Premeditated Parenting Commitments

Premeditated Parenting Commitments
Read the Bible for 15 minutes a day, every day.
Pray for 15 minutes a day, every day.
Memorize 1 verse / week.
Involvement in memorizing Memory Madness verses with kids.
Pray for everyone in your group and their kids once a week.
Faithfully attend Premeditated Parenting class once per month.
Complete monthly Premeditated Parenting assignments.
Each person (not couple) should send out accountability e-mails every Saturday
a. Tell which commitments you missed that week.
b. Include prayer requests if you have any.
c. No smoke blowing.
d. No excuses
9. Pray for others requests when you get their e-mails.
10. Hold other members accountable.
11. Be committed to graciously and sensitively give feedback and input on the kids of
others in the group.
These commitments will take your time and your energy. Serious time, thought and prayer
should go into making the decision to be a part. You may have to change some things about
the way you live.
Parenting is about the parent. If you’ve ever flown in an airplane you’ve heard them say that
in the event of an emergency you need to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, and then on
your child. This is no different. You need to be a spiritually healthy parent for healthy
parenting to take place in your home.
Most of these goals are basic disciplines of a Christian. Theoretically, these should not add
anything to your schedule, because you are already doing them. Practically, we all probably
need a little help and accountability with our schedules, don’t we? Still, they should not be
burdens, but basics.
If this group were forced on anyone it would easily be defined as legalistic. However, you are
expressing your freedom in Christ right now, as you decide whether or not you would like to
be a part. If you think these commitments will help you to better follow God, then please make
them. If not, that is fine. You have total freedom in Christ.
If you do agree to be a part of one of these groups, you give permission to have other people in
your group encourage or hold you accountable if you fail to keep your commitments. Emailing
each other will be crucial to let each other know how you are doing. If you don’t email it is
assumed that you aren’t doing well with your commitment and your partners will ask you
about this. This isn’t for everyone and we should never use it as a gauge to determine if
someone is better than someone else. In love we should rebuke when needed, and in love we
should congratulate when deserved.