Jan 17 BOARD MINUTES - St. Louis Live Steamers

The meeting of the BOD was called to order at the home of Joel Pittenger at 7:10 PM by Board
President Joel Pittenger.
Present were Board members: Joel Pittenger, Rich O’Donnell, Ray Griesedieck, Dick Rahn and
Gene Buffard.
Also present were club officers: President Cory Adams, Treasurer Bob Richardson and Secretary
Carl Briggs
Other members attending included: None
Necessarily absent was: Vice President Denis Neidrauer
A quorum was present.
SLLS Treasurer Bob Richardson provided a detailed Treasurer’s report. The current total “cash
position” is $32,055. of which $11,337 is in the checking account and $20,718 is in CD’s at
LPL Financial Advisors LLC. Since the last treasurer’s report in November, 2014 the SLLS
had total income of $ 889 from dues $709 and from donations, $ 180. Expenses totaled $ 844
for utilities $150, Maintenance $654 , small tools $20 and General Operating $20.
Joel Pittenger outlined the topics of discussion for the meeting as BOD chairman election, Eureka Park
BOD meeting, flood repair, Safety Training, Insurance, painting and the St. Charles T\rain Show.
The first matter of business was the election of a chairman for the Board of Directors. A motion to
elect Joel Pittenger was made by Rich O. and seconded by Ray Griesedieck. The vote by
acclaimation was unanimous.
New chairman, Joel Pittenger then discussed the two meetings with the Eureka Park BOD. The
first meeting held on Dec 14, 2014 with Missy Bundren and new assistant Kevin Schuh
addressed the big design drawings for the new main line trestle/bridge. The trestle design is part
of the flood alleviation plan. Missy requested that the creek line and the reparian (prairie) line be
added to the plan drawing. The second meeting with the Entire Board of Directors occurred on
Tuesday, January 6, 2015. There was a scurry to obtain map and proposal copies for the meeting
which was held in closed session. The structure drawing was presented and it received full “yes”
support with no negative sentiments. The city manager stated that further approval would be
required for phase II and III for the turntable track and other main line. The mayor, Kevin Coffey
asked if we planned on hosting a regional or national event. Joel explained that we currently
lacked sufficient capacity, but that expansion plans are being developed. The meeting ended.
Rich O’Donnell suggested that we needed a camping facility with restrooms, showers and 30 amp
electricity to accommodate a regional event. Corey suggested combining the regional event with
Eureka Days.
Joel stated that the new main line trestle would be completed first with 3 temporary 12 inch
pipes to be installed for immediate flood damage repair to the existing track. He stated that we
will need to build two treated wooden abutments for the ends of the 30 foot trestle. Corey
Adams stated that he had obtained phone quotes for cost estimates of the steel needed to construct
the trestle from Alrow, Inc. The 21 pieces of 2 inch x 20’x 3/16th thick C-channel, 20 feet long
would cost $225. We need 8 pieces for phase I. We also need 4 pieces of 3 inch C-channel and 6
pieces of 20 foot 1/8 inch thick 1 inch angle to make end caps. Dick Rahn stated that he had the
4’ pipe and the square tubing for the cross beams. The pipe will be mounted in concrete and
notched for the cross beams to be welded in place. The trestle would be 1 foot above the ground.
Plastic wood will be used as well as safety rails to minimize derailment. The 2 sides beyond the
16” train width will be 22” wide with metal grating. Corey would like to add wooden decking for
customer safety. Ray Griesedieck suggested 36” wide sides, bur Corey felt the cost for the
additional metal grating would be too high and he suggested a lower speed limit on the bridge.
Corey was asked to obtain estimates for the cost of the additional metal, grating and steel rails
from Real Trains or its successor. Club members may request to add to our purchase to reduse
unit prices. Roy Johnson will be providing a tractor with a six inch auger to bore the holes for the
upright pipes.
For the flood repair, Roy Johnson offered to buy 3, 12 inch x 18 foot steel pipes for $560 with tax to
fill in the damaged areas and replace the track in time for the April run dates. A motion by Gene
Buffard , seconded by Rich O to authorize the purchase. It was approved by acclamation. Tim
Mikko located a front loader and back hoe tractor for $200 per day rental. Approval for pick up for
use on Saturday January 24th to install the pipes was decided on a motion by Dick Rahn and
seconded by Corey Adams. The vote was unanimous.
Additional Items:
Ray Griesedieck asked about the possibility of replacing some of the dead trees in the park with
permission, using small decorative trees. He also said that his boy scout troop or a Eureka troop
could do some landscaping and possibly obtain a merit badge in railroad education. Rich O and
Corey stated that we need to do more school presentations or host school field trips to the railroad.
Rich O recalled a school presentation that he had done.
Gene Buffard mentioned that he is a professional painter and would be interested in painting the
containers. He asked what the two colors would be? He was told to look at the park pavilions. It was
suggested that Sherwood Williams may donate the paint. The park department may be able to provide
paint code numbers. Corey suggested painting them like a box car. The idea of completing the roof
painting was revisited as was the idea of adding a V-shaped piece of aluminum over the divide between
the two containers to stop the rain water from flowing between them.
Bob Richardson made sure that everyone has signed the annual renewal of the non conflict of interest
attestation form and that we had unexpired sales tax exemption purchase forms. He stated that 19
members had renewed their membership thus far this year. Bob stated that we continue to have
overall liability coverage of 1 million and 2 million dollars at an annual cost of $3,750. This
coverage does not cover individual member’s liabilities. To add such coverage could cost up to
$10,000 annually at $900 to $1,200 per officer for a $1 million policy. He mentioned that the courts
tend to go for whomever has money in a liability suit.
Carl Briggs discussed the upcoming Great Train Show at the St. Charles Convention Center on Feb 7&8.
He has reserved two 8’ tables to display a trestle, Ax Kramer’s Heisler locomotive, Roy Johnson’s
Goose and Corey’s cattle car. We will be meeting the public to answer questions and to hand out
two- sided flyers about our club run dates. Attending members include Corey Adams, Dick Rahn,
Carl Briggs, Gene Buffard, Roy Johnson, Bob and Ginny /Richardson. Please wear your name
badges to the event. Dick Rahn will bring the Roy Johnson provided 4’x4’ club banner framed for
display on a table. Carl also requested permission to proceed with the printing of 1,000 two sided
run date flyers for the train shows via Printing Unlimited for $184, plus 2,500 numbered tickets for
run days at a cost of $105. Dick Rahn also requested that we have Ann Kircher print an additional
one sided flyers for distribution at the Frisco Train shop. All was approved by vote. Carl also
requested three additional street signs to direct drivers to Kircher Park via Augustine Road. The
additions signs from Signarama in Kirkwood were approved.
Bob Richardson brought up safety issues by stating that the ride cars need a grab bar at each end of
the car and one car has a hole in the floor that an catch a small foot. He also suggested a wooden
ramp on the bridge girders to deflect any extended feet. He said that we need to go slow at the
crossings even though we now have bells and lights to warn pedestrians. Dick R suggested that a
club member stand at the crossing for safety and public relations. Bob also suggested smaller metal
bases for the wooden stantions used for crowd control to reduce the tripping factor. Ray G stated
that we need safety refresher training for conductors and engineers on whistle use and informing the
public of the safety rules. Dick Rahn suggested that we needed a one ear radio headset to allow
communications between the engineer and the conductor in case of an emergency situation. Corey
supported that concept with a story of his derailment incident at Millcreek Central.
Bob R suggested investing some of our savings for capital gain of 5%. The consensus was that it was not
worth the aggravation.
Dick R suggested that we bring out the water tower for display at every run date and that we may
need more riders cars in the future. Bob R suggested again, the purchase of a third container for
storage as we grow. A 40 foot container costs about $1,900, plus the electricity line may have to be
relocated. Dick R suggested that Corey head up an effort to restore the $400 Mogul donated to the
club by Ax Kramer. Dick R said that he will call all members to promote club participation.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM on a motion made by Dick Rahn and seconded by Ray G.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary, Carl Briggs