5 minute fillers (could be extended to 10 minutes)

Girls taking the lead… Help!
Planning meetings is always a challenge, even with the most experienced of Patrol Leaders and
Guides; these are the meetings when we sometimes think “I’ll just organise this” and the next thing
you know, the whole of the next term has been organised!
What is the answer?
Unfortunately, there isn’t one!
If you find yourself fearing planning meetings with your unit or patrol leader’s council… fear not!
You are not alone!
Far be if from me to tell everyone how to run their units, but I like to share best practice where I
can, in the hope that someone out there will benefit, even if its just reassuring that we have all been
there, tearing our hair out in frustration.
Where to start…
I used to start with asking the girls what kinds of activities they would like to do, this usually
involved suggestions of things they had either recently done (as it was fresh in their minds) or trips
to ice skating, Drayton Manor and Cadbury World.
I still use a similar tactic, but we now have sections; weekly meetings, trips out, camps. There are
always more ideas in the trips and camps sections!
I then get them to pick out a couple of the weekly meeting ideas, concentrate on couple of ideas.
Make it bite size!
If the girls aren’t used to making their own decisions, help them by letting them organise a 15
minute slot at each unit meeting, you can do this for a few weeks, then move onto half an hour and
before they (and you) know it, they will be running things.
Once girls get used to using Go For It’s, they can work out for themselves how long tasks will take
and adjust things accordingly. There is no right or wrong way of doing things.
Add in a challenge night once a term!
This could be organised by the Young Leaders or other Leaders, so the girls know that they have at
least one night where they can just turn up and join in.
Top Tips:
Don’t try to plan too much at once.
Suggest a theme to get the girls started.
Inject a “challenge night” organised by leaders/young leaders once a term.
Don’t forget, there is no right or wrong way of doing things, if the girls are safe and having a great
time, you must be doing something right!
Have fun!!