Attention Deficit Disorder Screening


Osd info


Learning Disability &

Attention Deficit Disorder Screening

If you think you may have a learning disability LD or an

attention deficit disorder ADHD, or if this has been suggested to you as a possibility by one of your professors, a student advisor, or a

Student Services professional, makes an appointment with the OSD

Director to discuss your concerns. She will try to determine whether you are likely to have a learning disability or attention deficit, and will refer you for further testing if she feels it is appropriate.

Psycho educational testing, required by the university as a basis for providing accommodations, must be carried out or supervised by a licensed psychologist who will then provide you with complete documentation of a learning disability or ADHD. In the case of ADHD, psychiatric or medical documentation is also necessary.

Verify, with the OSD, the tests and measures that should be included in a valid psycho educational assessment. We can also provide you with a list of recommended local testing resources.

Funding for Testing

Testing is available at different prices, ranging from 50$ to over

1000$. At the request of the OSD Director, the Student Aid Office at

McGill can loan students the cost of the testing.

Canadian students may be able to receive funding for testing from an agency in their home province.

Students covered by a parental health care plan, which recognizes the services of a licensed psychologist, may be able to have some testing costs reimbursed by this plan.

Learning Disability and Attention Deficit Disorder

Assessment Guidelines

The Office for Students with Disabilities conforms to practices applied at the university level across Canada, and at educational testing agencies, in its requirements for assessment of a learning disability

LD or Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD.

Basic Principles:

 The testing must be performed by a licensed professional with expertise and training in adult LD assessment. This is generally a psychologist. OSD can provide a list of recommended professionals in the Montreal area.

 The report must be printed on letterhead that identifies the assessor and includes professional credentials.

 Tests used must be listed, and results from all tests must be reported.

 Actual test and sub-test scores should be included, or be available to the Director of OSD upon request.

 Assessment should be carried out using adult level tests and therefore should be recent.

 Tests performed before Grade 10 are generally not accepted.

The university reserves the right to not accept any report which does not conform to its standards, or which does not clearly identify the source of a disability.

Recommendations for accommodations are useful, and will be considered, but are not definitive in terms of the actual accommodations a student will receive at McGill. The granting of an accommodation at the school level, or at another post secondary institution, does not guarantee it will be granted at McGill.

Students should submit their diagnostic reports when they make an appointment to see an OSD staff member.

Details about specific tests required for LD or ADHD assessments are available at


 McGill University July 2005
