California State University Dominguez Hills
Academic Senate
Resolution Honoring the Life of Dr. William A. Little
Executive Resolution 08-06
Dr. William A. Little was an accomplished poet, challenging intellectual, dedicated leader, and astute organizer; and
Dr. William A. Little played a pivotal role in building Africana Studies into a distinct and viable discipline; and
Dr. William A. Little made enduring contributions to CSU, Dominguez Hills as the Chair of the Department of Africana
Studies, Coordinator of the Division of World Cultural Studies, and the Coordinator of Social and Behavioral Sciences
committee; and
Dr. William A. Little was a friend, confidant, advisor, coach, and father figure to many young scholars and students; and
Dr. William A. Little’s leadership and involvement in campus governance left an indelible mark through his many
committee memberships and creation of programs honoring the contributions of peoples of African descent such as the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity Breakfast; and
Dr. William A. Little provided resources for student participation in conferences and symposia and travel to the African
continent for study and research, a commitment that will continue with the recently established Dr. William A. Little
Memorial Scholarship Fund; and
Dr. William A. Little’s many accomplishments, his zest for intellectual inquiry, and his contribution to our campus and to
the discipline of Africana Studies serve as an example to the many students, staff, administrators and educators whose lives
he touched; and
On March 1, 2008, Dr. William A. Little passed from this mortal world to join the Ancestors; therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the California State University, Dominguez Hills Academic Senate mourn the passing of Dr. William A. Little, honor
his many accomplishments and contributions to our campus and express its deepest condolences to his family.