Research Streams in Continuous Audit

Research Streams in Continuous Audit: A Review and Analysis of the Existing Literature
Carol E. Brown, Jeffrey A. Wong and Amelia A. Baldwin
Boritz, J. Efrim and Wensley, Anthony K. P., 1992,
Evaluating Expert Systems with Complex Outputs: The
Abdolmohammadi, M. J. and Sharbatouglie, A., 2005,
Case of Audit Planning, Auditing, Fall, 11 No. 2, p14-29.
Continuous Auditing: An Operational Model for Internal
Borthick, A. F.; Jones, D. R. and Kim, R., 2001,
Auditors, The Institute of Internal Auditors Research
Developing Database Query Proficiency: Assuring
Foundation, Altamonte Springs, Florida, 1-159,
Compliance for Responses to Web Site Referrals,
Journal of Information Systems, 15: No. 1, 35-56.
Braun, Robert L, and Davis, Harold E., 2003,
Alles, M., Kogan, A., and Vasarhelyi, M. A., 2005a,
Computer-assisted audit tools and techniques:
Implementing Continuous Auditing of Business Process
analysis and perspectives, Managerial Auditing
Controls, In C. Brown and A. Lymer, Collected Papers
Journal, 18: No. 9, 725-731.
of the Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial
Brown, C. E. Coakley, J. R., 1999, Financial Neural
Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting,
Network Applications: Brief Literature Review and
Auditing and Tax, Fifteenth:, Artificial Intelligence and
Extensive Bibliography, Collected Papers of the Annual
Emerging Technology Section of the American
Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and
Accounting Association, San Francisco, CA.
Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax,
Alles, M., Kogan, A., and Vasarhelyi, M. A., 2005,
Eighth, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging
Implications of Section 201 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act:
Technologies Section of the American Accounting
The Role of the Audit Committee in Managing the
Association: San Diego, CA, 124-132.
Informational Costs of the Restriction on Auditors
Brown, C. E. Coakley, J. R., 2000, Financial Neural
Engaging in Consulting, International Journal of
Network Applications: 1998-1999 Update, Collected
Disclosure and Governance, 2: No. 1, 9-26.
Papers of the Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial
Alles, M., Kogan, A., and Vasarhelyi, M. A., 2004,
Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting,
Restoring Auditor Credibility: Tertiary Monitoring
Auditing and Tax, Ninth, Artificial Intelligence and
and Logging of Continuous Assurance Systems,
Emerging Technologies Section of the American
International Journal of Accounting Information
Accounting Association: Philadelphia, PA, 65-72.
Systems, 5: No. 2, 183-202.
Calderon, T. G. and Cheh, J. J., 2002, A roadmap for
Alles, M., Kogan, A., and Vasarhelyi, M.A., 2002,
future neural networks research in auditing and risk
Feasibility and Economics of Continuous Assurance,
assessment, International Journal of Accounting
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 21: No.
Information Systems, 3: No. 4, 203-236.
1, 125 – 138.
CICA/AICPA, 1999, Continuous Auditing, Research
Alles, M., Kogan, A., and Vasarhelyi, M.A., 2004, Real
Report, The Canadian Institute of Chartered
Time Reporting and Assurance: Have Their Time
Accountants, Toronto, Canada.
Come?, ICFAI Reader, Institute of Chartered Financial
Coakley, J. R. and Brown, C. E., 1993, Artificial neural
Analysts of India, Special issue: Finance in 2004.
networks applied to ratio analysis in the analytical
Bailey Jr., Andrew D.; Duke, Gordon Leon; Gerlach,
review process, International Journal of Intelligent
James; Chen-en Ko; Meservy, Rayman D. and
Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, 2:
Whinston, Andrew B. 1985, TICOM and the
No. 1, 19-39.
Analysis of internal Controls, Accounting Review;
Daigle, Ronald J. and Lampe, James C., 2005, The
April, 60 No. 2, p186-291.
level of assurance precision and associated cost
Baker, N., 2005, Fraud and Artificial Intelligence, In
demanded when providing continuous online
McCollum, T., Internal Auditor, 61: No. 1, 29-31.
assurance in an environment open to assurance
Boccasam, P. V. and Kapoor, N., 2003, Managing
competition, International Journal of Accounting
Separation of Duties Using Continuous Monitoring, 6,
Information Systems, June, 6 No, 2, 129-156.
The Institute of Internal Auditors, , Available online:
DeWayne, L. S. and Woodroof, J. B., 2003, Continuous
Auditing: Leveraging Technology, CPA Journal
(The), Available online:
Boritz, J. Efrim and Wensley, Anthony K. P., 1990,
Structuring the Assessment of Audit Evidence--An
Dutta, S. K. and Srivastava, R. P., 1993, Aggregation of
Expert Systems Approach, Auditing; Supplement, 9,
Evidence in Auditing: A Likelihood Perspective,
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 12: No.
2, 137-170.
Elliott, R. K., 2002, Twenty-First Century Assurance,
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 21: No.
1, 139-146.
Ethridge, H. L.; Sriram, R. S. and Hsu, H. Y. K., 2000,
A Comparison of Selected Artificial Neural
Networks that Help Auditors Evaluate Client
Financial Viability, Decision Sciences, 31: No. 2,
Fonseca, B., 2005, Software guards DB SQL data,
eWeek, 22: No. 21, 27.
Gillett, P., 1993, Automated Dynamic Audit
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Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 12: No.
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Theory, 19: No. 1, 145-155.
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Greenstein, M. M.; Ray, A. W., 2002, Holistic,
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Groomer, S. M. and Murthy, U. S., 1989, Continuous
Auditing of Database Applications: An Embedded
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Halper, F. B., Snively, J. and Vasarhelyi, M. A., 1992,
The Continuous Process Audit System: Knowledge
Engineering and Representation, EDPACS, 20: No.
4, 15-22.
Harrison, R., 2005, Embracing Compliance with
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Huffman, Arnold and Crump, James, 2005, Applying
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Executive, October, 21, No, 8, 54-56
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Nelson, K. M. and Kogan, A., 2000, Virtual Auditing
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