Workshop 2: Lean Auditing

Lean Auditing
CIPFA NW Audit Group
1st – 3rd March 2013
Lean Auditing – what is it ?
• A self-audit
• Visibly improving the efficiency and
effectiveness of the audit service.
• How to perform audit projects better,
smarter, faster
Lean Auditing – why ?
• Reduced resources, spread more thinly
• Same coverage
• Increased risks ?
Lean Auditing – how ?
• Your thoughts please
What ideas do you have that could make
your audit service more efficient or
effective ?
Lean Auditing – how ?
Engage with CX and statutory officers
Senior management engagement – minimise PAR time, understand their
priorities + concerns
Analytics to support risk assessments
Data analysis tools (IDEA, ACL etc)
Analysis of audit time: planning, fieldwork, report, follow up, supervisory
time needed.
Reduce time allocations for audits – formally approve extensions
Auditors understand the costs of their projects
“Stop and go” auditing
Directors’ assurance statements
Procurement framework
IT environment
Outsource / buy in specialist skills
Develop Income streams
Lean Auditing – how ?(contd)
Develop deadlines culture for auditors and auditees
Ongoing reporting - feed them “nuggets”
More dialogue – with client and with supervisor, throughout each project
Trim / tailor reports according to what works with each client
No recommendations – ask managers to compile their own solutions, in
action plan format (it’s their problem)
Joined up assurances – highlight / rely on other sources of assurance
Confident auditing comes from confident leadership
Emphasise the Value added, especially through annual report
Lean Auditing – other benefits
Quicker turnaround
Reduced costs / more coverage for clients
Improved client engagement
Improved image, placement and visibility
of the service
• Improved morale and confidence
• Seen to be leading by example
Thank you
Any questions ?
01942 827550