Notes on Ch - Fort Thomas Independent Schools

Name: _______________
Date: ________
Period: _________
You will be graded on whether you have the following:
12pt. font; Times New Roman; 3-5 pages double-spaced; 3 parenthetical references
For the past few weeks we’ve attempted to figure out how existence comes to be,
how we observe it, how we test it. We’ve attempted to discover what is real and (in
Ontology) what is most real. One essay commonly given in college philosophy courses is
about the nature of existence and change. The following prompts and the lessons from
class will provide the foundation for this assignment.
A few key ideas that must be addressed in the paper:
General note: We can test philosophical claims by considering what follows from them and
asking whether or not those consequences are acceptable. In constructing your own
arguments, always ask whether your premises support your conclusion and whether you are
willing to accept the consequences of the claims you make.
(Option 1) Materialism vs. Immaterialism: Explain whether you’re a materialist or an
immaterialist in your metaphysical concept of the world. Provide arguments for why your
position makes sense according to your lived experience. Also criticize the other branch of
metaphysics to show why you disagree with their claims
(Materialist) How can one know that objects exist independent of a mind?
(Immaterialist) If the basic components of existence are not physical material, how
can one ‘know’ them?
(Option 2) Parmenides. Write an essay in which you explain and evaluate Parmenides’
argument for the claim that what is is unchanging. If this argument is mistaken, exactly
where is Parmenides’ mistake? If it is not mistaken, how do we account for the fact that
change seems to be a salient feature of the world? Make sure your own position is stated
clearly and defended with specific examples.
(Option 3) Other Philosophers’ Metaphysical Views. If positing your own ideas of what
is real and how we know reality seems difficult, you could instead write a paper that
summarizes some of the metaphysical beliefs we’ve examined thus far. For this essay,
choose at least three philosophers and explain their key beliefs about what is real and
their ontological views about reality. This essay should have numerous references to our
textbook (Higgins & Solomon pg#) because you will be utilizing so many of the
philosophers’ terms and ideas to explain their theory.
Aristotle’s theory of reality diverges from Plato’s because Aristotle claims that the
‘World of Becoming’ or the world of everyday objects is the basic nature of reality
(Higgins & Solomon 122). Aristotle calls these objects substances –particular things in
the world like dogs, horses, flowers etc. (Higgins & Solomon 122).
Other Topics one could address
- What is your ontology of the world (see pg 110)? Create a hierarchical order.
- Critique ( show strengths and weaknesses) one of the Pre-Socratic philosophers
- Explain Plato’s or Aristotle’s view of reality
- Explain Idealism and some of the German Idealists mentioned in the chapter
- Does reality have a purpose (teleology) or is it meaningless?
- Are Minds the most basic substance of reality? Explain why or why not.
- Attempt to explain Baruch Spinoza’s Metaphysics (see pgs 126-127)
- Theists: Explain the role God plays in metaphysics. Is it a substance? Is it in
another dimension? Could God provide senses that fool us or lie to us?
- Atheists: Explain how the Universe came to be. Explain if it is possible for the
Universe to have a purpose.
- Physics Nerds: How would multi-dimensionality affect our understanding of
Questions or Notes