MALIC - York St John University

MALIC students – electronic journals and databases
Please see My subject>Business School>Business and Management webpage. There is a list of
journals and help on interpreting a journal record on the library catalogue available there at:
Library catalogue
Most of our electronic journals should be available via the library catalogue. It is also possible to
search for journal articles and link to the full text via the Catalogue Plus link. The results can be
rather variable however, so you may prefer to search Emerald.
Example search from Catalogue Plus: “change management” as phrase.
E-journal finder
This will soon be available again (updating end September) to allow searching for electronic journal
titles. You can use this to check if York St John has access to a particular journal title electronically
regardless of the journal package.
Fulltext databases
Emerald: links to full text of management-related journal articles. NB: Choose from the list on the
databases page. Use the advanced search and click on the Journals tab which should return all full
text journal articles. You can also select ‘My subscribed content’ after entering your search words
to ensure that only full text articles are found.
Search example (advanced search): organizational change (as phrase and in keyword index)
AND leader* (truncation and in keyword index) to get leader, leaders, leadership
Emerald Search tips
For detailed online searching guide, go to:
Online demonstration is available at:
Tips about the options for expressing your search terms:
Term on Emerald
Type in the stem of words which have several
Ensures that you
different endings such as leader (possible endings: don't miss relevant
s, ship) and then add * ie: leader*
Alternative words using When using the advanced search containing
several search rows, use OR to separate two
alternative words IN UPPERCASE. If left in
lowercase then it won’t work.
Results in
Broadens the
search to ensure
you don’t miss
relevant records.
Retrieves words (eg: change management) only
More accurate
when they are found adjacent to each other. Use
the phrase search radio button.
If using two alternative terms, one of which is a
phrase (eg: health services OR hospitals) you can
can use quotation marks around “health services”
since the phrase search won’t apply to hospitals.
Tips about the search indexes available via Emerald:
Term on
Results in
All fields
Word anywhere even in the text of the Large numbers of hits which might not
be relevant. This is the default option
for searching.
All except full
Words found in titles, abstracts and Most databases call this type of
keywords of each record but not
search 'keyword'. Recommend
whole text of article
altering initial search option to this.
Subject headings
Specific search which might exclude
useful records.
Examine full records, then take note of
Confusing because most databases
use the term 'keyword' to mean words the keywords to use for more accurate
found anywhere in the record.
NB: United Kingdom is the keyword
used for Britain
Results of searches:
Display order of
results under
'sort by'
Defaults to 'relevance' which is subjective. Suggest that you click on 'Newest
first', which is most recently published first, but this can only be done after the
search is performed.
Linking to full
Easy. Simply click on View PDF for article displayed as it appears on a printed
page or View HTML for continuous text. A neat feature of the PDF version is
that references are displayed alongside the article in the right hand column for
easy viewing.
Academic OneFile: General subject coverage including business and management. Articles
retrieved are therefore not necessarily business management related so choose your search words
with care-perhaps by using the Subject guide search to find preferred terms. Remember that this
database is American so may be slanted towards American business, magazines or topics.
Use either Browse subjects search or advanced search.
Subject guide search: type in a term and see a list of subject headings for your term- then use
these in a search.
Advanced search: Combine several terms and search in different indexes.
Search example: The role of leaders/leadership in managing change
Initial search: innovat* (truncation to retrieve alternative endings tion/tions/tor/tors)
AND “change management” as phrase
Limit to peer reviewed articles when results are displayed.
NB: American spellings are used in the subject headings.
eg: You can search on behavio*r to retrieve records with either the American or English spelling.
Abstracting/indexing databases
PsycINFO: business psychology eg: motivation, innovation, entrepreneurship, leadership styles,
leadership charisma etc.
Search example: leadership style AND well being OR job satisfaction AND employee
Business and market data
Mintel: Market data for the UK in four streams: E-commerce, Technology, Travel and Leisure.
However, the initial login procedure requires registration of a yorksj email address.
Marketline: world-wide company reports database, searchable by industry, company or country.
60+ country profiles, key statistical data provided on over 200 countries, 10,000 company profiles,
2500 industry profiles.
Technical tips
Some problems with downloading full text may arise because of settings in your internet browser or
in the Adobe acrobat software which is used for reading journal articles and electronic books.
Adobe Acrobat – If you access an ebook and you can only display one page at a time or the main
part of the screen remains blank, check the edit > preferences > Internet menu in Adobe Acrobat.
You must ensure that the Display PDF in browser box is ticked.
Internet browser – Tools > Internet options. This allows you to check security settings. Generally
you want pop-up blocker to be turned on, but allow access to trusted sites such as York St John.
Library catalogue
Don’t worry if it says: You are not connected to the YSJ network because you won’t be when
accessing from abroad – the message just means that you are not using the computers at York St
John University!