Please find your individual transcript of results, relating to your programme
of study. Please refer to the overall decision for this academic year at the
foot of the transcript to determine which of the following categories you
fall into. Explanations of the various categories are given below:
AO Programme Award Obtained. Congratulations on your achievement, you
will shortly receive final instructions regarding the Academic Awards
Ceremony from the Student Office.
PP Pass and Progress. Congratulations- you have successfully completed the
modules for this session/academic year.
PT Progress but trailing modules/have to make up deficient credits. You
are permitted to proceed to the next year of your programme but have
some conditions to meet e.g. referrals/deferrals. You should refer to the
dates for exams/referred coursework.
CO Continue on current course block- for part-time students only- you
need to register for the next academic year and you are continuing on the
same level.
NB Decision postponed until next board- this means you cannot progress at
this point. You are required to complete referrals/deferrals before
proceeding (some repeat modules may also be specified). This means that
although you should be allowed to continue with your programme,
confirmation of progression to the next level will depend on whether the
September Assessment Board deems that you have enough credits to
'progress' after referral/deferral. Please note the dates for
referred/deferred exams/time constrained tests and submission date for
referred coursework.
SS Same stage of the programme. You must remain at the same stage of
the programme and complete any referrals/deferrals and/or repeat modules
before qualifying for an award or progressing to the next level. Repeat
modules will incur a fee.
WA Required to withdraw with an Interim Award. Unfortunately the
decision at the Programme Board is that you are required to withdraw from
the programme with an interim award. If you require academic advice
regarding this decision please contact your Level or Programme Leader.
WR Required to withdraw. Unfortunately the decision at the Programme
Assessment Board is that you are required to withdraw from your current
programme because of your academic performance. Although you cannot
return on the same programme, there may be other options open to you,
either at this University or at another institution. You should contact either
your Personal Tutor or Programme Leader for counselling as soon as
possible. If you are required to withdraw, you cannot undertake any
referrals or repeat modules.
LA Leave of Absence- you have been granted a leave of absence and are
eligible to resume your studies as agreed with your Programme Leader.
MT Must transfer- you are required to transfer to another programme- you
should consult your Programme Leader to see if there are any other options
open to you.
DC Delayed pending counselling- a final decision cannot be taken until your
Programme Leader has consulted you.
Final Year students who have 120 credits at levels 1 and 2 and 60 credits at
level 3 can elect to receive a pass degree and should contact their
Programme Leader if they wish to take this option. If you wish to continue
on your programme and study for an honours degree you may do so but must
submit any referred/deferred coursework and/or sit any referred/deferred
exams outstanding.
If you have not passed all modules (but you are not required to withdraw)
you need to look closely at each module result to see what is required of
you. (See Key to module decision codes.) If you are attempting a module for
the second time and have been referred in either the exam or coursework
elements, you need to be aware that this is your last chance to obtain a
pass in that module.
Key to Module Decision Codes (shown against each module on your
Each module shows the individual coursework and exam/TCT elements,
their weightings and the marks you have obtained in each element. The
overall module mark and grade are also given. If you have passed all the
individual module elements the only mark that matters is the overall
module mark. If you have been referred or deferred in a particular
element/component, this will also be shown so you will know that you have
been referred in an exam and/or coursework for that module.
P - Pass
PC - Pass (module has been condoned)
PM - Pass - Mitigation Accepted
PX - Pass - Mitigation Rejected
PA - Pass in the Module via APA/APL
R - Referred in Assessment(s)
RC - Assessment compensated, referral not required
RM - Referred - Mitigation Accepted
RX - Referred - Mitigation Rejected
D - Deferred in Assessment(s)
F - Fail - Can or Must Repeat
FF - Fail - Cannot Repeat
H - Postponed Decision
I - Infringement alleged
N - Non-submission
NM - Non-submission - mitigation accepted
NX - Non-submission - mitigation rejected
W - Withdrew