, T.L., & Bisighini, R.M. (1999). Do patients change in the way we intend? Treatment specific
skill acquisition in cocaine-dependent patients using he Cocaine Competency Test. Psychological Assessment, 11, 77-85.
57. Carroll, K.M., Nich, C., Sifrey, R., Frankforter, T., Nuro, K.F., Ball, S.A., Fenton, L.R. & Rounsaville, B.J. (2000). A general system
for evaluating therapist adherence and competence in psychotherapy research in the addictions. Drug and Alcohol
Dependence, 57, 225-238.
58. Carroll, K.M. & Rounsaville, B.J. (2002). On beyond urine: Clinically useful assessment instruments in the treatment of
drug dependence. Behavior Research & Therapy, 40, 1329-1344.
59. Cecero,J.J.,Fenton, L.R., Nich, C., Frankforter, T.L., & Carroll, K.M. (2001). Focus on therapeutic alliance: The psychometric
properties of six measures across three treatments. Psychotherapy, 38, 1-11.
60. Cecero, J.C., Fenton,L.R., Nich, C., Frankforter, T.L., and Carroll, K.M. (2001). The therapeutic alliance in focus: The psychometric
properties of six measures across three treatments. Psychotherapy, 38, 1-11.
61. Fenton, L.S., Cecero, J.J., Nich, C., Frankforter, T.L., & Carroll, K.M. (1999). Perspective is everything: The predictive validity
of six working alliance measures. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice & Research, 10, 262-268.
62. Petry, N.M. (2001). Reliability of drug users’ self-reported HIV risk behaviors using a brief, 11-item scale. Substance Use
and Misuse, 36, 1731-1747.
63. Carroll, K.M., (1996). Relapse prevention as a psychosocial treatment: A review of controlled clinical trials. Experimental
and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 4, 46-54. Reprinted in C.A. Marlatt & G.R. VandenBos (eds.), Addictive Behaviors:
Readings on Etiology, Prevention and Treatment (pp. 697-716). Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association, 1997.
64. Carroll, K.M. (1999). Behavioral and cognitive behavioral treatments. In B.S. McCrady & E.E. Epstein (eds.), Addictions:
A Comprehensive Guidebook (pp. 250-267). New York: Oxford University Press.
65. Carroll, K.M. (2000). Science-based behavioral therapies for drug dependence. The Economics of Neuroscience, 2, 41-47.
66. Rounsaville, B.J., & Carroll, K.M. (in press). Individual psychotherapy. In A.W. Graham & T.K. Schultz, (eds.),
Principles of Addiction Medicine, Third Edition. Chevy Chase, MD: American Society of Addiction Medicine.
67. Sinha, R., Easton, C. (1999). Substance abuse and criminality. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry
and the Law, 27(4), 513-526.
Rev. 11/03