Syllabus Checklist

1. Course Name: Food & Water Microbiology, School of Health Sciences, Department
of Nutritional Sciences
2. Degree: B.Sc. / Course number: 4031910/ 1st Semester, 3rd year, 2010
3. Annual Hours: 1.5
4. Credits: 3
5. Lecturer: Dr. Merav Nativ
6. Office Hours:
Wednesday 8:00-9:00
7. Method of Instruction: Frontal Lectures
8. Prerequisites: Cell Biology
9. Schedule: Wednesday 12:00-15:00
10. Course Syllabus:
Bacterial Growth in Different Culture Media
Optimal Growth Conditions of Bacteria (Temperature, pH, etc.)
Respiration of Bacteria
Chromosomal DNA of Bacteria, Extra-Chromosomal DNA (Plasmids): Their
Replication and Function in Bacterial Genetics
Bacterial Staining and Division into Gram Positive and Gram Negative
Characterization of Bacterial Spores
Discussions on:
Virulence Factors of Pathogenic Bacteria Such As: Capsule and
Specific Adhesins
Killing and Destruction of Mammalian Cells by Exoenzymes or
Deterioration of Body Systems Induced by Endotoxins
Penetration of Toxins into Cells
Mechanisms of Pathogenic Bacteria to Penetrate Mammalian Cells
Antimicrobial Drugs, Mechanisms That Mediates Bacterial Resistance to
These Drugs and the Principles of Antibiotics Treatment
Discussion on the Contribution of Parasites-Host Relationships for the
Establishment of Bacterial Diseases
Familiar Ourselves with Bacteria Such As Mesophile, Thermophile,
Psychrophile, Acidophiles, Neutrophiles, Alkaliphiles, Etc.
Discussed the Following Terms: Sterilization, Disinfection & Antiseptic and
the Important Difference between Them in The Food Industry.
Extensively Discuss Cellulose Decomposers in the Colon, Fungi And
Mycotoxins, Viruses and Various Parasites and the Different Opinions
Regarding Probiotics.
Depict the Process of Cleaning the Water in Israel's National Water Carrier,
the Water Tests for Microbial Quality, Sampling and Testing, Cleaning of
Water in Household Appliances, Water Springs and Streams.
Understand the Ways of Saving the Animal Origin Foods, Canned or
Processed Foods, Honey and Swollen Canned Food Tins.
Briefly Refer to Microorganisms in the Food Industry: Cheese, Sausages,
Pickles, Beer and Wine and Conclude with Several Groups of Bacteria That
Cause Common Food Poisoning.
11. Bibliography:
Madigan, Martinko and Parker, Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 8th Edition,
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, U.S.A., 2000.
Doyle, Beuchat and Montville, Food Microbiology, Washington DC, American
Society of Microbiology, 1997.
D.C Waryl, Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater Examinations (AOAC),
20th Edition, U. S Govermment Publication, 1998.
D.C Waryl, Stanard Methods for Dairy Products (APHA), U. S Govermment
Publication, 1996.
Salyera and Whitt. Bacterial Pathogenesis A Molecular Approach. Editors. A.S.M
Press. Washington D.C. second edition, 2002.
Robinson, Batt and Patel. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, 1999.
The World of Bacteria, The Open University of Israel
Markowitz J.E. and Bengmark S., Probiotics in health and disease in the
pediatric patient. Pediatr aclin North Am, 2002; 49: 127-141.
Walker W.A., Role of nutrients and bacterial colonization in the
development of intestinal host defense. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr,
2000; 30 (Suppl 2): S2-7 30.
12. Course Requirements:
Weekly Tutorial Reports
Final Exam
13. Date of the Examination:
At the end of the semester at a date determined by the Examinations Division.