Photo Descriptions

2009-09-24 Navy League Dinner
01 – Navy League President Bruce Byron welcomes everyone
02 – UT NROTC Color Guard posts the colors
03 – Bruce asks everyone to rise
04 – Color Guard at the ready
05 – Color Guard marches in
06 – Color Guard in place
07 – National Anthem
08 – National Anthem
09 – Invocation
10 – Bruce Byron introduces the Guest Speaker
11 – RADM John D. Butler '74 talks submarines and other interesting topics
12 – Bruce thanks RADM Butler
13 – RADM presented with mementos in appreciation of his visit
2009-09-25 Alumni Awards Dinner
01 – RADM Weldon Koenig & Ed Mergele present Joe Smith with the Distinguished Alumnus
02 – CAPT Spence presents a picture of the Battalion in front of the UT Main Building (the
03 – Max Miller pins on the Distinguished Alumnus Award to Joe Smith's lapel
04 – Joe Smith '44 accepting his award
05 – Joe Smith '44 has a few words for the gathering
06 – Ed and Terry Mergele at the Friday Night Dinner, Austin Country Club
07 – MIDN Pooser and Page at Friday Night Dinner
2009-09-26 Alumni Foundation Board Meeting in RAS Library (1st Deck)
01 – MIDN Page chats with Luis de la Garza '66, new Board Member
02 – Scholarship Awardees attend the WWII Memorial Library Dedication, a donation by
Howard Lowe
03 - CAPT Spence (PNS) briefs all on the Lowe Library
04 - Ed Mergele '75 shows the temporary plaque for the Lowe Library
05 - WWII Memorial Library Dedication
06 - First Location for the WWII Memorial Library is in RAS Hall
07 - WWII Memorial Library Dedication at RAS
08 - CAPT Spence enjoys the refreshments
09 - Everyone visits after the dedication and before the Board Meeting
10 - Keys Curry '58, Regional Director for Houston, Texas and Past President
11 - AF Board President, Ed Mergele, calls the meeting to order
12 - Mike Waldron '67, Board Vice President
13 - Bob Brown '52, Gifts Committee Chairman
14 - Ray Adams '80, Regional Director, DFW Area
15 - Jim Brotherton, Foundation Historian
16 - Fred Moon '70, Director and immediate Past President
17 - RADM Weldon Koenig '58, Chairman, Midshipmans Foundation
18 - John Engstrom '66, Director
19 - Max Miller '57, President, Midshipmans Foundation
20 - CAPT James M. "Mike" Spence, 25th Professor of Naval Science
21 - David Wells '69, incoming Secretary
22 - Spencer Smith '73, outgoing Secretary & new Advisory Director for the Midshipmans
23 - Luis de la Garza '66, New Board Director from San Antonio
24 - Glenn Looney '61, Director and President of the Lone Star Region of Navy League
25 - Dennis Olson '69, Director
26 - AF Board Meeting
27 - Your Board hard at work
28 - Spence taking notes for the last time
29 - AF Board Meeting
30 - Jack Ritter '55, Navy League Liaison
31 - Max Miller gives Midshipmans Foundation Report
32 - Gabe Salazar '79, New Board Director and 24th Professor of Naval Science
33 – Bob Gartner '65 (Treasurer of Midshipmans Foundation) and Bob Collins '68 (AF
Webmaster and Past President)
2009-09-26 Alumni Meeting and Scholarship Awards
001 – Navy and Marine Corps Scholarship recipients line up against the back wall
002 - President Bill Powers talks with Ed Mergele and RADM Weldon Koenig
003 - Bob Brown, President Powers, Ed Mergele & RADM Koenig prior to the General Business
004 - Bruce Byron '70 & Fred Moon '70, Past Presidents, Joe Smith '44, Ray Adams '80 and Jim
Brotherton '68 in the General Business Meeting
005 - General Business Meeting audience
006 - UT NROTC Alumni Foundation President Ed Mergele emcees the meeting and awards
ceremony and calls it to order
007 - Audience stands for the colors
008 - UT NROTC Unit's Color Guard posts the colors
009 - Color Guard start of the meeting
010 - Colors being posted
011 - Colors in Place
012 - Ed Mergele reads the Forrestal Charter Letter
013 - Joe Smith '44 & President Powers stand by as Forrestal Letter is read
014 - CAPT Spence and RADM Koenig also listening
015 - 1940 Unit Charter Letter being read
016 - Joe Smith with the Unit Charter Letter
017 - President Powers presents the Charter Letter to Joe Smith who represents one of the early
graduating classes of the new Unit
018 - President Bill Powers presents 1940 Unit Charter to Joe Smith '44 while Ed Mergele looks
019 - UT President Bill Powers presents the letter to Joe Smith Class of 1944
020 - President Powers speaking at the General Meeting
021 - President Powers with a few kind words for the assembly
022 - President Bill Powers was also a Naval Officer and graduated from a NROTC Program
023 - President Powers congratulates alumni on their support
024 - President Powers winds up his remarks
025 - Treasurer's Report
026 - Bob Brown presents the Gifts Committee Report
027 - Max Miller gives the Midshipmans Foundation Report
028 - MIDN Olander, Battalion Commander, giving the Unit briefing
029 - MIDN Olander
030 - NROTC Unit Briefing
031 - MIDN Olander makes the NROTC Briefing
032 - MIDN Chris Olander
033 - Spring 2009 Unit Successes
034 - Spring 2009 Commissioning
035 - Battalion Commander Chris Olander gives briefing to General Meeting
036 - Zimmerman Recon Challenge
037 - Buccaneer Platoon
038 - Fall 2009 Freshman Orientation
039 - Run to Dallas & OU Weekend
040 - Navy & Marine Corps Birthday Ball
041 - Freshman Ascension at Birthday Ball
042 - Midshipmans Foundation Members (l to r) John Hitchcock, Bob Gartner, Bob Brown, Max
Miller & Weldon Koenig gather on stage to award scholarships
043 - Midshipmans Foundation Members on stage
044 - Max Miller presents scholarship to MIDN Alvarado
045 - MIDN Alvarado
046 - MIDN 1/C Claudio Alvarado awarded $5,000 Jackson Scholarship by Max Miller
047 - MIDN Alvarado accepts the Jackson Scholarship
048 - Portrait of MIDN 1/C Claudio Alvarado
049 - RADM Koenig reads a scholarship while CAPT Spence awaits the awardee
050 - RADM Koenig congratulates MIDN Matthew Mayo
051 - MIDN Mayo
052 - MIDN 1/C Matthew Mayo awarded scholarship by RADM Koenig
053 - MIDN 1/C Matthew Mayo awarded $2,000 Nimitz Scholarship by RADM Koenig
054 - MIDN Mayo displays his scholarship
055 - Portrait of MIDN 1/C Matthew Mayo
056 - MIDN Muffly presented scholarship by RADM Koenig
057 - MIDN 1/C Austin J. Muffly awarded scholarship by RADM Koenig
058 - MIDN Muffly
059 - MIDN Muffly receives scholarship
060 - MIDN 1/C Austin J. Muffly awarded $2,000 Nimitz Scholarship by RADM Koenig
061 - Portrait of MIDN 1/C Austin J. Muffly
062 - Bob Gartner & CAPT Spence await SGT Fernandez's arrival
063 - SGT Fernandez presented scholarship by Bob Gartner
064 - SGT Fernandez presented scholarship by Bob Gartner
065 - SGT Jacob A. Fernandez awarded scholarship by Bob Gartner
066 - SGT Jacob A. Fernandez awarded scholarship by Bob Gartner
067 - SGT Jacob A. Fernandez awarded scholarship by Bob Gartner
068 - SGT Jacob A. Fernandez awarded $2,000 King Scholarship by Bob Gartner
069 - MIDN Chris Cardinal receives scholarship
070 - Bob Gartner congratulates MIDN Christopher Cardinal
071 - MIDN 2/C Christopher Cardinal awarded scholarship by Bob Gartner
072 - MIDN Cardinal & Bob Gartner
073 - MIDN Cardinal and Bob Gartner
074 - Bob Gartner congratulates MIDN Christopher Cardinal
075 - MIDN 2/C Christopher Cardinal awarded $2,000 King Scholarship by Bob Gartner
076 - Portrait of MIDN 2/C Christopher Cardinal
077 - MIDN Tallant & RADM Koenig
078 - MIDN 3/C Aaron Tallant awarded scholarship by RADM Weldon Koenig
079 - MIDN Tallant presented scholarship by RADM Koenig
080 - MIDN 3/C Aaron Tallant awarded $2,000 Farragut Scholarship by RADM Weldon Koenig
081 - Portait of MIDN 3/C Aaron Tallant
082 - MIDN Guerra presented scholarship by Max Miller
083 - MIDN Guerra & Max Miller
084 - MIDN 3/C Eric Guerra presented $1,000 Malcolm Macdonald Scholarship by Max Miller
085 - MIDN 3/C Eric Guerra awarded scholarship by Max Miller
086 - MIDN Guerra & Max Miller
087 - Portrait of MIDN 3/C Eric Guerra
088 - Bob Brown with a few words of introduction about the Gray-Haynes-Class of '52
089 - Bob Brown explains scholarship about to be awarded
090 - Bob Brown presents scholarship to SSGT Jason Stowers
091 - SSGT Stowers & Bob Brown show off the scholarship
092 - SSGT Stowers and Bob Brown
093 - SSGT Jason B. Stowers awarded scholarship by Bob Brown
094 - SSGT Jason B. Stowers awarded $1,000 Gray-Haynes-Class of '52 Scholarship by Bob
095 - SSGT Jason B. Stowers awarded $1,000 Gray-Haynes-Class of '52 Scholarship by Bob
096 - Portrait of SSGT Jason B. Stowers
097 - MIDN Patterson presented scholarship by Bob Gartner
098 - MIDN Patterson presented scholarship by Bob Gartner
099 - MIDN Patterson presented scholarship by Bob Gartner
100 - MIDN 1/C Lee Patterson awarded scholarship by Bob Gartner
101 - MIDN 1/C Lee Patterson awarded $1,000 Moore Scholarship by Bob Gartner
102 - Portrait of MIDN 1/C Lee A. Patterson
103 - MIDN Zuber presented scholarship by Bob Collins
104 - MIDN Zuber & Bob Collins
105 - MIDN Zuber & Bob Collins
106 - MIDN 3/C Erick Zuber awarded $1,000 Burns-Class of '68 Scholarship by Bob Collins
107 - Bob Collins presents scholarship to MIDN Erick Zuber
108 - Portrait of MIDN 3/C Erick Zuber
109 - MIDN Tucker presented scholarship by Bob Brown
110 - MIDN 2/C Jason Tucker awarded scholarship by Bob Brown
111 - MIDN Tucker & Bob Brown
112 - MIDN 2/C Jason Tucker awarded $1,000 AF Scholarship by Bob Brown
113 - MIDN Tucker displays his scholarship
114 - Portrait of MIDN 2/C Jason Tucker
115 - Bob Brown awaits another awardee
116 - MIDN Darst presented scholarship by Bob Brown
117 - MIDN 2/C Alexander Darst awarded scholarship by Bob Brown
118 - MIDN 2/C Alexander Darst awarded $1,000 AF Scholarship by Bob Brown
119 - MIDN Darst & Bob Brown
120 - Portrait of MIDN 2/C Alexander Darst
121 - Ed Mergele ‘75, Master of Ceremonies, observing the scholarship awards
122 - Ed Mergele congratulates MIDN Darst
123 - MIDN 1/C Christopher Olander awarded scholarship by Bob Brown
124 - MIDN Olander & Bob Brown
125 - MIDN 1/C Christopher Olander awarded $1,000 Buccaneer Scholarship by Bob Brown
126 - MIDN Olander displays his scholarship
127 - Portrait of MIDN 1/C Christopher M. Olander, Battalion Commander
128 - RADM Koenig taps Bob Brown to award the Marine Corps Sword
129 - SSGT Hooge awarded Marine Corps Sword by Bob Brown
130 - SSGT Hooge receives the sword
131 - Bob Brown awards Marine Corps Officer's Sword to SSGT Jon Hooge
132 - SSGT Hooge and the Marine Corps Sword Award
133 - SSGT Jon Hooge awarded the Marine Corps Officer's Sword
134 - Bob Brown presents LTGEN D'Wayne Gray Marine Corps Sword to SSGT Jon Hooge
135 - Portrait of SSGT Jon Hooge
136 - Max Miller gets to award the Naval Officer's Sword
137 - Max Miller presenting the Navy Sword
138 - MIDN Page awarded Navy Sword by Max Miller
139 - MIDN Page & Max Miller
140 - MIDN 1/C Elizabeth M. Page presented with RADM John H. Alvis Naval Air Officer's
141 - MIDN 1/C Elizabeth M. Page awarded the Naval Officer's Sword
142 - Portrait of MIDN 1/C Elizabeth M. Page
143 - Ed Mergele starts to wind up the meeting
144 - Ray Adams, Regional Director for the DFW Area, makes a quick announcement about a
Navy-related activity in the DFW Area
145 - Colors ready for retiring
146 – Ed Mergele has final remarks before concluding the meeting adjournment
2009-09-26 Alumni Reunion BBQ
01 – Who wants BBQ - I guess Ray Adams '80 and CAPT Spence do
02 - Serving Line - There's Jack Ritter '55 and Fred Moon '70
03 - Bob Collins '68 explains something to Fred Moon '70, Bob Thomas '69 behind BC
04 - Scholarship Awardees (Stowers & Muffly) in the chow line
05 - John Hitchcock '65 on the chow line, followed by Bob Looney '62, Mike Looney '70 and
Jim Brotherton '68 back there, MIDN Muffly (R)
06 - John Hitchcock '65, Bob Looney '62
07 - Jim Brotherton '68 and Dennis Olson '69 with Bob Hancock '67 in back
08 - Jim Brotherton '68, Mrs. Butler, RADM John Butler '74 and Glenn Looney '61
09 - RADM John Butler and wife enjoying the BBQ from Pok-e-Joe's
10 - Drink Table - Something for everybody
11 - Keys Curry '58 at the refill table
12 - Ed Mergele '75 getting a refill
13 - Glenn Looney '61 and wife Nancy
14 - Dennis Olson '69 is explaining something, Classmate John Howard (L) and Mike Looney
'70 (R)
15 - Spence Smith '73 and Jim Broaddus '70, Luis de la Garza '66 in back
16 - Mike Waldron '67 and Bob Gartner '65
17 - John Engstrom '66
18 - Luis de la Garza '66 and Keys Curry '58
19 - Back of Weldon Koenig's head, is that RADM Brady Cole '58 in the flowered shirt
20 - RADMs Weldon Koenig '58 and John Butler '74
21 - Two Flag Officers chowing down
22 - John Hitchcock '65 and Bob Brown '52
23 - Bob Brown's Son-in-law and Jim Brotherton '68
24 - MIDN Mayo enjoying the food and cameraderie, Beth Page's Mom next to him
25 - MIDN Beth Page in the center, with her Father, E.T. Page
26 - SSGT Stowers & MIDN Bettencourt on the right
27 - MIDN Patterson on the right
28 - I think these are parents of a Midshipman
29 - MIDNs Zuber & Tallant enjoying the BBQ
30 - MIDN Pooser
31 - Peggy Kelley and Don McLelland '59
32 - I still think this is RADM Brady Cole '58 and his wife
33 - Max Miller '57 and wife Sylvia
34 - Spence Smith '73 explaining something to Jim Broaddus '70 while Michael Collins '69
35 - Wanda Wells (David's wife) and John Conly '69 (Classmate of David's)
36 - General View of the turnout
37 - A nice shady spot for lunch
38 - Luis de la Garza '66, new AF Board Member, and Mike Waldron '67
39 - Doug Fisher '70 (L), 39 Glenn Looney '61 (in the background)
40 - Mike Waldron '67, VP and BBQ Organizer, is checking things out
41 - Rod Koenig '62 looking at something Keys Curry '58 has, Bob Collins '68 in the background
42 - Bob Gartner '65 and Ray Adams '80 on the left
43 - Jim Broaddus '70 and Spence Smith '73 with MIDN Chris Cardinal (Future Alumnus)
44 - David Wells '69 and wife Wanda (R), Classmate of David's on left
45 - Midshipmen chowing down
46 - Bob Gartner '65 front left explaining something
47 - In the background - Bob Brown '52, Gabe Salazar '79, Keys Curry '58, John Engstrom '66,
Ray Adams '80 and Bob Collins '68. Foreground is John Ballard '70
48 - Rod Koenig '62 and Jim Brotherton '68
49 - Bob Collins '68, Ray Adams '80 and Gabe Salazar '79
50 - Spencer Smith '73 in the foreground
51 - Glenn Looney '61 (dark shirt) and brother Bob '62
52 – Bob Looney '62 and brother Michael '70