The Calculus Times

Honors Algebra II
Carol Baldwin
Phone: (480) 812-7821
Room 421
Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 2:30-3:15pm
Textbook: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Algebra 2 by Kanold, Burger, Dixon, Larson, & Leinwand
Have you ever wondered?
 Medicine: How much of the drug remains in a body after a certain period of time?
 Business: How many products needed to be sold in order to maximize profit?
 Physics: When launched, how far has a certain object traveled? When will it attain
maximum height? When will it get to the ground?
What will you learn this year?
Analyzing Functions such as Absolute Value, Quadratics, Polynomials, Rational, Radical,
Exponential and Logarithmic, & Trigonometric Functions, Probability and Statistics.
Course Description: This course is designed to build on algebraic and geometric concepts. It
develops advanced algebra skills such as systems of equations, advanced polynomials, complex
numbers, quadratics, and concepts that include the study of trigonometric functions. The content
of this course are important for students’ success on the ACT, SAT, and college mathematics
entrance exams. Students who complete Honors Algebra II should take Honors Pre-Calculus
Why Do I Need Algebra?
Math is an opportunity gateway and you can't get to higher math without taking algebra. Algebra
develops your thinking, specifically logic, patterns, problem solving, deductive and inductive
reasoning. The more math you have, the greater the opportunity for jobs in engineering, actuary,
physics, programming etc. Higher math is often an important requirement for entrance to college
or universities.
Classroom Environment: You should be spending your class time thinking about and doing
mathematics rather than passively listening and watching while the instructor does mathematics.
Therefore, we will aim to discover and verify mathematics and help you to construct your own
mathematical understanding.
Prerequisites, Graphing Calculator: In order to successfully complete Honors Algebra 2, you
should have earned a grade of “C” or better in Honors Geometry. If you received a score less
than a C, you will be dropped from this course. . You will need a bring paper, pencil, and a
graphing calculator daily. A 3 ring math binder is also required. Numerous handouts and
activities will be given throughout the year. You are highly encouraged to have a
graphing calculator, preferably a TI 84 Plus.
Tardiness: Attendance will be taken. You are expected to be in your seat with the required
materials and working on your warm-up when class begins. We will follow CHS school policy
regarding tardiness.
Absences and Work: You are expected to make up any work missed because of an absence.
This may include class work that was taken for a grade. It is your responsibility to find out what
work was done while you were absent. I will not remind you. You will be given a day for every
excused absence day plus one to make up any missed work. After that, no late work will be
accepted. It is highly recommended that you do everything you can to not miss class. One day of
calculus missed is very difficult to makeup!
Notes: In this course, your notes will be developed from lectures, classroom activities,
discussions and student presentations. A three ring binder is required so that you can keep all
your papers in order.
Projects: Projects designed to enhance your study of algebra will be assigned. These projects
will help to develop your problem solving, critical thinking ability, and communication skills. A
rubric for grading will be given at the time of the project. The teacher reserves the right to
determine which projects are graded as homework and which projects are graded as a “project”.
Homework: Homework is assigned on a daily basis. The homework will be due daily.
Formal Assessments: The goal will be to administer an assessment at the end of each module.
The goal of these assessments is not to simply assign a grade, but to allow you to show yourself
and me how much you have learned and how well you can solve problems and think critically.
Quizzes: Quizzes are given periodically throughout any given module. The instructor reserves
the right to give “pop” quizzes on occasion.
Professional Ethics and Appropriate Behavior: Chandler’s student policy will apply for code
of conduct.
Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any time. It is your
responsibility to do your own work. If you are caught cheating a zero will be given on that
assignment, your parents/guardians will be notified, and you will be referred to administration.
Assessments and Quizzes: On test and quiz days all belongings will be placed in the front of
the classroom. You will only be allowed a pencil, eraser, scratch paper, and a calculator (if
allowed). Absolutely no electronic devices other than a calculator will be allowed during these
Final Exam: All students will take Final Exams.
9th Hour- Mandatory Homework Period (9th graders)
Monday-Thursday 2:30pm-3:45pm
Hall Passes: There is a sign out sheet located in the front of the room. You are to get permission
from me first, then sign the sheet and take the hall pass. You must have this pass with you while
you are out of my class. If you abuse this privilege, you will no longer be able to leave the
classroom during class time.
Electronic Devices: There will be no electronic devices allowed in class, unless approved by the
instructor. These devices will be taken away and given to the office. You will have to collect
your device at the end of the day.
Assessments/Projects: 70%
Homework/Reflections/Classwork: 30%
Quarter 1: 40%
Quarter 2: 40%
Final Exam: 20%
90%-100% - A,
80%-89.9% - B,
70%-79.9%, C,
You are encouraged to check your grade on Infinite Campus online. Please see your counselor
for login and password.
Learning Reflections: Research has shown that when students go back and reflect on the
learning process, the concepts learned can be moved from short to long-term memory, better
study skills can be developed, and an honest self-assessment of learning can be done.
Additionally, many employers require employees to provide a written report of their progress,
issues, concerns, and accomplishments. In this spirit, you will be required to provide "Learning
Reflection" e-mail or typed after each exam. Below is a sample of the format to be used and a
sample response from a hypothetical student. Please note: I am asking that each of you give a
quantitative score for your personal growth. Please take time to really think about your effort
and overall performance for the particular module in which you are writing your reflection.
 Working together with my group
 Learning how to determine the break-even point
 Explaining a homework problem to a group member
 The activity which applied my knowledge of logarithms to sound levels
 I understand the difference between exponential and linear growth!
 I have some unanswered homework questions
 This unit of study is becoming difficult (or challenging?)
 I have to miss class next week for the pep assembly; therefore I will need to get my class
work ahead of time.
Personal Growth
On a scale of 0-4 give yourself a grade on how well you have done this module. 0 would
represent not much effort given to 4 representing you gave all your best effort. Explain your
reasoning as to why you gave yourself this particular score.
 I kept up-to-date on all homework assignments and participated in discussions with my group
during class.
 My goal of doing the required homework problems on time has been met so I plan now to do
some of the suggested problems for additional practice.
Future Goals
(These goals must be something that we can measure. In other words we should be able to
see that you met these goals by your grade in the class.
 Next Assessment –
 Next Homework set Future Classwork ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have read and understand the classroom expectations for Honors Algebra II 2015-2016.
Student Name (Printed)
Student Signature
Parent Name (Printed)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent’s Cell phone _____________________________
Parent’s Email __________________________________________