dr mark a baker - publications

Dr Mark A. Baker
63 published articles. 2 book/encyclopaedia chapters, 56 refereed journal publications (1
invited talk), 5 conference papers.
28 papers first author, 35 papers co-investigator or supervisor.
Information on Journals
My primary research interests are in the fields of wear resistant coating characterisation and
applied surface and interface analysis. There are three key international journals for thin film
and coating deposition and characterisation. These are listed below, with their impact factors
(for 2003): Surface and Coatings Technology (IF – 1.4), Thin Solid Films (IF – 1.6) and the
Journal of Vacuum Science A (IF – 1.6). Similarly, the top international journals for applied
surface and interface analysis are: Surface and Interface Analysis (IF 1.2), Applied Surface
Science (IF – 1.5) and Journal of Electron Spectroscopy (IF – 1.1). A secondary activity
(originating from PhD work) is associated with corrosion and I have some publications in
probably the most read journal in this field Corrosion Science (IF – 1.9). Most of my papers
are published in the journals described.
Book/Encyclopedia Articles
1. M.A.Baker, J.E.Castle "Scanning Auger Microscopy" in `Materials Science and Technology,
Vol. 2B' Eds R.Cahn, P.Haasen, E.J.Kramer VCH, Weinheim (1994)
2. M.A.Baker "Scanning Auger Microscopy" Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, Academic Press
Ltd, London p4983-4990 (1995)
Refereed Journal Publications
3. M.A.Baker, J.E.Castle "The Initiation of Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steels at Oxide
Inclusions" Corrosion Science 33 (1992) 1295-1312
4. M.A.Baker, J.E.Castle "The Initiation of Pitting Corrosion at MnS Inclusions"
Science 34 (1993) 667-682
5. M.A.Baker "The Application of Surface Imaging Techniques to the Study of Pitting Corrosion
Initiation in Stainless Steels" Surface and Interface Analysis 20 (1993) 535-543
6. M.A.Baker, P.Tsakiropoulos "The Application of Chemical State AES and SAM to the
Examination of Aluminium Alloy Fracture Surfaces" Surface and Interface Analysis 20 (1993) 589594
7. D.Upadhyaya, M.A.Baker, C.M.Ward-Close, P.Tsakiropoulos, F.H.Froes "Interface Studies in a
Ti-6Al-4V/Sigma Fibre Composite" Journal de Physique IV (1994) 1717-1722
8. M.A.Baker, D.Upadhyaya "An Interfacial Study of a Sigma Fibre/Ti-6Al-4V Composite using
Scanning Auger/EDX Microscopy" Surface and Interface Analysis 22, 308-313 (1994)
9. J.Haupt, M.A.Baker, M.F.Stroosnijder, W.Gissler "AES Studies of TiNx" Surface and Interface
Analysis 22 (1994) 167-170
10. P.Hammer, A.Steiner, R.Villa, M.A.Baker, P.N.Gibson, J.Haupt, W.Gissler "Titanium Boron
Nitride Coatings of Very High Hardness" Surface and Coatings Technology 68/69 (1994) 194-198
11. M.A.Baker, J.Haupt, W.Gissler "Quantification of TiNx and TiBx Ny Films by AES" Zeitschrift
für Naturforschung 50a (1995) 624-630
12. M.A.Baker, A.Steiner, J.Haupt, W.Gissler "An AES/XPS Study of Ti-B-N Thin Films" J.
Vacuum Science and Technology A 13/3 Part 2 (1995) 1633-1638
13. T.P.Mollart, M.A.Baker, J.Haupt, A.Steiner, P.Hammer, W.Gissler "Nanostructure of Titanium
Boron Nitride Coatings of Very High Hardness" Surface and Coatings Technology 74/75 (1995)
14. M. F. Stroosnijder, J. D. Sunderkötter, M. J. Cristóbal, M. A. Baker, H. Jenett and K. Isenbügel
"The Influence of Yttrium Ion Implantation on the Oxidation Behaviour of Powder Metallurgical
Chromium" Surface and Coatings Technology 83 (1996) 205-211
15. P.Hammer, M.A.Baker, C.Lenardi, W.Gissler “Ion Beam Deposited Carbon Nitride Films:
Characterisation and Identification of Chemical Sputtering” Thin Solid Films 290/291 (1996) 107111
16. P.Hammer, M.A.Baker, C.Lenardi, W.Gissler “Synthesis of Carbon Nitride Compounds at Low
Temperatures” J. Vacuum Science and Technology A 15 (1997) 107-112
17. M.A.Baker, T.P.Mollart, P.N.Gibson, W.Gissler “A Combined XPS/AES/GAXRD/EXAFS
Study of TiBxNy Hard Coatings” J. Vacuum Science and Technology A 15 (1997) 284-291
18. M.A.Baker, P.Hammer “A Study of the Chemical Composition and Microstructure of Ion Beam
Deposited CNx Films including an XPS C 1s Peak Simulation” Surface and Interface Analysis 25
(1997) 629-642
19. T.P.Mollart, P.N.Gibson, M.A.Baker “A Study of the Structure of Ti-B-N Thin Films of
Various Compositions using EXAFS and Glancing Angle XRD” J.Physics D 30 (1997) 1827-1832
20. M.A.Baker, P.Tsakiropoulos, A.F.Norman “Porosity and Oxide Distribution in Spray Formed
Al-5Cr-1.5Zr Alloy” Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing 5 (1997) 105-110
21. W.Gissler, M.A.Baker, J.Haupt, P.N.Gibson, R.Gilmore, T.P.Mollart “Phase Composition and
Tribological Behaviour of Titanium Boron Nitride Coatings” Diamond Films and Technology 7
(1997) 165- 180
22. M.A.Baker, P.Hammer, C.Lenardi, J.Haupt, W.Gissler “Low Temperature Sputter Deposition
and Characterisation of Carbon Nitride Films” Surface and Coatings Technology 97 (1997) 544-551
23. P.Hammer, M.A.Baker, C.Lenardi, W.Gissler “Synthesis and Properties of Carbon Nitride
Films Deposited using a Dual Ion Beam Method” Vuoto 26 (1997) 38-41
24. R.Gilmore, M.A.Baker, P.N.Gibson, W.Gissler “Preparation and Characterisation of LowFriction TiB2-based Coatings by Inclusion of C or MoS2” Surface and Coatings Technology 105
(1998) 45-50
25. R.Gilmore, M.A.Baker, P.N.Gibson, W.Gissler, M.Stoiber, P.Losbichler, C.Mitterer “LowFriction TiN-MoS2 Coatings Produced by dc Magnetron Co-deposition” Surface and Coatings
Technology 108-109 (1998) 345-351
26. C.Lenardi, M.A.Baker, V.Brois, L.Nobili, P.Piseri, W.Gissler “Properties of amorphous aCH(:N) Films Synthesised by Direct Ion Beam Deposition and Plasma-assisted Chemical Vapour
Deposition” Diamond and Related Materials 8 (1999) 595-600
27. R.Gilmore, M.A.Baker, P.N.Gibson, W.Gissler “Comparative Investigation of Multilayer
TiB2/C and Co-sputtered TiB2-C Coatings for Low Friction Applications” Surface and Coatings
Technology 116-119 (1999) 1127-1132
28. M.A.Baker, R.Gilmore, C.Lenardi, P.N.Gibson, W.Gissler “Microstructure and Mechanical
Properties of Multilayer TiB2/C and Co-sputtered TiB2-C Coatings for Cutting Tools” Vacuum 53
(1999) 113-116
29. M.A.Baker, R.Gilmore, C.Lenardi, W.Gissler "XPS Investigation of Preferential Sputtering of S
from MoS2 and Determination of MoSx Stoichiometry from Mo and S Peak Positions" Applied
Surface Science 150 (1999) 255-262
30. J.E.Castle, M.A.Baker “Carbon Rules for an Expert System in Electron Spectroscopy”
J.Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 105 (1999) 245-256
31. R.Goller, P.Torri, M.A.Baker, R.Gilmore, W.Gissler "The Deposition of TiN-MoSx Hard
Coatings of Low-Friction Coefficient by a Combined Arc Evaporation and Magnetron Sputter
Process" Surface and Coatings Technology 120-121 (1999) 453-457
32. M.A.Baker, W. Gissler, S. Klose, M. Trampert, F. Weber "Morphologies and Corrosion
properties of PVD Deposited Zn-Al Coatings" Surface and Coatings Technology 125 (2000) 207-211
33. C.Lenardi, M.A. Baker, V. Briois, G.Coccia Lecis, , P.Piseri, W. Gissler, "A NEXAFS Study of
Carbon Nitride Films" Surface Coatings and Technology 125 (2000) 317-321
34. P.Colpo, G.Ceccone, P.Sauvegeot, M.A.Baker, F.Rossi “Characterisation of Zirconia Coatings
Deposited by Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition J.Vacuum Science and Technology A 18
(2000) 1096-1101
35. B.Bozzini, M.A. Baker, P.L. Cavallotti, E.Cerri, C.Lenardi "Electrodeposition of ZnTe for
Photovoltaic Cells" Thin Solid Films 361-362, (2000) 388-395
36. M.A.Baker, S.J.Greaves, E.Wendler, V.Fox “A comparison of In-situ Polishing and Ion Beam
Sputtering as Surface Preparation Methods for XPS Analysis of PVD Coatings” Thin Solid Films
377/378 (2000) 473-477
37. P.N. Gibson, M.A. Baker, E.D. Dunlop, M.E. Özsan, D. Lincot, M. Froment, G. Agostinelli
“Non-Uniform Electrodeposited CdTe Cell Performance: Correlation With CdTe Recrystallisation
Characteristics, As-deposited Crystalline Structure and Chemical Composition” Thin Solid Films 387
(2001) 92-96
38. C.Massaro, M.A.Baker, F.Cosentino, P.A.Ramires, S.Klose, A.Milella "Surface and Biological
Evaluation of Hydroxyapatite-Based Coatings on Titanium Deposited by Different Techniques"
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. (Applied Biomaterials) 58 (2001) 651-657
39. M.A.Baker, S.Klose, C.Rebholz, A. Leyland, A.Matthews "Evaluating the Microstructure of
Nanocomposite PVD TiAlBN Wear Resistant Coatings by XPS and TEM " Surface and Coatings
Technology 151-152 (2002) 338-343
40. P.N.Gibson, M.A.Baker, M.E.Özsan “An Investigation of Sulphur Diffusion at the CdS/CdTe
Interface of Thin Film Solar Cells” Surface and Interface Analysis 33 (2002) 825-829
41. M.A.Baker, C.Rebholz, A. Leyland, A.Matthews "Electron Spectroscopic Studies of
Nanocomposite PVD TiAlBN Coatings" Vacuum 67 (2002) 471-476
42. C.Scheuerlein, M.Taborelli, N.Hilleret, A.Brown, M.A.Baker "An AES Study of the Room
Temperature Conditioning of Technological Metal Surfaces by Electron Irradiation" Applied Surface
Science 202 (2002) 57-67
43. M.A.Baker, P.J.Kench, M.C.Joseph, C.Tsotsos, A.Leyland, A.Matthews
Nanostructure and Mechanical Properties of PVD CrCu(N) Coatings” Surface and Coatings
Technology 162 (2003) 222-227
44. S N. Jenkins, D K. Barber, M J. Whiting, M A. Baker “Preliminary Results on the Chemical
Characterisation of the Cathode Nickel–Emissive Layer Interface in Oxide Cathodes” Applied
Surface Science 215 (2003) 78-86
45. A.M. Saliva-Silva, H.G. de Melo, M.A. Baker, A.M. Brown, I. Costa "Characterization of
Sintered NdFeB Magnets after Phosphating in Alkaline and Acidic Environments" Material Science
Forum 416-418 (2003) 54-59.
46. A. Saliba-Silva, R.N. Faria, M.A. Baker, I. Costa “Improving the corrosion resistance of NdFeB
magnets: an electrochemical and surface analytical study” Surface and Coatings Technology 185
321-328 (2004)
47. J.Li, Z.Cui, M.A.Baker “A Study of the Surface Chemistry, Morphology and Wear of Silicon
Based MEMS” Surface and Interface Analysis 36 (2004) 1254-1258
48. D K. Barber, S N. Jenkins, M J. Whiting, M A. Baker “Investigation of the Ni/Emissive Oxide
Interface in Thermionic Emitters” Surface and Interface Analysis 36 (2004) 1190-1194
49. M.C.Joseph, C.Tsotsos, M.A.Baker, P.J.Kench, C. Rebholz, A.Matthews, A.Leyland,
“Characterisation and Tribological Evaluation of Nitrogen-Doped Molybdenum-Copper PVD
Metallic Nanocomposite Coatings” Surface and Coatings Technology 190 (2005) 345
50. M.A.Baker, P.J.Kench, C.Tsotsos, A.Leyland, A.Matthews “Investigation of the Nanostructure
and Wear Properties of PVD CrCuN Nanocomposite Coatings” J.Vacuum Science and Technology A
23 (2005) 423-433
51. D. K. Barber, S. N. Jenkins, M. J. Whiting, M. A. Baker “Analytical Interfacial Studies of
Double Carbonate Thermionic Oxide Cathodes Over Accelerated Operational Life” Applied Surface
Science 251 (2005) 42-49
52. M.A.Monclus, M.A.Baker, C.Tsotsos, A.Leyland, A.Matthews “Investigation of the
Nanostructure and Post-Coat Thermal Treatment of Wear Resistant PVD CrTiCu(B,N) Coatings”
Surface and Coatings Technology 200 (2005) 210-214
53. C. Tsotsos, K. Kanakis, A. Davison, M.A. Baker, A. Matthews and A. Leyland, “Mechanical and
Tribological Properties of CrTiCu(B,N) Glassy-Metal Coatings Deposited by Reactive Magnetron
Sputtering” Surface and Coatings Technology 200 (2006) 4601
54. M.A.Baker, J.Li “The Influence of an OTS Self Assembled Monolayer on the Wear Resistant
Properties of Polysilicon Based MEMS” Surface and Interface Analysis 38 (2006) 863-867
55. M.A.Monclus, M.A.Baker, V.Stolojan, C.Rebholz, P.N.Gibson, A.Leyland, A.Matthews
“Nanostructural Studies of TiAlB Coatings” Surface and Interface Analysis 38 (2006) 731-735
56. K.Boxshall, M.Hsien-Wu, X.Xu, Z.Cui, J.F.Watts, M.A.Baker “Simple Surface Treatments to
Specify for Protein Adsorption and Cell Attachment Within a Poly(Dimethylsiloxane) MicroBioreactor” Surface and Interface Analysis 38 (2006) 198-201
57. M.A.Baker "Advanced Characterisation of Nanocomposite Coatings" Surface and Coatings
Technology 201 (2007) 6105
58. C.Rebholz, M.A.Monclus, M.A.Baker, P.H.Mayrhofer, P.N.Gibson, A.Leyland, A.Matthews
"Hard and Superhard TiAlBN Coatings Deposited by Twin Electron Beam Evaporation" Surface and
Coatings Technology 201 (2007) 6078
Conference Proceedings
59. M.A.Baker, J.E.Castle "Location of Elementally Rich Micro-Areas Using Scanning Auger
Microscopy" Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 93, 1 (1988) p269-270
60. M.A.Baker, J.E.Castle "Recent Studies of Passivity and Breakdown by Auger Electron
Spectroscopy" Proc. Int. Corr. Cong. Florence 5 (1990) p1-14
61. L.Mirenghi, R.Bertoncello, M.A.Baker, A Rizzo, S. Cucurachi, P. Rotolo "Characterisation of
Thin TiOxNy Coatings by XPS and IR-vis Spectroscopies” Proceedings of the 6th European
Conference on Application of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA ‘95), Montreaux, Switzerland,
Wiley, Chichester, U.K. (1996) p883-886
62. M.A.Baker, R.Gilmore, P.N.Gibson, W.Gissler “The Microstructure and Properties of Ti-BC Coatings for Tribological Applications” Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on
Application of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA ‘97), Gothenburg, Sweden, Wiley,
Chichester, U.K. (1997) p1127-1130
63. A.M.Saliba-Silva, M.A.Baker, H.G. de Melo, I.Costa, "Corrosion protection of sintered NdFeB
magnets by phosphating" Surface Treatment V, Computational and Experimental Methods (ISBN
85312-873-2), Ed. C A Brebbia, p65-74, WIT Press, Southampton, UK (2001)