feb 2014 parents evening - Nightingale First School

Attendance at Parents Evening
February 2014.
All parents of children in the school attended parents evening with class
teachers. Some parents were seen after parents evening, following discussions
with the class teacher. It was a wonderful opportunity for looking at work
covered, sharing information with the class teacher, asking questions and
finding out next steps for learning.
The following comments have been taken from the parent evaluation forms.
Has the Parent/Teacher meeting been beneficial to you?
100% of people attending the day who completed evaluation forms confirmed
that it was beneficial.
A summary of comments.
What was the most useful aspect?
 To see what your child has learnt and is up to because they don’t tell you
 A general insight into my ‘child’s’ school life.
 Understanding areas to work on at home.
 To find out how ‘child’ has been progressing so far this year. Also to hear
‘child’ is doing well, not just with her reading and writing, but socially as
 Having the chance to chat to teachers 1:1. Printed targets in homework
books are useful.
 Looking through our child’s tray before interview. It enabled us to see
what he was learning about and what we can do as parents to help with
 To learn of progress since last parents evening.
 It was useful to look at the targets achieved and new target set and
discuss strategies to help ‘child’ achieve them.
 It has reassured me that ‘child’ is doing well. Helped to know what we can
do at home to improve abilities and achievements and which areas he
needs encouragement in.
 Is there anything else that we could do to improve parent’s evening?
 More frequently than once a year.
 Have longer time slots so it doesn’t feel so rushed!
 Maybe show more of the child’s work so we can see what they’ve been
 No although personally having a Monday or Friday option would be helpful
for childcare.
Other comments:
 We’re very happy with the process and we know how much work it is for
the teachers and we do appreciate it!
 It was concise, informative, on time and gave reassurance of stability and
ability within school.
 I think its brill how the teachers give up their evenings for parents
 It is a brilliant and informative time and ‘child’ enjoyed the praise
afterwards! Thank you for your time.
 It was informative and good to have some quality time with the teacher –
thank you!
Thank you to all parents who completed an evaluation form to allow us to
reflect on comments made. Please note, we will continue to hold parents
evening three times per year. We do, however, maintain an open door policy to
allow parents/carers to discuss progress/concerns at other times during the
school year.
Despite the best efforts of staff, it is always very difficult to discuss
progress and targets within 10 minutes. We do, however, encourage parents to
also be mindful of time and will, at times, arrange a further meeting if
Although individual teachers arrange particular days for parent’s evenings, they
are usually happy to try to accommodate parents on other days where possible.
Once again, many thanks to all parents for their continued support.