080315 Regular Meeting Minutes


(Not final until approved/signed by the Board)

Turtle Lake Township Regular Meeting Minutes

August 3, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Howard Schultz. Also in attendance board members Janee Hill,

Al Lidstrom, Michelle Anderson, Treasurer Gail Dockendorf, Clerk, Kirby Bahr and Zoning

Administrator Kelly Booge. Russ Bennett was unable to join us tonight.

Approve Agenda

The Agenda was approved with the addition of “Zoning Administrator stipend”. A motion to approve agenda was made by Janee Hill and second made by Michelle Anderson. Motion carried 4/0.

Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of July 6, 2015

A motion to approve the minutes of July 6, 2015 regular meeting made by Al Lidstrom and second made by Michelle Anderson. Motion carried 4/0.

Approve July 2015 Treasurer's Report

Motion made by Michelle Anderson to approve the Treasurer's Report. Second was made by Al

Lidstrom. Motion carried 4/0.

Approve August 3, Claims & Payroll

A motion was made by Janee Hill to approve the August 3, 2015 Claims and Payroll reports as reported. Motion seconded by Al Lidstrom. Motion carried 4/0.

Public Attendees (signed in)

Wade Thoring, KristyRoberts, Lynn and Tony Johnson, Bill Barthelemy, Charlene Keeney and Staci


Discussion Items

There was a brief discussion with Wade Thoring concerning the installation of some culverts. Also some discussion on the Black Lake boat launch area and a need for better parking and more gravel.

A little discussion took place on the problematic blacktop of Idlewild.

Gravel will be delivered and compacted by end of October on Lake Beltrami Road. There was a suggestion that maybe calcium chloride should be applied but Howard pointed out the high cost of this substance. Both Lynn and Tony Johnson who live on and use this road also stated that this is a known problem for deteriorating automobiles. So this idea was tabled at this time. Howard indicated he would look into any alternative options for dust control.

Bill Barthelemy wanted to know why the township could not blacktop yet this year. Howard gave some history of problems that ensued with a few other township roads in the past that we are paying large amounts of money to continually repair. It was stated the board wanted to do this road right the first

time so it helps minimize future maintenance costs. He also indicated that we had a couple other major projects such as our Turgi Hill Road project....that has put us a bit behind. It was also explained that the board had voted to do gravel, testing and compact the road the first year and then possibly blacktop on the second year...which would be 2016 at the earliest. It was stated that the board would apply for state funding from the DNR for this project. However, there will be a review with residents prior to making the decision to blacktop or not. Mr. Barthelemy indicated that residents were for this project but a second resident, Tony Johnson, indicated that was not entirely true. Bill and Tony had different visions of this and the board will investigate this prior to making the decision to blacktop Lake Beltrami Road.

Mr. Barthelemy was concerned that the DNR grant had not yet been applied for. (It must be applied for prior to November). It was explained that time was not of the essence and it would still be April, 2016 before the grant could be approved. There were more discussions on testing and grant applications that ensued.

Kelly Booge, Zoning Administrator, asked the board if there were any questions on his monthly report.

No questions arose so Kelly moved on to other projects he is bird dogging.

He should find out shortly if the eastern portion of Old Long Lake Minimum Maintenance Road has been vacated.

There will be a pre-construction meeting for Lake Beltrami Road probably towards the end of

August with the project manager for the county. Kelly and another township representative will attend. Kelly may have to work his main job but we will have representation at that meeting.

That meeting should generate a time line for potential upgrading of this road. Kelly stated that in addition to the class 5 gravel a Base 1 solution will be applied to the top 3”. Also, mailbox issues will be addressed, if any issues exist.

Turgi Hill Road is still a work in progress and waiver forms have been sent to two landowners in Alaska (via certified return receipt postal), and also the county is meeting tomorrow which should give us the green light to go on the state land. Local residents will be presented with the waiver form after the Alaska property owners have responded. The power company has given a quote of $6500 to modify the phase III power lines and poles that go thru that area. Kelly said the work needed to be completed by October 26 th

or it would not get done this year.

Some discussion ensued on the Campbell Lake Park. Bruce Skipton will be forwarding a surveying proposal to Kelly and Michelle asked if two proposals will be obtained. Howie made a motion that two proposals be obtained and Al Lidstrom seconded that motion. Motion carried

4/0. Michelle Anderson also has investigated costs of playground equipment and it was very expensive in the $10-$20k range. It was determined that for now we get the survey, put in some parking and trails, and maybe a picnic table or two and a rest room.

Kelly has been working with the county on a potential transfer of the land the vintage dump site sits on. This is still a work in progress and Kelly will keep the board informed.

Howard discussed the history of our township zoning and the hiring and selection of a Zoning

Administrator to oversee the ordinance and help the township residents with permits and etc. When

Kelly was hired at $25 per hour the magnitude of the work was not known. Also, the board had said they would review salary and work load in a year...which has now passed. Howie made a motion to increase the salary of our Zoning Administrator to $45 per hour. A second was made by Al Lidstrom.

At this point Gail Dockendorf asked if it might make more sense to do a salary structure vs. hourly.

Some discussion concerning this took place and at this time Howard made a motion to withdraw his previous motion until more discussion on hourly vs. salary took place. Michelle Anderson requested some reporting from Kelly so his hours could be analyzed and a decision could be made at the

September meeting. Al Lidstrom seconded the withdraw motion and the motion passed 4/0.

Howard advised the board that the Sentence-to-Serve group will do some brushing on the Old Long

Lake MM road close to a residents fence line which needs attention. At this time Staci Cann addressed the board with her concerns. She stated that the ATV traffic on that road is trespassing on their property, creating dangerous roadways, depositing beer cans etc. and the road has become a party area.

She suggested that this is a road not a trail. Staci said that if the signs were removed from that road, and the gate left up, it would resolve the issues they needed resolved. There was more discussion on this subject and it was stated the intention of the township is to discuss this with our township attorney to understand the ramifications, if any, of doing this. Staci and residents concerned about this were asked to attend the September 14 th

board meeting for further discussion. Howard also asked the residents concerned to write a letter to the board stating these concerns and potential fixes. Michelle Anderson encouraged Staci to bring everyone to the next meeting so a path could be created to a solution.

Howard and Al gave a few road updates. Gravel has been delivered to most roads by Anderson. A couple more culverts are needed in key areas. We put some gravel on Vista Forest Road even though it is a state road. This road is not maintained well and often is a safety hazard so the township helps keep it safe with occasional repairs. Howie explained how upgrades to roads by his home are taken care of by Al and upgrades to roads by Al’s home are made by Howie. This helps avoid any conflict of interest. Al stated the last rains did a lot of damage and more gravel was spread due to this act of nature.

Michelle, explaining she was new to the board and trying to learn more asked the board if there was a long term road policy. Howard stated there was no written long term road policy. Michelle also wanted to know if there was a current spreadsheet on the roads tracking costs per road. Howard spoke on the vendors we used and the understandings we had with these vendors but again there was no official spreadsheet other than the road tour gravel spreadsheet done yearly as of last year.

It was stated that the ditch mowing was done very well again this year by Mr. Raymond Ball. Michelle asked if this project was complete and Howard said it was.

Janee and Michelle discussed items impacting the cemetery. Michelle asked Howard if Butch could cut down some hills that were creating a mowing problem. She also suggested a meeting at the cemetery with Butch and Jack Dockendorf who does the mowing for the township. This will be done in the near future to set expectations. Bruce Skipton returned a Garrett metal detector used to find markers that are in the cemetery. Janee said she had another section to investigate and clarify and the metal detector will be of help. Michelle Anderson is in possession of the detector at this time. Flowers are doing well.

Howard wanted to increase the rates for perpetual care and cremations etc. Janee explained we just added a burial fee. Some discussion took place on the number of cremains and regular burials allowed in one plot. Three cremains or one regular burial and two cremains are allowed. Janee also suggested

Butch the Handyman remove the gate since it is always open.

Howard suggested we discuss the revised Animal Control Ordinance at the September meeting.

The annual picnic responsibilities were discussed. The picnic is Sunday, August 9 th

from 1-4PM.

A motion was made by Michelle Anderson to certify to the county assessor for $205 for the services paid for by the township for an Animal Care Clinic invoice incurred by a residents pet. The motion was seconded by Janee Hill and motion carried 4/0. Three letters of request for payment were unanswered by the resident.

Since the first Monday of September is labor day, the September meeting will be held on September

14 th


There was one handout this month from the Minnesota Association of Townships concerning an upcoming meeting. There was no other correspondence this month to the clerk’s office.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:18 pm by Janee Hill with a second made by Michelle

Anderson. Motion carried 4/0. Meeting was adjourned.

Approval of these Minutes from the August 3, 2015 Regular Township Meeting:

Approved _____________________________________________________ Date _____________

V. Kirby Bahr Home 218.444.6510 vkb1@paulbunyan.net
