Mutations Web Search

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Mutations Web Search
Go to, guest name: MsPeare. Scroll to the bottom to the DNA and Cell
Cycle category. Click on Mutations 
Record your questions and answers in
your journal or binder.
Please follow directions.
Click on “mutation.”
Define mutation in words YOU understand!
Click on “What is a gene mutation and how do mutations occur?”
What are two ways people can get mutations?
What is polymorphism?
Give an example of polymorphism.
Now scroll to the bottom of this page and click What is mutation? (Note: you will go to
Are all mutations negative? Cite examples for your point of view.
Go to, guest name: MsPeare. Scroll to the bottom to the DNA and Cell
Cycle category. Click on Genes
How many genes does the Human Genome Project estimate that humans have?
Now scroll to the bottom of this page and click What is a chromosome?
What is the difference between a gene and a chromosome?
Click How many chromosomes do people have?
How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?
What is the difference between men and women in terms of chromosomes?
Go to, guest name: MsPeare. Scroll to the bottom to the DNA and Cell
Cycle category. Click on How many genes?
After the Human Genome Project was complete, how many genes did they discover?
Go to, guest name: MsPeare. Scroll to the bottom to the DNA and Cell
Cycle category. Click on Genetic diseases then click on “If a genetic disorder runs in my family,
what are the chances my children will have the condition?”
Explain the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Hint: a Punnett Square may help
(see the illustrations):
Autosomal dominant inheritance
Autosomal recessive inheritance
X-linked dominant inheritance
X-linked recessive inheritance
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Go back to the question page. Pick a genetic disease or disorder (there are lots at the bottom of
the page, click on next 20 at the bottom if you don’t find one that interests you on the first page).
Read about the disorder.
How does the disorder affect humans?
What genes are related to the disorder?
How do people inherit the disorder?
Go to, guest name: MsPeare. Scroll to the bottom to the DNA and Cell
Cycle category. In the left box, touch Handbook and Glossary. On the page that comes up,
touch cancer definition.
Define cancer in YOUR OWN WORDS
Go back to the question page. Pick a cancer and read about it.
What is the cancer?
What genes are related to the cancer?
What lifestyle choices do people make to increase their odds of getting that cancer?
How do people inherit the cancer?