Councillor G Glover – Chairman
Councillors J Dawson, S Harlow, M Morcom, K Wilson
Also in attendance: PC R Macalpine-Downie – Rural Partnership Police Officer
Confirmation of Summons and Apologies
The Summons to the meeting was confirmed. Apologies for absence were
received from Cllr Prince (attending funeral). PC Macalpine-Downie advised
PCSO Radcliffe was unable to attend the meeting due to other duty
Declarations of Interest
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 21st July, 2009
Minute 089/09 Matters Arising – Power of Well Being Training amended to read
as follows:‘A training course on 30th June had been attended by Cllrs Glover, Dawson,
Harlow and Wilson, together with the Clerk.’
Action: Clerk
Matters Arising
089/09 Parish Archives
Now complete. It was agreed to purchase a further four archive boxes to
replace the cardboard boxes containing planning files. An invoice from
Mike Dowley for archive work was to be presented at 103/09.
Action: Clerk
089/09 Bredlands Lane Crossing – Bus Shelter
No additional information.
Action: Cllr Glover
089/09 Golden Hills Farm
Mr Sime, Enforcement Officer, advised that further correspondence was
taking place between the resident’s agent and Development Control.
A update on the situation would be provide in time for the next meeting.
Action: Clerk
089/09 Identity Cards
Cllr Wilson advised her ID cards would need to be updated, following a
change of telephone number. Photographs were still awaited from
Cllrs Glover and Prince.
Action: Clerk
089/09 Police Notice-Boards – Westbere
Still awaiting confirmation of the proposed locations.
089/09 Replacement Streetlights – Westbere
To be discussed at 105/09.
089/09 Collapsed Sewer – Bushy Hill Road
Cllr Harlow gave details of the present situation. It was understood the
resident had received correspondence from her insurer. It was
understood that a neighbour who had also been asked for payment had
access to legal advice and had been assisting the resident. It was
agreed that, as this was a civil matter, it would not be appropriate for the
Parish Council to intervene, but to monitor the situation to ensure the
wellbeing of the resident.
089/09 Footpath CB91
Awaiting progress update from PROW. A resident had reported
brambles were overhanging footpath CB90 next to the railway line.
Action: Clerk
089/09 Cllr Morcom’s Report re Ferocious Dogs
Pc Macalpine-Downie reported on the matter following his visit to the
address of the owners. No further action.
089/09 Emergency First Aid Arrangements
Awaiting details of the Community Responders Scheme from PCSO
Radcliffe. Clerk to liaise.
Action: Clerk
089/09 KCC Environment, Highways and Waste Directorate: Statement of
Community Involvement scoping consultation
Mr W Murray, Chairman, Parish Plan Steering Group, confirmed that the
questionnaire had been completed.
089/09 Power of Well Being Training
Certificates received and distributed.
090/09 Development Control re Snooker Hall, Canterbury Industrial Park
A Planning Application had been received and would be discussed at
091/09 Canterbury FC
Cllr Glover reported that the matter had been finalised.
094/09 Village Green Hedging
The Potting Shed has submitted three quotations for the fencing work
from local companies and a quotation for work on the hedge itself would
be sought from the Potting Shed. The Finance Committee
recommended that the project should be subject of a capital expenditure
application for the following year and, after discussion, this was agreed
in principle. Further efforts would be made to ascertain the location of
the key to the electricity kiosk but, if not successful, arrangements would
need to be put in hand to replace the lock.
Action: Clerk
Chairman’s Report and Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Glover said that the roads had been swept within the last month and work
was under way to clear the gutters. The Clerk advised that Mr R Dixon,
Highways, had visited Westbere, in company with County Cllr Marsh, to look at
the condition of the roads and signs. It was considered that the on-road signs
needed repainting and this would be taken up with Mr Dixon.
Action: Clerk
Cllr Morcom reported that tree-lopping was being carried out on the A28.
Cllr Morcom said that she had started work on the next newsletter and would
bring a draft to the next meeting.
Cllr Harlow reported fly-tipping in the ‘two fields’ area of Westbere Lane.
Action: Clerk
Cllr Harlow gave details of a Police Forum meeting she had attended, when an
24 hour alleged private party, which had taken place at Babs Oak Hill, and
which had been complained about by residents in Westbere, was discussed.
(See 115/09).
The speaker at the Forum, Ruth Goudie (Highways), had spoken of a speed
limit review which was currently being carried out across Kent, the results of
which would become available in 2012.
Cllr Dawson reported that she had attended meetings of the Westbere Village
Preservation Society and Village Hall Management Committee. Clerk to forward
a copy of the minutes to Cllr Glover, for information.
Action: Clerk
The WVPS safari supper was to take place on 10th October, which would also
commemorate the 40th anniversary of WVPS. The next meeting of WVPS was
scheduled for on 23rd September.
The Village Hall race night was to be held at the village hall on 2nd October.
City and County Councillors’ Reports
Finance Matters
The Finance Committee met on 8th September.
The Chairman, Village Hall Management Committee, is seeking to purchase
new chairs for the village hall and has asked if the Parish Council would be
prepared to meet the cost of 10 chairs, at an approximate cost of £40 each
during the current financial year. This is not a formal request at present, as the
matter has not yet been discussed at Village Hall Management Committee. The
Finance Committee felt there were insufficient funds this year to meet this cost,
as it was necessary to give priority to safety issues, specifically street lighting
and the village green hedging.
Invoices presented for payment:
M Dowley – Clerk’s salary and expenses – Aug 09
The Potting Shed – Grass cutting July, August (2 invoices)
Mike Dowley – Parish Archiving
Sub total
Presented outside the meeting:
M Dowley – Clerk’s salary and expenses – Jul 09
Dr S Sweetinburgh – Scoping Study (Parish Plan)
Total Invoices:
Current account:
Instant access account (inc. £3,220.24 funding)
Higher Rate Treasury Account
Bank of Ireland account
Planning Matters
CA/09/00967/FUL – Change of use from Industrial (B1/B8 Use Class) to Leisure
(D2 Use Class) – Unit 1a, Canterbury Industrial Park, Island Road, Westbere,
CT3 4HQ. No objection in principle, provided sufficient security measures are
put in place to combat any likely anti-social behaviour as a result of availability
of alcohol.
Action: Clerk
Other Planning Matters
CA/09/607 – Relocation and expansion of the Ling Metals Recycling facility at
Plots D & E, Lakesview Business Park. Further information had been received
from Kent County Council, who were offering a further opportunity to comment.
A letter expressing concerns about traffic and environment issues would be
prepared in time for the deadline of 25 September.
Action: Cllr Harlow, Clerk
Work to Trees:
Ms Uden, Canterbury City Council had advised that two additional streetlights
needed replacement, at a further cost to the Parish Council of £1,000 for nonstandard lights. It was understood that the three original lights ordered, together
with the two additional lights would be delivered in mid-September. It was
RESOLVED to meet the cost of non-standard lights. Clerk to notify Ms Uden.
Action: Clerk
Parish Precept
It was RESOLVED to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation for an
application to Canterbury City Council for Parish Precept in the sum of £7,864
for the year 2010-11.
Action: Clerk
Concurrent Funding
It was RESOLVED to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation for an
application to Canterbury City Council for Concurrent Funding in the sum of
£7,204 for the year 2010-11. This included the Village Hall Committee’s
submission in full for insurance, safety, licensing and exterior decoration.
Action: Clerk
Capital Grants Scheme
It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council’s priority for the coming year was to
ensure that safety matters were dealt with adequately, in particular restoration
of the village green hedging and street lighting, and that capital funding be
sought as necessary for these major projects.
Action: Clerk
Parish Plan
Cllr Harlow and Mr N Smith, Parish Plan Steering Group, gave details of
progress to date. The second draft of the Executive summary was under way
and the planning, community support and environment summaries were also
being drafted. A progress report was required for Action with Communities in
Rural Kent before the end of September. Mr Smith added that he anticipated
making application for a full archaeology study and would be looking to the
Parish Council for support in any application for funding.
Action: Clerk
Shrubbery Corner
Cllr Dawson to discuss repairs to the wall at Shrubbery Corner which had been
damaged by contractors’ vehicles. The question of installation of a dog bin
would be discussed once the repairs to the wall had been effected.
Action: Cllr Dawson
Grass Cutting Contract 2010-2011
It was RESOLVED to accept the quotation from The Potting Shed for grass
cutting, hedging and tidying. in the sum of £5,450 for the years 2010/2011.
Clerk to write to The Potting Shed accordingly.
Action: Clerk
Allotments Strategy
Discussed. The Parish Council were unable to identify any land suitable for
allotments within the Parish. Clerk to advise Canterbury City Council.
Action: Clerk
Telephone Kiosks – Convent & Shrubbery Corner
BT had written inviting the Parish Council to adopt the two telephone kiosks at
the Convent and Shrubbery Corner for £1 each. It was noted that each of these
telephone boxes contained a notice indicating that, in any event, the telephony
was to be removed as it was considered the kiosks were not used sufficiently,
although this removal in default of adoption was not indicated in the letter. It
was RESOLVED to write to BT seeking retention of the kiosks as working
telephones, due to the poor mobile phone coverage in the area, the letter also
to advise that BT had been contacted on a number of occasions during the last
few months to ensure that faults on these telephones were rectified and that the
little usage recorded might well be because the phones had been out of order
for some time.
Action: Clerk
Clearance Work at Lakes
A resident had written expressing concern at the clearance work currently being
undertaken at the lakes to the left of footpath CB90. It was understood that the
owners of the lake area were planning to offer fishing access once the area had
been cleared. The question of vehicle parking for participants had been raised
by the resident, particularly in view of the limited parking area available in
Walnut Tree Lane. The Clerk reported that she had raised the matter with
Canterbury City Council and was awaiting a response from the Countryside
Team. County Cllr Marsh and City Cllr Parry have also be made aware of the
resident’s concerns.
Action: Clerk
Disturbance from Licensed Private Party
On Sunday 6th September, complaints were received from residents in relation
to continuous loud music overnight emanating from a venue in Babs Oak Hill.
Calls to Police and Enforcement Control confirmed that the event was a private
party notified to Canterbury City Council in accordance with regulations.
PC Macalpine-Downie gave details of police action in relation to the event.
Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
The Clerk’s report was provided as a narrative to the Agenda.
PCMacalpine-Downie asked for consideration to be given for a Police/PCSO
surgery, as part of the PACT scheme, to be held bi-monthly in the village hall,
immediately prior to Parish Council meetings to start at the October meeting.
Clerk to arrange with the Village Hall Management Committee; PC MacalpineDownie to provide the Clerk with a notice for the notice-boards.
Action: Clerk
A letter to KALC would be drafted for Parish Council consideration in relation to
recent correspondence concerning access to email.
Action: Clerk
Date of next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday
20th October at Westbere Village Hall.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.05 p.m.