Elizabeth Clay Smith Humanitarian Award

(Sponsored by Hill, Chesson, & Woody)
A humanitarian is one who gives of him/herself regardless of compensation; provides services without expectation of
remuneration; provides services to all equally, impartially, cooperatively and neutrally; embraces common moral
decencies such as altruism, integrity, freedom, justice, honesty, truthfulness, responsibility and compassion; respects and
embraces human diversity; and improves the lives of those in need through selfless, courageous, creative and
compassionate acts
The Elizabeth ‘Clay’ Smith Humanitarian Award honors a human resources professional who promotes well-being,
respect and dignity within their community, while striving to make a lasting difference and to encourage others to do the
same. In so doing, this professional exemplifies compassion, courage and professionalism in the practice of human
resources as well as in their personal lives.
Nominees must be an active member in good standing with their local SHRM-affiliated Chapter, and have demonstrated
an exemplary and outstanding commitment to serving those in their local community. Nominees may be living or
One award will be given out. The winning individual will be presented with an award at the NCSHRM State Conference,
and a $500 contribution will be made on his/her behalf to the nominees’ charity of choice (more information will be given
to the nominee following the awards presentation).
The Selection Committee shall be composed of Current NCHSHRM Awards Co-Chairs, NCSHRM State Council
President, NCSHRM State Council Past President, and the NCSHRM State Council President-Elect.
To nominate an individual for consideration of this prestigious award, please complete the nomination form and attach a
professional resume that provides information about the nominee that would support the primary criteria for the award.
The nomination form and all accompanying documentation should be emailed to NCSHRMawards2015@gmail.com with
‘Clay Smith Humanitarian Award’ in the subject line. Deadline for submissions is July 15, 2015. Any questions should
be emailed to Susanna Smith at ssmith@decisionpathhr.com or Diane Greer diane.greer@telerent.com.
(Please use this form when submitting your nomination information)
Nominee Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Employer’s Name & Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Nominee’s Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Nominee’s Contact Number: __________________________________________________________________________
Nominee’s Chapter Affiliation: ________________________________________________________________________
(not required for consideration)
Nominated By:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Number: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Nominators: Please complete the information on the proceeding pages to the best of your knowledge, and
attach a resume if available. The nomination form and all accompanying documentation should be emailed to
NCSHRMawards2015@gmail.com with ‘Elizabeth ‘Clay’ Smith Humanitarian Award’ in the subject line.
Deadline for submissions is July 15, 2015. Nomination letters and forms received after that date will not be
Dear Awards Chairpersons and Judges,
I hereby nominate ____________________________ for the Elizabeth ‘Clay’ Smith Humanitarian Award. The
information presented in this nomination is, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate.
Nominator Signature: ___________________________________ Email: _____________________________________
Printed Name: _________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________
Explanation as to why this individual is deserving of the award. How has the nominee been involved with improving
his/her community? How has the nominee gone about engaging others in the community? :
Awards and Recognition: i.e. honors/accolades received for work within the community.
Any additional comments regarding the nominated individual: