Suggested activities per skill for tutor to work on with student and

ESL Center Tutor Activities and Sign-off Form
Visit a tutor in the ESL Center at least _____ time(s) this semester. You may select one of these
activities to do with the tutor. When you finish, ask the tutor to write his/her name, the date,
and a summary of the activity.
1. Grammar:
a. exercise from your grammar book
b. explanation about a grammar question
c. examples of grammar point
Tutor’s comments and signature ___________________________________________________
2. Writing:
a. exercise from your writing book
b. sentence or paragraph writing with tutor’s help
c. journal writing
Tutor’s comments and signature ___________________________________________________
3. Listening and speaking:
a. discussion questions with tutor
b. dictation of sentences by tutor
c. listen to a cd or song with tutor
Tutor’s comments and signature ___________________________________________________
4. Reading:
read a chapter or story from your book to the tutor out loud
tutor reads a chapter or story from your book out loud
read a chapter and discuss new vocabulary
read a story out loud and write the main idea
Tutor’s comments and signature ___________________________________________________
revised 2/19/2010